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  1. Like
    platy got a reaction from Jennifer Hage in Hello everyone, i want to introduce myself...   
    I hope you'll enjoy your time in the forum, there's plenty of opportunities to engage with the members and make friends. 
    Many people here have a similar taste to yours, so you'll fit in just right
  2. Like
    platy reacted to Jennifer Hage in Hello everyone, i want to introduce myself...   
    Hello ^^
    I have come across this forum a couple of times while i was searching for Visual Kei information online, i decided to sign up today after lurking on this site for a couple of weeks ^^
    To tell something about myself, i have been a fan for a long time now (least 8 years) and have not really communicated with anyone about it. this due mainly to anxiety i have hand being afraid i often will get judged for it ^^' i hope i can make some contacts on here and hope to learn new music even!
    Musical bands that i am interested in is mainly older 90's bands, such as BAISER, MIRAGE, MALICE MIZER, ROUAGE and a couple of musical releases by La'Mule, i recently found out about D=SIRE and love them a ton!
    There are also a bunch of other genre's that peek my interest such as some kotekei bands or late 90's/early 2000's indie projects ^^.
    Thank you very much for everyone who takes their time to read my little story ^^
  3. wtf?!
    platy reacted to TheZigzagoon in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    No I know Uruhas thighs are talked about, but I literally saw a person in a Gazette group say "Am I the only one with a fetish for Aois arms and elbows" and I'm just like...wat?
  4. Like
    platy got a reaction from TheZigzagoon in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    Unless we're talking about uruha's thighs, they have some sort of fanclub. Although he doesn't show them off as much nowadays. 
  5. Like
    platy reacted to TheZigzagoon in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    "Am I the only one that has a fetish for *insert any Gazette member's body parts*
    Example: Am I the only one that has a fetish for Ruki's kneecaps?
    Yes, yes you most certainly are.
  6. Like
    platy reacted to CAT5 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Here's a recent pic in which I played around with one of those cheesy, sketch filters.

  7. Like
    platy reacted to Anne Claire in Show Yourself (again)   
    I've finally cut my hair, goddamit x'D


    and after:  
  8. LOLOL
    platy reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
  9. Like
    platy reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    This may be the random thoughts thread but this is not the place to vent about your suicidal idealizations. We have had to hide far too many of these posts recently. If you are thinking about killing yourself, get off MH and look up the national suicide hotline for your country and talk to someone who can help.
  10. Like
    platy reacted to Pretsy in random thoughts thread   
    THEY K N E W what they were talking about - kids, however...
    [echoed gasps]
  11. Like
    platy reacted to gwsm in A long overdue Introduction   
    Hello everyone!
    I've been a member since 2011, but I've only signed in sporadically thought the years to read news and check out the market. I don't think I've every properly introduced myself, so I just thought I'd step out from the shadows and say "hi". I'm not going to drag this introduction out, just hit me up if you wonder anything, or for any reason. See you around!

    Btw. I'm Swedish, so if my english is full of childish grammatical errors and spelling mistakes that's probably why! Not making excuses, just sayin'.
  12. Like
    platy reacted to Suuu in Lori Camera   
    CLACK inc - Tsubaki





  13. Like
    platy reacted to Suuu in Lori Camera   
    Kitten riding on his owners shoulders 
  14. Like
    platy reacted to Zeus in Nintendo Switch   
    I have Splatoon 2 and by that I mean I put fifteen minutes into it and went back to Breath of the Wild. I  may go back to it at a later date because it is a really fun game but only so many games can hold my attention at once and Overwatch is still queen of FPS for my fingers.
    I am happy I bought my Switch but I'm not going to lie, there are some things that piss me off royally with it.
    Virtual Console is Sad
    I can't believe this is still a thing. I know Nintendo is bad with all things online, but this is just inexcusable. Imagine if Microsoft released the Xbox One on the same Xbox Live network as the 360 but locked the new consoles out of the old store. They're literally pissing money away here and this would be the first thing that should have worked on the console.
    Online is a Mess

    Splatoon 2 online is dreadful. Why do I have to download a whole separate app to talk to my friends on the console?
    Limited amount of games to play
    The situation improves by the day but to be honest there's like three games I would like to own for the Switch and I have two. The third I can buy through the shop (le gasp). Oops. The system would excel with non-traditional offerings such as retro titles and card games due to its portable nature and yet no one has caught on. There's a ton of potential here.
    For those on the fence, give it a few months and a potential hardware revision and the Switch + PC is the best gaming combination of this generation. Hands down. But the things that the Switch needs to improve on are so obvious IDK why  Nintendo is sitting on their hands waiting for magic to happen. It's not going to happen unless they make it happen.
  15. Like
    platy reacted to Kaleidoscope in Show Yourself (again)   
    Haven't shown myself in so many years, here we go


  16. Like
    platy reacted to Original Saku in random thoughts thread   
    You have to ask yourself a very basic question, which console has the exclusives you want to play more? Because that's really all it boils down to, sure the XboneX will be the more powerful machine, but if it doesn't have the games you want to play then what's the point? Also another really important question is; do you have or plan on having a 4k TV? If you don't have one or plan on getting one, then I wouldn't even waste the extra money on the PS4pro or the XboneX, I'd just get a PS4slim or a XboneS. 4K is really what these consoles are made for, most if not all of the visual and graphical enhancements are going to be in the higher resolution support.
  17. wow
    platy reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    i dare u to watch this with your eyes closed
  18. 悲しい
  19. Like
    platy reacted to PsychoΔelica in random thoughts thread   
    Wherever I travel to it's the Spanish tourists who seem to make the most noise. It's like the national trait or smth.
  20. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    I'm a foreigner myself but nothing annoys me more in this country than Spanish and Italian students who come over to study English over the summer and act like everyone has to put up with their noise, mess and rudeness. 
    Not like everyone in England already hates foreigners, right? Thanks a lot morons. 
  21. 悲しい
    platy reacted to Lestat in Sami (ex-CindyKate) passes away...   
    Horrible news. I don't even know how to react to this. CindyKate meant a huge deal to me. Rest in peace, dear Sami.
  22. Like
  23. Like
    platy reacted to jon_jonz in ex-ひめゆり(himeyuri) & Paradeis members new band, "HELProject" has formed   
    There we go again with this lolicon stuff.
    Some people never learn....
    At least so far it sounds decent, unlike his cringeworthy previous bands.
    I'm guessing it's gonna suck once he starts singing, but let's see how it develops.
  24. Like
    platy reacted to Komorebi in random thoughts thread   
    I love how the client learned quickly that if she pays me half the fee and has me do the job of two interpreters she has no right to complain if I mess up or just speak like I don't give a shit. Because I actually don't.
  25. Like
    platy reacted to blackdoll in In 2005, how did Ruki's vocals improve so fast?   
    and he use to be able to do descent harsh for VK.  
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