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  1. Like
    platy reacted to zaa_zaa in Do Japanese men dislike visual kei?   
    ahhh, man

    let's be honest.

    The idea of visual-kei is to sell a perfect image of somebody that doesn't exist.
    Same with all of the pop-idols. This is an industry, first of all, music comes secondary. We have a target audience of 18-year old Japanese girls, most likely obsessed with androgynous male image and who read a lot of josei and shojo manga.. They are not gonna buy music in general - they don't give a shit about that. What you can sell to them is an image.
    as it was once put:
    "No, they’re sexy, but they don’t exist in the same universe as the fans. They don’t have chlamidya, they don’t worry about child support payments, they don’t have girlfriends or baby-mamas. They don’t have a stinky van. The fans don’t want to think about that! They want a dream, (not a man or a woman), they want a higher being, a look out of a fairy-tale. That’s why we do all the makeup and hair. It’s not about the guitars or playing A-flat in a Lydian mode."

    In case you didn't notice - it's the same thing with anime. It will always cater to the male audience, because we tend/are willing to spend whatever money we have on our obsession - be it motorbykes or fuck-pillows. And if you take socially awkward males who had no success with women and life in general, and sell them over-sexualized image and play on their instincts - oh boy, you get a really good chunk of revenue. So you can see the similarities with the visual-kei approach here.
    So, the visual-kei's target audience just does the same - spending whatever they have on their obsession. The difference is that visual-kei found its small (really small) niche of fans who are ready to do that. If we take population in general - it will not work. But it just takes whatever mental image/ideal the fans have, wrap it in a nice way, add a little bit of consumer psychology/evolutionary psychology and neurobiology (yes, it's the thing, I highly recommend reading material on how the last two infuence what we buy and how much we are willing to spend) - and you get your revenue =)
    Hence, we have a situation, that mostly females go to visual-kei gigs (because it was created for them), mostly (hungry/semi-virgin) males go for female pop-idols' gigs (because it was created for them), and etc. Which is fine.
    It's all about money, not the art.
  2. Like
    platy got a reaction from Deremie in Do Japanese men dislike visual kei?   
    The band members market themselves for women. It's like the female idol industry, I went to an idol live once and there were only men watching, not a female in sight apart from the group performing.  
    Hot men in make up who seem readily available = mostly female fans
    Cute girls who seems readily available = pretty much just dude fans
    Metal/rock/etc. attracts all kinds of people in the west, but these niche groups in Japan (VK & Idols) market themselves in such a way that I think it 'segregates' who can enjoy the group to the fullest. (Lives, taking part in the community, instore events, etc.)
  3. Like
    platy got a reaction from maryeon in Do Japanese men dislike visual kei?   
    The band members market themselves for women. It's like the female idol industry, I went to an idol live once and there were only men watching, not a female in sight apart from the group performing.  
    Hot men in make up who seem readily available = mostly female fans
    Cute girls who seems readily available = pretty much just dude fans
    Metal/rock/etc. attracts all kinds of people in the west, but these niche groups in Japan (VK & Idols) market themselves in such a way that I think it 'segregates' who can enjoy the group to the fullest. (Lives, taking part in the community, instore events, etc.)
  4. LOLOL
    platy reacted to ArtFart in random thoughts thread   
    Is it weird that the new It movie's design for Pennywise makes me think of one of NoGod's old looks?
  5. Like
    platy got a reaction from emmny in random thoughts thread   
    When a vk dude is legitimately handsome and not just a miracle product of the Holy trinity. (make up, photoshop and good lighting) 
  6. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Spectralion in random thoughts thread   
    When a vk dude is legitimately handsome and not just a miracle product of the Holy trinity. (make up, photoshop and good lighting) 
  7. Like
    platy reacted to saishuu in random thoughts thread   
  8. Like
    platy reacted to Zeus in random thoughts thread   
    It's because it doesn't affect them and they don't have the brain capacity to take two seconds out of their day and put themselves in someone else's shoes. Call them a bunch of slags or whores and watch how fast they "get it".
  9. Like
    platy got a reaction from chemicalpictures in Zodiac signs/Astrology (you know what I mean)   
    I'm a pisces and I always identified 100% with being a dreamer, always spacing out, etc. But it wasn't until recently that i realised that I'm not a badass with no feelings, I'm actually such a emotional mess I find myself getting teary at cat videos. I think I went more emotional as I got older and I hate it. 
  10. Like
    platy got a reaction from orange~ in MEJIBRAY   
    That look  alone has enough entertainment value to last me for the rest of this year. Thank you TZK.
    It's never  a boring day with Mejibray.
  11. LOLOL
    platy reacted to orange~ in MEJIBRAY   
    Tzk is going to places with his new look
  12. LOLOL
    platy reacted to Kiyoharu is God in 「Plastic Tree Tribute~Transparent Branches~」 9/6 Release   
    Like the sound of most of that. Really like the AIKAWA cover. Not surprised by the reactions tho... People have a difficult time understanding the concept of a cover album.
    So he's singing like Ryutaro then...
  13. 悲しい
    platy reacted to suji in 3 members will depart from Sick. + activity pause   
    Sick. has announced that 3 members - Pf.吏 (tsukasa), Ba.Avel, and Dr.豪 (takeshi) - will leave the band after their live on November 1. Afterwards, the band will pause activities.
  14. wow
    platy got a reaction from AwesomeNyappy in random thoughts thread   
    There's a fetish for Band-Aids. 
  15. Like
    platy got a reaction from Axius in GOEMON RECORDS new band, "POIDOL" will form   
    Let them brew for 6 months~1 year and then some good stuff should be out. 
    It's okay, I think there's potential. 
  16. Like
    platy reacted to Komorebi in MORRIGAN EUROPEAN TOUR   
    Seeing all the comments on social media makes me wonder why the average visual kai fan still blindly hopes for gigs at provinces when in most countries it's 90% certain it's going to be at the capital, unless you're Germany. 
    "Oh, not in my unknown little town. Not gonna go then."
    Dude, it's pretty obvious if they go to the UK IT'S GONNA BE LONDON. Plan ahead and be grateful they are going to your country at all or just shush. The band is not going to magically invest more money in more dates within a single country, unless they're Sana or Satauki. 
  17. Like
    platy got a reaction from jiji94 in random thoughts thread   
    There's a fetish for Band-Aids. 
  18. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in New band シンデレラキャッスル(Cinderella Castle) has formed   
    The scene has been lacking random-low-quality-promo-kei for a few years now.
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from ArtFart in random thoughts thread   
    There's a fetish for Band-Aids. 
  20. Like
    platy got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Pets and animals   
    I already wrote about this dude in the random thoughts thread.
    Pigeons made a nest on my balcony and now there's a 4 week old baby. He's not noisy and at first he was super ugly but now he's turned really cute and I can't stop peeking over at him.
    Yesterday it was raining heavily and I felt very sorry for him  I think I'll be sad when he flies away. Today's sunny so he sits on that little glass pot and sunbathes while falling asleep (eep).
    [sorry for shitty pics, I can't get too close or he'll get stressed out]
    This was when not long after Pidge was born
    Took these today
    Edit: he flew away during the night :'(
  21. wow
    platy got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    There's a fetish for Band-Aids. 
  22. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in random thoughts thread   
    I think a lot of people I talk to in person think I'm slow or maybe slightly special needs, but in reality I just have ZERO idea how to talk to people.
  23. Like
    platy reacted to saishuu in ユメリープ (yumeleep) Gt.かぐや (kaguya) will depart   
    poor guy must be having his life energy sucked right off him by the creep of a vocalist, damn
    jk hope they don't disband anytime soon ):
  24. Like
    platy reacted to plastic_rainbow in [Japanese Shoegaze] Post your recent discoveries   
    Post your recent Japanese shoegaze discoveries here, whether they're old or new~ ^^
    COLLAPSE - These guys a pretty recent and dropped a new single earlier this year. They may be another shoegaze band with sugary female vocals, but they sound good!
    溶けない名前 (tokenai namae) - A neat little band with both female and male vocalists. This is an older song of theirs so the composition is a little rough but I love the young and sweet-sounding male vocals here, which you don't hear very often in Japanese shoegaze. It's quite unfortunate that he does more of the back vocals now, it seems.
    雨の中の馬 (amenonakanouma) - This was a random find on soundcloud. The quality is pretty low and fuzzy, but that's shoegaze/noise and self-recorded music for you. It's a rather simple song but surprisingly pleasing at the same time. I love it.

  25. Like
    platy reacted to khouji in Hello!   
    Hi I'm Khouji, I've been a fan of J-rock since high school which was 12 years ago. I do like the soundtrack from Gundam Wing, Samurai X, Hunter X Hunter, Ghost Fighter etc. Please welcome me!
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