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Everything posted by platy

  1. THIS!! So I really hope we'll get to see him around again. If anyone could translate midori's comment, that'd be great.
  2. What's your favorite song on DOGMA? 


    (I scrubbed my pc and ipod from all gosan releases and have filled it with dogma and other gazette stuff to get ready for their live in June) 

    1. Wakarimashita


      Unlucky europeans yes we are :D

    2. platy


      @YuyoDrift yes, but it doesn't feel far away at all since the year flew by :D



      And um... Since you've dropped by please reply with your favourite dogma track

    3. YuyoDrift


      Well considering that my initial thoughts on the album weren't all too favorable, I'd have to break down my favorite by performance and atmosphere.


      Performance: DEUX

      Atmosphere: GRUDGE


      and of course nothing in this album with a 40 foot pole is gonna come remotely close to touching OMINOUS because it is an unreal song and a beautiful farce that we all fell for.

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  3. It's hard to know what direction they're gonna take their looks with each release. This is very vanilla, at least the drummer and Minpha don't look like freaks for once.
  4. It's one of the weakest releases, lacks some seasoning but there's catchy elements in each song.
  5. platy

    Imagine for a second, that gazette will play this in their '19 tour. It'd make my year. I'd probably reach nirvana tbh
  6. platy

    Great! No kisaki in sight. Let's see what Riku comes up with.
  7. platy

    Snatch game was one of the most boring yet and I'm CONVINCED Yvie vs Brooke was a choice just to bring this episode back from the depths of boredom. Spectacle!
  8. platy

    I need this game ASAP
  9. platy

    Americans are so weird
  10. I got a vanilla 9-5 job :') yayyy but also attending all the gigs I've got tix for in the next few months will leave me drained and half dead. Yolo, I guess. 

    1. CAT5


      Congrats, sis! Stack dat paper!



  11. platy

    It sounds too much like the band sick. I don't like it nearly enough as their previous MV release
  12. Why did I remove DOGMA from my ipod just to add some shitty gosan music. #Regrets 

    1. YuyoDrift


      ??? Whats the storage on that iPod?

    2. platy


      It's a 2010(?) 8gb iPod. Nice for when I want to listen to music/audio books without being attacked by phone notifications, but I have to be selective with what's on it and rotate the material

    3. YuyoDrift


      Wow it still works? lol I mean the one I used to own had the battery die so I just jumped on the iPhone instead for a 2-in-1.


      I'm in too deep at this point lol.

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  13. platy

    My guess is they'll release these eye candy mvs for each member then we'll get a music teaser by May
  14. platy

    Protein shakes. Soy protein helped me gain & maintain when paired with an exercise routine
  15. platy

    The art cover for infinitum is so vanilla. One of the only downsides of sukekiyo are the collabs which are totally skippable, so nothing exciting about their announcement.
  16. platy

    Shuga got no exposure in this episode Bye Ra'jah. You will not be missed. She thought she was being a bad bitch who will not be messed with, but she's just a plain old bitch. BROOKE'S BACK DIMPLES!! ugh
  17. platy

    This release is giving me all kinds of anxiety. Expectations are high.
  18. platy

    they were going around collecting gay friends.
  19. Which reminds me of Tree of Savior, Ragnarok's supposed successor who got immense amounts of hype leading up to the release date and turned out to be the most boring thing I've ever played. The potential was there, it looks great, there's a trillion classes with potential to make the gameplay fun. But god, it was so DULL! I play FF14 which is considerably dull but addictive, but I dunno I just couldn't get over how lifeless Tree of Savior was (or is? I haven't checked it out in years)
  20. platy

    @plastic_rainbow thanks for sharing your routine. In the last two years my skin went from normal and clear to oily/dry/sensitive and prone to breakouts, I simply don't know how to manage it. I'll try using some of the products you mentioned and I hope I can discover something that helps. My routine lately is: -Wash face with water in the morning - The Bodyshop's seaweed toner in the morning or night -Ponds cold cream every other day to cleanse and remove make up -Bodyshop's aloe vera night cream every other night -Bodyshop's aloe vera gel to moisturise during the day Once I run out of bodyshop's products I most likely will not be buying there again. A lot of it feels heavy on the face. Which reminds me that I also use their tea tree clay mask every now and then. The only make up I use is Bourjois 123 Perfect CC Cream a couple times a week and red tint lipstick (brand varies as I'm experimenting with a few atm) I like to keep hair care simple, to the point where I barely use conditioner anymore. I use 2-1 hemp oil shampoo/conditioner by Dr Organic. Then I use a few drops of propolis oil to moisturise my hair. Once a week I use a dead sea minerals hair mask for deep conditioning.
  21. Final Fantasy 15 could've been one of the best in the series, instead it's become a festering ground for angry fanboys and crybabies. The wasted potential haunts me.
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