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Posts posted by frayed

  1. 54 minutes ago, doomsoul136 said:

    Maybe it seems like Tsuzuku might be suffering from a illness or vocal strain. Judging from the fact that this happened toward the end of the live.

    Pretty sure that wasn’t the case. He’s been fine the rest of the tour. Not a mind reader but it doesn’t take much to assume he was upset.

  2. Koichi and Tsuzuku’s contracts with Forum are over as of today. The general thoughts and feelings that there was an issue with management is confirmed, I think. As of now nothing about MiA and Meto. MiA has been announced to be part of this project, but he’s not listed as “ex-Mejibray” and I don’t see anything to indicate that this is anything more than a session. Here is hoping for the best and the happiness of the members in the new year at any rate.

  3. RIP Ticketcamp. Super unfortunate, I mean I saw this coming when they shut down sales but. :( I understand why it happened, but for the bands I follow, most sales that weren’t Ticketcamp went through Twitter and that was just a mess. 

  4. Tsuzuku and Koichi came out painted black. There was no intro, the curtains opened and they were already standing silently in place until the first song started.


     When Tsuzuku went down, Koichi ran to Tsuzuku to check on him. Then Koichi stepped in front of him and flashed the middle finger, and he also kept holding up three fingers to show everyone until the curtain closed. Meto was also crying (at least that’s what I heard, I was honestly too caught up watching Tsuzuku and Koichi), Mia was trying to keep things together and kept playing until the end.


    There’s apparently going to be a DVD of this and it’s going to be 6,000 yen which is kind of insane for 14 songs. I really don’t know if they’ll keep that ending on it or not.

  5. 1 hour ago, Kiryu999 said:

    They'll probably annonce a live DVD of the tour final to grab some cash before they're gone.

    Actually did they said the date of the hiatus ? I think their last show is Koichi's birthday live on 12/22 so they'll be officialy on hiatus after it ?

    Probably, yeah. I wouldn’t count on anything more than that.


    Last we know of is Koichi’s birthday yeah, unless they announce something like last minute for a New Year’s countdown or something. I mean tbh I’m kind of surprised they’re doing anything after the tour final considering but... all they’ve really said specifically was that they’ll go on hiatus at the end of the year.

  6. I don’t want to seem blindly optimistic or anything considering I’m obviously a little biased, but I want to believe that they’re going to come back in some form. I think it’ll take time and I can’t say for sure if they’ll come back as the Mejibray we know now, but this still feels more like a label issue than a band issue given all the weirdness surrounding their silence/ lack of encores / change of instore formats. 


    I do think people hoping for an announcement at the tour final are hoping for too much though.  I’m still trying not to get my hopes up for an encore, much less any kind of news.

  7. Wrapping culture is big in Japan, true, but especially if you’re directly handing them a present it’s not really rude not to have a bag. Especially in the case that you’re about to take a picture with the member, sometimes they’ll want to hold it and it’s just easier not to have it in a bag or whatever.


    Also haven’t seen any stigmas against writing names on the bag - if anything it’s more encouraged since tags and catch and tear, but that could just be my own experience.


    Definitely seconding no home made food though. That will go right in the trash for safety reasons.

  8. 16 minutes ago, emmny said:

    balalaika weren't officially on shimizuya, but a really obvious offshoot (i.e. ains to madwink) so im counting them. aside from them, only ramiel will be alive after balalaika and sibilebashir call it quits.

    Is Iggy on that label too? (I actually have no idea but my girlfriend thinks they are)

  9. I know whenever I went to see them they didn’t have a ton of fans. 


    Still miserable over the news. I’ve been so lucky with the bands I’ve been following up until now, but this makes the fourth band in a year I really liked either breaking up or going on hiatus this year. I was really hoping to follow them more closely now, but can’t be helped, I guess. Hope they don’t vanish from the scene at least.

  10. 5 hours ago, emmny said:

    definitely, I mean they clearly aren't helping their label out with promoting this last tour through any of their usual fan service/engagement. I wonder what forum has to lose though, i doubt the tour is gonna flop because of their resistance to promote it so maybe it's just an empty boycott of the whole promotions cycle??? tell me what you think!!

    If anything, the attitude they're taking with the upcoming hiatus is just making the upcoming tour crazier imho. Whether or not this is the band's intent is one thing, but that seems to be the result. Ticket sales are crazier than they've been and so are the re-sales, and then they've got the final in Shikiba, so there's that. Some people think this is a big marketing ploy and I can't say I completely blame them for thinking it.


    On the other hand, the lack of encores and MCs, if it is a protest, marketing angle to add intrigue, whatever - it's kind of hard because I'm a pretty big Mejibray fan but I try to keep a level head about it, and even if I love them and want to think this is for a better reason we can't know, I can't help thinking it's not really fair to the fans. It feels like a punishment that's hurting the wrong people.

  11. 2 hours ago, emmny said:

    this radio silence is actually so shocking for a visual band, it totally reads like a protest against their mgmt

    Glad I'm not the only one getting this vibe, LOL.

  12. On 10/13/2017 at 7:16 AM, Disposable said:

    They're not even gone yet and I already miss them. The announcement of the hiatus was so sudden and the cloud of mystery surrounding isn't helping any; there's probably more info somewhere now like on the blogs of the members but I don't have access/couldn't read it anyway. I wonder if tsuzuku is doing fine and whether he'll even stick around in the scene afterwards. ( if anyone has any info to relay then please do so )


    Really took the wind out of my sails this one, like I holistically lost interest in vk with my boiz going away... well it's more the straw that broke the camel's back but nonetheless. 


    The mobile member blog is pretty much entirely comprised of setlists nowadays, peppered with some live photos taken from the back. Any member blog that existed has basically fallen out of use - Tsuzuku was using the LINE blog like his own for awhile, but that stopped when the hiatus announcement came out. The radio silence is everywhere. Literally. There's still no MCs, not even at their 6th anniversary. Still no encores. Not expecting any to come until their final live, if even then.


    This isn't to say they have lost interest or given up or whatever else people are saying. The lives are still as much fun as they've ever been, and they've been very sweet at the instores, even if they're really short now that they're photos. I'm not in a position to know first hand or anything, but it feels like especially Tsuzuku and Koichi aren't happy at all with the way this has gone down. Even in the new Stuppy, as far as I've heard (feel free to confirm or deny; I haven't been able to buy it for myself yet) Tsuzuku refused to take part in the interview at all and Koichi gave very curt answers to the questions (and weren't really answers at all). 


    I really wish we had some more clear-cut answers, but I feel like they're sending a pretty strong message?

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