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Posts posted by frayed

  1. Much as I enjoy Starwave events, I haven't actually listened to most of these bands outside of lives, so this is based pretty much solely on how I feel about them in that setting. This isn't in any particular order (although Fixer kind of automatically tops the list for me since I actually did go and buy their CD and all).


    Fixer, シュヴァルツカイン (Tokami), The Sound Bee HD, Misaruka, Scarlet Valse was fun, Nue was pretty good. I kind of like Under Fall Justice, but I can't get into the singer and that kind of kills it for me. 

  2. First off, I can't wait for this Tribal Tattoo to come out. Although now I'll have to make the hard choice about which Tribal Tattoo I want Tsuzuku and Meto to sign. :|


    Second off, one of my favorite things about that DVD is on the first disc when Koichi jumps into the crowd, he just looks so ridiculously happy. It's impossible for me to watch that and not smile with him.


    Which look is my favorite is way too difficult for me, although I have to say I'm really keen on the length Tsuzuku's hair is about now. Also I'd kill for Koichi to dress up like a tiger again but that'll probably never happen. :( 

  3. No method to my madness here, and this does change:


    - Mejibray

    - Dir en grey

    - Gazette

    - Meteoroid (new Meteoroid, fight me)

    - D'espairsray

    - Buck-Tick

    - Fixer

    - X-Japan (for what they've done before, not for the form they exist in now)


    I have a lot of honorable mentions, but they're bands where I was really into a smaller selection of songs/one particular album (Girugamesh, MUCC) or I'm just starting to kind of get into them (Dadaroma, Morrigan), so I don't think I can really safely call them a 'favorite' yet.

  4. A ticket for Morrigan's Halloween event. I was so relieved since it originally sold out right off the bat and it's kind of my excuse to hit Tokyo the weekend before Halloween. Well, and that GazettE's "Spooky Box", but who knows if I'll win that lottery or not. My luck's been kind of crap with that lately, lol.

  5. I'm not exactly laughing or crying since I'm not invested in Kiyoharu or Kuroyume enough to have super strong feelings, but I do find the whole thing pretty surprising and interesting. Like I've heard of cars being sold this way, but I had no idea there were so many variations behind the scenes and definitely had no idea that something like the rights to a vkei band could be sold that way, too, so thanks for all the insight into this system. Hate to use the word again, but wow, it's just interesting. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Seimeisen said:

    I think Meto just shuts up on camera because he doesn't like his voice to be recorded, but will talk at in-store events, etc. (?) I cannot verify this information, can't remember where I read it, it could be 100% wrong and totally bullshit lol.


    Nope, this one I can confirm first hand, the boy does not talk at in-stores! :) He does draw pictures and gesture to get his points across, and he does this well. I think it's what Ruri said, he's the "weird" character so he can pull this type of stuff off while maintaining a strong personality. (re: Last in-store I went to, he had Koichi in STITCHES because he kept pretending to ride a magikarp. Don't ask.)

  7. The string of band members who have the 'no talkie' schtick. It's less that I hate it, because sometimes I'm cool with it (like shamelessly, I think Meto does it well), but then I keep seeing it and sometimes it just either feels unnecessary or like they don't really have enough personality sans voice to pull it off. It's less that I can't stand them and more that I sometimes go 'why?'

  8. 9 hours ago, Euthanasia said:

    It's really hard to count.. I own most of Mejibrays releases (cds, dvds), and most of the magazines with them on the cover and chekis, live limited stuff and merch (oh and concert tickets).. So I would say A LOT? 


    Yeah, pretty much in this boat. ^^; Don't even get me started on in-stores. But I'm probably heading back to the states for awhile next year, so might as well live it up while I can. (Even if my wallet hates me for it.) I've put a decent amount of cash into MeteoroiD too, but not nearly as much -  due largely to the fact that a lot of their shows are in Tokyo and tend to be on weekdays.

  9. Just going to go ahead with the consensus of yeah, variety is the spice of life and would have been nice to have here. The lack of Malice Mizer actually really confused me. Poor choice of samples, poor choice of YouTubers to expose this to, definitely set up in a certain way to illicit a very specific reason from the people watching which is a little unfortunate.

  10. 5 hours ago, emmny said:

    dada was responsible for the gaijin drama on his facebook maybe thats it

    he's also a flop too but thats a given ;)


    i go through the kisaki thread at least once or twice a year in its entirety it needs to be pinned its like...MH history

    Link plz.

  11. Wasn't Tsuzuku singing a VanessA song part of the live limited release for NY Junkie or whatever? One track was sung by Fixer's Jey and the other was by Tsuzuku I think.

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