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    Licio123 got a reaction from -NOVA- in KISAKI "LITTLE" ANNOUNCEMENT   
    Square Kei, here we go
  2. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in KISAKI "LITTLE" ANNOUNCEMENT   
    Square Kei, here we go
  3. Like
    Licio123 reacted to nick in Girugamesh will disband   
    A message from Яyo:
  4. Like
    Licio123 reacted to nick in Girugamesh will disband   
    I'm glad seeing the responses here tend to be very positive (unlike many other disbandments.)
    Personally, I'm so happy that I've witnessed Girugamesh during its entire career.
    I just can't imagine if I'll ever like a band as much as I like them again.
    Thanks for being such a huge part of my life for over a decade and from now on.
  5. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Silverhawk33 in NIGHTMARE will be temporarily on hiatus   
    Finally have a translation of the hiatus message if anyone's interested (thanks again Sebatian!):

    This clears up that it's not until 2020 but sooner than that (a year or two?). Once I've had some time to think about this, the more sense this all makes. Only two people will be effected by this (Yomi's serious voice problems and Hitsugi's hernia problems, which is even numbing his fingers at this point), but it's very likely all of them judging from how tense things have gotten in the last few years.

    The main reason I believe they had to release three best albums and two singles before the big announcement was possibly to get out of Avex's contract. I doubt that label will keep them any way with this hiatus (they're pretty much against year(s) long breaks). Considering they have such shitty PR and the management is not as good as it should be Nightmare will only benefit by changing labels. Yeah the next label might not be the greatest but it's better than Avex working them to death..

    I hope they come back on top and better than ever after this hiatus!

    -had to edit that, got pretty full-on negative (which some people around here do a good enough job already at), which is something they do not need right now (being in a band for over 16 years can be nerve wrecking for anyone)-
  6. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Trombe in 少女-ロリヰタ-23区(lolita23q) mysterious countdown   
    少女-ロリヰタ-23区(lolita23q) mysterious countdown has been shown in their OHP & new twitter
  7. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from Delkmiroph in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    DEZERT é muito bom mesmo. Mas a cena VK é foda pq não falta quantidade, fica difícil cavucar coisa boa com tanta merda por aí.
    EDIT: Outras bandas que acho que são mais novas (ou eu sou muito atrasado xD) e eu curti foram DIV e アルルカン
  8. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from Sakurai-san in BUCK-TICK new album "アトム 未来派 No.9" release   
    Wow. First Versailles, now Buck-Tick, what a week.
  9. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Zeus in coldrain involved in bus accident   
    Thank you all for wearing seatbelts.
  10. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Jigsaw9 in #71: DEZERT - 最高の食卓 (Saikou no shokutaku)   
    VERY nice and high-quality visual kei record, surpassing their debut imo (which was already pretty cool to begin with, tho nothing extra-special). This is pretty much what I expect to hear from a band in 2016: a good variety between older and newer influences, not hamming it up too much, but still packing a punch while standing out from the crowd. Not to mention, the songs are real solid too, for the most part. This will be on my 'best of the year' list for sure.
  11. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in #71: DEZERT - 最高の食卓 (Saikou no shokutaku)   
    I really liked this album and I definitely agree that it's a lot more mature than their first release. Their PV track is fantastic--I like the dissonant and math-y guitar work and the change of general timbre is surprisingly refreshing. They're definitely branching out--while they're still doing the dark-rock meets nu-metal thing well, this album doesn't stick to just that formula, like the post-hard-core inspired "セイオン" and groovier "あー。"
    I didn't know there was a PV for that song, btw:

    Visually, too, their current look is :eye_emoji: :eye_emoji: :eye_emoji:
  12. Like
    Licio123 reacted to emmny in #71: DEZERT - 最高の食卓 (Saikou no shokutaku)   
    最高の食卓(saikou no shokutaku):
    02.「君の子宮を触る」(kimi no shikyuu wo sawaru)
    03.「ここにラブソングを」(koko ni love song wo)
    07.「おいしい脾臓は笑わない」(oishii hizou wa warawanai)
    | The best table turned out to be the best material DEZERT have released thus far

    The first words that pop into my head when I think of DEZERT are twisted, dirty and frightening—an image influenced by the band's dark looks, Chiaki's smeared lipstick and the brutal horror tone their MVs take. The image fits the music, with grinding guitars, pummelling drums, clangy bass and vocals that could cough blood and serenade you within the same song. As part of the “revival-kei” movement, they sit toward the more alt-metal inspired side of early/mid-2000's visual kei, wearing their MUCC, 蜉蝣 and D'espairsRay influences on their sleeves. The band had a relatively still 2015, with their sole releases being 3 live distributed singles and a 'rarez' compilation album, but with the announcement of their second full length 「最高の食卓」and the arrival of new guitarist Miyako (ex-Moran, Vivi) replacing KIRA after his departure, they were back on track. I was especially interested to see how Miyako would fit their sound, as his previous band Moran was a far cry from DEZERT. In general, he's a brilliant replacement and some might say an improvement on his predecessor—the guitar work on 「最高の食卓」is a lot less dry than KIRA's, and at times it reminds me of a dissonant, sour version of his guitarwork in Moran with a healthy dose of Alt-Metal as well. The best example of this is on「君の子宮を触る」, with the intro and subsequent guitar funky flicky chord freak out sounding like the opening of Eclipse by Moran, just doused in acid and left to decay. Miyako fulfills this half of DEZERT's guitar work very well and his treatment of the drop A chugging riffs is equally interesting. Whereas KIRA made more powerful riffs in the lower register, whenever Miyako drops that low, it's used more as a textural element than a brutal riff. The perfect example of this is the ninth track, 「宗教」, which feature a guitar so hideously distorted its hard to make out exactly what he's playing outside of a grinding wall of fuzz. Miyako also shifts between clean/distorted sounds a lot, further drawing out the juxtaposition already present in Chiaki's compositions. The verdict on his performance on the album is that it was nothing short of insanely brilliant: no guitarist can match his sound and that's nothing that could have been said for KIRA, who—while entirely competent—definitely relied on a set template, such that it wasn't hard to hear exact songs he was borrowing from.
    The rest of the band is sharp as always, and they tend to play in a tight interlocking style that seems unlikely for a band only together for 5 or so years. SaZ is unique for a visual kei bassist in that he makes himself heard despite generally playing lower bass lines; he's placed high up in the mix so that his dirty and punchy tone fills the space perfectly. I particularly love his slap bass sequences and interplay with Miyako on 「あー。」, 「君の子宮を触る」 and 「おいしい脾臓は笑わない」with special mention to the first track. While on 「君の子宮を触る」and 「おいしい脾臓は笑わない」 the guitar and bass weave in and out of each other, on「あー。」they focus together as an intense assault on the listener. SaZ thumps along with the doomy guitar line in the chorus and switches to a more delicate slapping during the verses when the rest of the instrumentation, spare a ghostly guitar arpeggio, drops out entirely—sounding like drumsticks being tapped together. Much like the guitars, the bass serves a dual purpose in being the rhythmic core of the album, as well as providing texture.
    While Miyako and SaZ have their fascinating interplay throughout the album, the same kind of vibe comes off of drummer Sora's performance as he plays off all the other musicians and even the vocal line. A highlight for his drumming comes in 「ここにラブソングを」, where Sora blasts through the first verse, but smashes his cymbals to compliment Chiaki's vocals in a way that seems as if they're bouncing off each others' accents. Throughout the album there's an attention to detail in Sora's drumming that's hard to come across with newer bands, with the frequently cited「君の子宮を触る」as his most adventurous performance. Chiaki's performance is equally adventurous, he plays with a variety of different vocal deliveries throughout the album. On the choruses, he's not afraid to delve into his higher register and pull out a pretty falsetto—i have no complaints about his clean vocals, he has a lovely voice. Of course, the bread and butter of DEZERT's sound is contrast, so the pretty vocals on the choruses are matched by hideous growls and dirty vocals as Chiaki can spit it out as good as the rest of 'em. While high screams are absent, they're not too missed as they've never been in Chiaki's arsenal to begin with. A new addition, or maybe just a feature i'm noticing more of on「最高の食卓」compared to their prior work is this weird rap-talk thats featured prominently in the verses of 「ここにラブソングを」, 「問題作」, 「排泄物」 and「宗教」. It differs greatly from track to track, sounding like a stoned rapper on fast forward in 「ここにラブソングを」, a disoriented grandpa in 「問題作」, punchy rapper on 「排泄物」, and a vaguely dazed, orgasmic version of himself on 「宗教」. It gives each track its own flavour and mood in a way that clean singing alone wouldn't be able to accomplish. I can't comment much on the topic of the lyrics as no translations have been posted yet, but a quick run through Google Translate hints at some pretty weird stuff in additional to Chiaki's usual lyrical theme cocktail of murder, death, and despair.
    At this point, the album's theme of contrast has come up a lot, and this is stated in「最高の食卓」more through the individual songs than anywhere else in their discography. The verses are especially oblique on here, usually minimal and understated with not a lot going on and a good usage of space within them. They're frequently paired up with sugary sweet choruses, and this is—for the most part—the formula for the album. The fact that it comes across as a formula can be a positive or a negative in any case depending on one's preference. It can be seen as a negative as while there's more diversity within tracks by way of odd guitar lines, increased attention to detail and vocals changing a lot from track to track, the structure itself rarely changes. However, this leaves each song to have their own flavour and tells them apart from one another in a way that their previous material hasn't often been able to do. This is what separates「最高の食卓」 from their debut full length album「タイトルなし」in a huge way, as「タイトルなし」 played with diversity more as an overall concept with odd song structures and running times, but usually drawing from a limited sonic palette.
    「最高の食卓」's the flip side: the songs structurally are more conventional—but they draw from a larger set of influences and style in a way that doesn’t come across as constricted or monochromatic as its predecessor. The songwriting is equally strong on both albums, but whether the more mature, multifaceted style of「最高の食卓」 or the savage force of「タイトルなし」tickles your fancy—its ultimately up to one's preference. On the topic of nitpicking complaints, the running length is around 35 minutes—which is cruelly short for 10 songs, but DEZERT pull off the shorter songs equally as well with the longer songs. The sole exception to this being 「追落」, a ballad previously released as a live distributed single that isn't interesting enough to justify its nearly 5 minute length.
    With 「最高の食卓」, DEZERT stay true to the sound they've spent the past 5 years developing while surprising listeners with unexpected touches and more mature songwriting and musicianship with the addition of new guitarist Miyako. While it lacks the outward brutality of prior releases,「最高の食卓」replaces it with fascinating new textures and details, keeping their sound fresh. I gasped when DEZERT announced their tour final at ZEPP Tokyo, a massive venue that seems far out of their class and far too large for them to fill up. However, if「最高の食卓」is any indicator of their artistic ability—I don't see a sold out ZEPP TOKYO cheering during the encore while 「ピクトグラムさん」 plays in the back with confetti flying out over the audience to be out of reach within the next few years. If you've been curious about DEZERT but never jumped in, I highly encourage you to try「最高の食卓」. It's an odd place to start as it's by far their most inaccessible record, taking quite a few more listens than usual to get immersed into. I find it incredibly rewarding regardless, displaying songwriting chops few bands in visual kei even get close to while merging a deliciously weird sonic palette of old and new, heavy and light, grotesque and beautiful, catchy and utterly alienating.

    Available for purchase at CDJapan.
  13. Like
    Licio123 reacted to herpes in New brazillian band "PlatoniC Dolls" has formed   
    come to brazil
  14. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Wesley_Rocha in New brazillian band "PlatoniC Dolls" has formed   
    Cara, é o primeiro visual deles e nem lançaram nada, eu to botando fé né
  15. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from yakihiko in New brazillian band "PlatoniC Dolls" has formed   
    Jeeeeeeeeeeesusssssss, ashamed of my country lol
  16. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from ChaoticEnding in New brazillian band "PlatoniC Dolls" has formed   
    Jeeeeeeeeeeesusssssss, ashamed of my country lol
  17. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Jigsaw9 in Authors of Japan: The Appreciation Thread   
    Great thread! My knowledge of Japanese authors is pretty limited, cuz the Hungarian market for them is rather small (to say the least) and sporadic... On the other hand, I rarely venture to buy some random expensive book from abroad just to try, so...yeahhhh.
    Anyway, some of the things I've enjoyed so far:
    - Abe Kobo: The Box Man (if David Lynch was a Jp writer in the '60s-'70s, this is what he would write)
    - Akutagawa Ryunosuke: random short stories (some pretty haunting stuff towards the end of his life)
    - Koji Suzuki: Ring (not much to say here, it was cool)
    - Osamu Dazai: No Longer Human (if you've seen the anime adaptation you know what to expect - the book is better tho)
    - Takeshi Kitano: Boy (yeah, that Kitano. can't remember much about this, other than it was nice)
    Also, I must confess I haven't read anything by Haruki Murakami that I really liked. After Dark was kinda decent, Kafka on the Shore wasn't bad either, but too long and drawn-out (and it completely lost my interest at the ending). I have the Wind-up Bird Chronicle and 1Q84 at home too, but haven't had the willpower to start either of them yet, lol.
  18. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    Same, I was kinda bored with House of the Devil. I 'get' the vibe, but I dunno, it didn't do anything for me, other than irritate me.
    Just watched Identity (2003 movie). Not recommending it. Lackluster story that turns into being absolutely ridiculous towards about 2/3 in. A waste of time.
  19. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Jigsaw9 in DIR EN GREY new single, new live DVD/BD, new domestic tour   
    Yay for new single!
  20. Like
    Licio123 reacted to sebbivism in DIR EN GREY new single, new live DVD/BD, new domestic tour   
    DIR EN GREY announced on ARCHE at BUDOKAN day 2 (2016-02-06) several news for 2016.
    They will release the ARCHE at BUDOKAN live performances "ARCHE AT NIPPON BUDOKAN" on DVD/BD in June 2016
    A new single has been announced for release on 27 July 2016. The single is entitled "Utafumi" and will be released in four different types, with a CD containing three tracks.
    Also, a new domestic tour: TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________
    [mode of VULGAR] 6/3(金)【愛知県】Zepp Nagoya [★]
    6/4(土)【愛知県】Zepp Nagoya [★]
    6/16(木)【大阪府】なんばHatch [★]
    6/17(金)【大阪府】なんばHatch [★]
    7/1(金)【東京都】新木場STUDIO COAST [★]
    7/2(土)【東京都】新木場STUDIO COAST [★]
    [mode of DUM SPIRO SPERO] SEPTEMBER 2016 - dates TBA- [mode of 鬼葬] NOVEMBER 2016 - dates TBA- Also, an new promo picture has been revealed

  21. Like
    Licio123 got a reaction from suji in X JAPAN will temporarily pause activities   
    Guys, this is diverticulitis. It almost killed my father. It's not a simple stomach ache. It's pretty severe.
    As Lestat said, health above all. Hope PATA improves.
  22. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Trombe in Japanesque Rock Collectionz Cure event "Cure World Visual Festival"   
    Japanesque Rock Collectionz Cure event "Cure World Visual Festival" will be held at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST at 2016/04/30
    [live participating artists]
    A9 / Blu-BiLLioN / BugLug / CLØWD / DEZERT / DIAURA /
    DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ /
    Neverland / Royz / Synk;yet / the Raid. / アルルカン / グラムヘイズ /
    グリーヴァ / コドモドラゴン / ゴシップ / ザアザア /
    ペンタゴン / 己龍 / 弾丸 NO LIMIT

    Kerbera(from Sweden) / Lolita Dark(from Los Angeles) / MEA(from Indonesia) /
    MaleRose(from Thailand) / Phoenix Ash(from San Francisco)
  23. Like
    Licio123 reacted to beni in Paloma Faith   
    I was itching to make this thread. The only English artist I actively follow, Paloma Faith has made an impression on me ever since I heard 'New York', her second single. She's released three albums, and I feel as if she grows with each one. The improvement between each is really amazing and shows her getting better as a singer and songwriter. She's known for her vibrant outfits and bubbly personality. I'd suggest her to those who also like Amy Winehouse (I'd also link similar lyrics too) and Duffy because of their similar pitches. Faith is both quirky and adorable when off the mic as you can see here (as well as her usual attire), and when singing, the contrast between her spoken and singing voice is both humorous and endearing. It'd make my day seeing other fans who might be here, but if not, hopefully you'll enjoy her if you're new to her.





  24. Like
    Licio123 reacted to beni in Paloma Faith   
    lol, she's acted here and there, I forgot to mention that, so it's neat to know of someone else who has noticed her in a movie!I purchased St Trinian's and watched it just for her... big mistake. XD She's surprisingly good at acting though, as you've said. Such a bad movie for anyone to appear in, aha.
  25. Like
    Licio123 reacted to Trombe in 9mm Parabellum Bullet new album "Waltz on Life Line" release   
    9mm Parabellum Bullet new album (title not yet finalized) will be released in 2016 spring, although details have not yet been announced
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