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Everything posted by Licio123

  1. Licio123

    DIR EN GREY - Rinkaku
  2. Licio123

    *claps* *cries* =(
  3. Licio123

    Dead Space 2 (for the second time, what an awesome game), DQ IX and Crysis
  4. Licio123

    Hellsing Ultimate. The violence is awesome, but the plot is so weak...
  5. Licio123

    LOL, they overdone it XD
  6. Licio123

    Ahh the japanese band names... :facepalm:
  7. Licio123

    What.... I just can't believe it, I expected a disbandment because of the best album... but he passed away, it's unbelieveable...31 years old, that's fucking sad. Unfortunately, I guess they should just disband. K was the soul of PTP.
  8. Licio123

    Watched The Hobbit. It was great to revisit the Middle Earth, even though it was a lighter LOTR. Loved it, anyway.
  9. Licio123

    Damn, they rule so much. Hope the album is on the way.
  10. Licio123

    That's exactly what I thought about Rinkaku. It's a longer, more polished Lotus, with great instrumentals. Kyo's voice is awesome here too, IMO. 9/10 I never liked Kiri to Mayu very much, but the song was destroyed. LOL. 3/10. The remix is nice, not better than the original, but has a slower tempo, and more ballad-ish feel to it. 8/10
  11. WOW! Nice X-Mas gift, didn't really expect a Mini! I was pretty satisfied with Rinkaku, hope it keeps their good form.
  12. Licio123

  13. Licio123

    how beautiful. Deeply touched by this!
  14. Licio123

    Waffles are falling on my house OMG it started =(
  15. Licio123

    Super excited for this! Too bad it's out only on April =(
  16. Licio123

    Exciting news! I hope Hitsugi recovers well, no need to rush for the album release!
  17. Licio123

    these guys release new songs every day, lol. I can't keep up XD
  18. Licio123

    they are dishing releases like their life depends on it. I guess it really does, lol.
  19. Licio123

    Take your time, Trombe! But come back, plz XD
  20. Licio123

    Great, Juri is awesome!
  21. Licio123

    They had one good song, it was an anime theme. Other than that, nothing special.
  22. Licio123

    well, at least it's a mini, should be good, as always!
  23. Damn, I usually don't listen to remixes, but Akira Yamaoka kicks ass!
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