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Everything posted by Licio123

  1. Licio123

    Damn, I liked them so much... yet another good band goes down >_>
  2. Licio123

    Wow, Natsuki is sounding REALLY different this time around. Much better. I wouldn't even know it was him singing on Trusty.
  3. Licio123

    They're releasing an album soon, should pop for DL. FOr now, the "Loveless" and "STORY" singles are your best bet.
  4. Licio123

    whew, great news.
  5. Licio123

    what a pity
  6. Licio123

    Ah noo, Lc5 is so much better....
  7. Licio123

    Leda fucking rules, while Sujk was a mediocre drummer. Just glad he's back, if he's not trolling us XD
  9. wow, this should be... fun.
  10. Licio123

    Hmm, HUNTING FOR YOUR DREAM? That's a new song, isn't it? =D
  11. Licio123

    Agreed, can't say anything about Vigour, but the singles after DOGMA weren't anything much.
  12. Licio123

    Wow... I haven't even listened to VIGOUR yet... XD
  13. Licio123

    Man, they sure are dishing out LOTS of releases. Just listened to their last single and is good as ever. They rule so much!
  14. Licio123

    A bit late but... Loved "9". Not as great as GEMINI, but there are lot's os songs to be enjoyed here. My favorites are Apocalypse (just plain fun), BLUE FLAME (awesome all-around) and Subete e (beautiful closing song, emotional too). Ones that deserve a listen too are Heart of Gold, Hello, World, Hanagasumi, Galloes and Heavenly Tale. The other aren't bad but jsut aren't on par with the goodness of those. Yet again, Alice Nine delivers. one of my favorite recent bands.
  15. Licio123

    Ahhh, this news makes me really happy. They sure aren't slowing down while the guitarrist is "travelling" XD Great!
  16. Licio123

    Still giving the album a second spin, but I'm enjoying it. The "headbang" tracks aren't anything to write home about, but for now, I really like SUICIDE, Suiren, En and FORTITUDE. I'll add a track by track review tomorrow. MADARA: Kinda creepy intro, but nothing really happens. meh. 5/10 SUICIDE: Damn those previews that... preview the worst part of a song! SUICIDE is actually a pretty good track, and by that, it's when Wataru is not growling. He just can't do it. But other than that, he sings really well, the guitars are pleasing, and the chorus is nothing revolutionary but I liked it. 7/10 BAAL-ZEBUL: Wataru screams this whole frekin' song, and that is enough for me to just put it away. Not intresting instrumentally wise, also. It starts as nothing and end as nothing. 3.5/10 ABUSE: Yet another song that Wataru growls and screams, but this is a bit better, The chorus isn't so bad, and a few parts of it are actually listenable. But nothing great. 5/10 Suiren:: Suiren marks the start of the best part of the album. This is a ballad-like song, very emotional, and with Wataru singing. At last. Still nothing out of the ordinary, but much better than the last 2 songs. Also gives a dark vibe that made it more enjoyable. 8/10 Jasetzu: This is a heavier track, but so, SO much better tha the first 3, more balanced vocals and the guitar is quite nice. It gave me hope that the forthcoming headbanging would be more inspired. Good track. 7.5/10 En: The structure is really similar to Suiren, but while the other was dark, this one gives me a lighter feeling, soft to the ear but never boring. Wataru really shines on this one and the solo is short but sweet. Wataru's WOAOHOOOOOAHAHA is a nice way to end the song. XD 8/10 HESITATION: I was going to give this a 6, but man, this is actually a pretty good song! Heavier but with good singing parts, in the chorus especially, and a nice solo. Not on par with the previous 3, but good nonetheless. 7/10 FEROCIUS: Bah, just not good. A pretty boring track, guess they wanted to make something dark and heavy, but failed. 5/10 HIDE & SEEK: Nope, too much screaming, too "in a hurry". Growls, screams... no. Chorus is not that bad, but no. Pretty weak. 5/10 MADMAN: Wha... almost like H&S but even worse. Oh boy. 3/10 FORTITUDE: After 3 bad songs, I really didn't expect this. FORTITUDE shines, and is the best song of this self-titled. The instruments are great, the guitar is awesome, emotional singing by Wataru reminds me a lot of Over. Not only this is the best song here, but better than any on SEVEN, Mar Maroon or DIAMOND. Great, great surprise. 9.5/10 OVERALL: 7.5/10 When it was announced, this album was instantly my most expected of 2012, since they took a long break and almost disbanded. After the previews, the hype was still there but I was expecting the worst. In some tracks, the worst happened, but Suiren, Jasetzu, EN and especially FORTITUDE kept my faith on this band alive. They can do better, SEVEN was easily their best IMO, but this is not as bad as I expected after the disastrous previews. A good job by 12012, but not great. Oh, and it's clear, the DEG influence is there. I don't care what people say, I guess it could have been worse if they tried to create a style of their own. XD. And getting inspiration from other bands is not bad, since I don't think they ripped them off.
  17. Licio123

    Ah, much better than Suicide. That's the 12012 I love.
  18. Licio123

    Can't complain about them releasing in such short time, IBIM was great (I didn't even enjoy them that much before it) and MIRRORS was probably their best song for me. Expectation level is high.
  19. Licio123

    Wow, I haven't even listened to their last single yet, they sure are releasing fast!
  20. Licio123

    Maybe it's not, I guess just because the music is more "metal" it doesn't mean it's their early works. I just prefer the recent releases of them better.
  21. Licio123

    I prefer Wataru's clean vocals, the chorus seems nice. I guess I won't like this album very much, since it seems they're going back to their roots :/
  22. Licio123

    The covers are indeed awesome, but Eraser is right, they sound just like the same. Damn.
  23. Licio123

    Interesting tracklist.
  24. Licio123

    Oh man, that's so fucked up =(
  25. Licio123

    great! I thought they really improved in The Last Daybreak, so this raises my expectations really high. Let's see!
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