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Everything posted by Licio123

  1. Licio123

    Nothing stays on my phone for more than 1 month, I like to listen to lots of things and I have only 2 GB of space =(
  2. Licio123

    HB Sai, 2 day late XDD
  3. Licio123

    MEJIBRAY! they won my heart with this song ^^ g7iPISNbtUU
  4. Licio123

    I know self-titled albums happen all the time, but one named "Versailles", at this point... it really looks like disbandment.
  5. Licio123

    Damn, I am shocked. It's the only band I've ever seen live, and I won't have another opportunity? Nooooooo...
  6. Licio123

    I smell a new album in mid 2013...
  7. Licio123

    Damn, Sadie is getting even better, Meteor is shaping up to be one of my favorites.
  8. C'mon good bands, stop disbanding!
  9. Licio123

    One of the good points of Sujk's album, IMO, was that Kihiro guy, I like his voice. This band is shaping up to be epic /exaggerate
  10. Licio123

    Awesome, I liked Karma so my hopes are high! The singles after it were nice too =D
  11. Licio123

    LOL. This is going to be epic. Hope it's an epic win, not fail... XD
  12. Licio123

    Great, SID never lets me down!
  13. Licio123

    Finnaly Leda is back =D
  14. Baaah, I though it was a new album, c'mon guys XD
  15. Licio123

    At last, can't wait for this release.
  16. Licio123

    That's just awesome news! Rooting for him!
  17. Licio123

    Hmmm, I like the songs that will be covered, but only like ALSDEAD of the covering bands. Will listen to that Cage cover, tough.
  18. Yeah! Last single was pretty good, and PT never disapoints =D
  19. Licio123

    That's good but... which method did you use that fixed the problem for you? XD I tried yours, kai. It screwed up again, but it seems like it's less often than before Anyway, thx for the help!
  20. Licio123

    Damn, this topic is awesome! Loved that Silversun Pickups song, gives me Pura Tree vibes.
  21. Licio123

    Great! Injury bug is sure hitting PT lately XD but they seems to be doing fine!
  22. Licio123

    Just when people are receiving these new bands well (like A, for example). If not, very rarely.
  23. Licio123

    Well, 2 days passed and no signs of the problem.... yet. Hope its stays that way XD
  24. Licio123

    LOL, curious to see what they will sound.
  25. Licio123

    I've had the exact same problem since I've switched from XP to W7. It's been 1 year and I couldn't fix it, luckly, restarting the PC really seems to work. I'll try the steps in kai's post.
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