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Everything posted by Licio123

  1. Licio123

    D'espairsRay Lynch. Capella UNiTE. Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi Nightmare Baroque One Ok Rock Dir en Grey DaizyStripper Hybrid-Zombiez Vior gloire
  2. Licio123

    Kaiser Chiefs - Heat Dies Down
  3. Licio123

    Playing AC: Revelations, the story seems very good, and the change of scenary is nice!
  4. Licio123

    Sound of my Voice. Pretty interesting movie, with an ending that will leave you wondering. That said, pace is very slow, and is somewhat confusing....
  5. Licio123

    Bryan Adams - I Think About You
  6. Licio123

    D'espairsRay - REDEEMER
  7. Licio123

    Vior Gloire - DEAD the CREATOR
  8. Licio123

    Cocco - Rain Man
  9. Licio123

    Anberlin - Desires
  10. Licio123

    D'espairsRay Lynch. Plastic Tree Capella UNiTE. Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi Re:dis Nightmare Baroque One Ok Rock Dir en Grey DaizyStripper
  11. Licio123

    Ni no Kuni looks impressive. The demo was awesome, but I don't have the money to buy the game right now =( Guess I'm going to start Crysis 2, since I beat and liked the first one.
  12. Licio123

    D'espairsRay Lynch. Plastic Tree Capella UNiTE. Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi KuRT Re:dis 新興宗教楽団NoGoD Baroque One Ok Rock Cocco
  13. Licio123

    D'espairsRay - 月の記憶 -fallen-
  14. Licio123

    ^^^^ O_O XD American.Horror.Story.S02E13.HDTV.x264-LOL
  15. Licio123

    Set the World on Fire
  16. Licio123

    Nice topic! DIR EN GREY 1.Hageshisa to... 2.Glass Skin (japanese version) 3.DIFFERENT SENSE 4.CHILD PREY 5.LOTUS Nightmare 1.Alumina 2.Gianizm Kyuu 3.the World 4.Rover 5.Pandora 12012 1.TATTOO 2.JUST THE WAY YOU ARE... 3.Silhouette 4.THE PAIN OF CATASTROPHE 5.Shinkai no bed Sadie 1.Pegasus no Gensou 2.Scarlet 3.Dress 4.psychedelic chemical movie 5.Ageha no Nakigara I'll post more later =D
  17. Licio123

    All That Remains - Overcome
  18. Licio123

    Silent Hill Revelation. Meh, as a fan of SH3, I wasn't impressed, but the scenarios were well done, as well as the monsters. Worth watching once, much worse than the first.
  19. Licio123

    D'espairsRay - Tainted World
  20. Licio123

    Liked the tracklist. Freesia deserves to be included, it's a kickass song.
  21. Licio123

    FACT - A Fact of Life
  22. Licio123

    Ito, it's not bad, just finished watching it, and the plot got better toward the end, IMO. If you liked the manga, you will probably enjoy it =D
  23. Licio123

    Lake Mungo. Well done mockumentary, it kind of changes directions a lot of the times, making you think one thing, and then another. Worth a watch!
  24. No need to remake good songs, very dissapointed by that tracklist. I bet the new song is an instrumental too, lol.
  25. Licio123

    MEJIBRAY was probably the only band which I REALLY discovered in 2012. They just blew me outof the water with the great instrumentation, and good vocalist. Found some similarities to DeG, which only added to my enjoyment. EDIT: Gotta say I rediscoverd Anberlin too, I liked a few songs of them before, but their last album was awesome, made me delve deeper in their discography, and I started loving them XD
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