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Everything posted by Licio123

  1. Licio123

    Here's hoping he gets better!
  2. Licio123

    It's the same they've been doing for the last 3 years. It's not bad, but it's always the same metal song/power ballad stuff
  3. Licio123

    Hope they change their sound a bit...
  4. Licio123

    You're right. I liked Rosario a lot too, even tough it seems like a COLD BLOOD leftover.
  5. Licio123

    Watching Trigun, finnaly... Vash is amazing!
  6. Licio123

    even sooner, nice =D
  7. Licio123

    Good, I like those guys! Can't wait!
  8. Licio123

    IC was quite a disapointment... but I still have faith in them, will listen to this.
  9. Licio123

    I also didn't expect it to be announced, caught me by surprise! Didn't listen to Meteor yet, but people seem to be enjoyng it, and RED LINE was an excellent mini. Pretty excited!
  10. Licio123

    Greeat! Hope someones ups it here, EVE is one of my favorite bands =D
  11. Licio123

    This. Last album was absolutely solid work with nowhere to go but up. Yeah, and I agree completely, RTN was the album of the year in 2011 IMO...
  12. Licio123

    Bah, I wanted a new album... at least 2 new songs, good. Hope it's not a pre-disband best album.
  13. Licio123

    ausVTbgTCpU pogopogopogopogpogpogpopo greaaat! XD
  14. Licio123

    3 years, 3 albums. Galneryus is on a roll.
  15. Licio123

    Binary Domain, enjoying this one a lot!
  16. Licio123

    I watch everything I can, especially football, basketball, swimming and athletics. It's an awesome event, so much fun.
  17. Licio123

    EVE rules! This song is addicting as hell -iItFSzD4zM
  18. Sooo that's what the countdown was for... excited! =D
  19. Licio123

    It marks a year of the leak, XD I'm guessing it's a single and a tour.
  20. Licio123

    mCE334O4yhU Old but gold.
  21. Licio123

    Awesome, Kon is just so great.
  22. Licio123

    Rewatched Batman Begins... now to TDK before TDK Rises. And I watched Himizu too, liked it a lot, but not on par with Sono's masterpieces.
  23. Licio123

    Starting Seikai no Senki II, I really like this series.
  24. Licio123

    Good luck, soldier!
  25. Licio123

    This topic killed me of laughter, because of the link and Daddy's gifs XDD
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