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The Moon

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Status Updates posted by The Moon

  1. ..How do I see old status updates? This box only shows the new ones.



    1. nekkichi


      guide in the first post here — 




  2. You're perfect 💯, you're beautiful 👰, you look 👀 like Linda Evangelista 💃.. You're a model 💋 💅. Everything 🔁 about you ☞ is perfect 💯!Did you stone 💎 those tights 👢 ? Oh, you're smiling 👱 ! They eat 🍽 her up 🔝 EVERY🕛SINGLE🕧TIME🕗 she's on that damned 👹 stage 🏁.She 😡ftsdbsds😣. She could walk 👣 out there in a fucking 😠 diaper 👶 and they'll 👥 be like 🗣: "Valentina! 👰 Your smile 👄 is beautiful! 😍".

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      😡ftsdbsds😣 [2]

  3. I DON'T EAT PIE, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT TASTES LIKE, I’M NEVER GONNA EAT PIE! MAYBE, I DON'T KNOW, I MAY TRY IT, I’M NOT A PIE TYPE OF PERSON. I can’t say if it’s good, Idk, I haven’t eaten it, I don’t eat pie. But I eat her BBQ sauce and her hot sauce and her marinades and everything else, but I don't eat her pie, I don't eat pie. So don't send me no more negativity, I DON'T CARE. I really don't.

    1. herpes


      hey hey hey put your lighters up

  4. im on twitter! https://twitter.com/bloodsundae follow me! i have no friends! 

  5. Does anyone think global warming is a good thing? I love Lady Gaga. I think she's a really interesting artist.

    1. nekkichi


      Still have the text Perez sent me of me in a wheelchair w the words KARMA written across + Madonna pointing a gun at me. Day of my accident

  6. i have scabies xxx 

    1. Jigsaw9


      is that an unreleased Merry Go Round song

  7. me room smells like pickles x

    1. saishuu



  8. monday in class  i was staring into space & the girl i liked  was walking by & looking at me while i was staring into space. then later i was staring at the wall & when i looked over i see her looking at me & smiling while she had her hands on her head. then the next day in class i heard her saying "i don't know why he looks at me"?

    1. 123Sandman321


      I've got a question. What do you find so fascinating about spaces and walls?

  9. I get my life from any song that includes a monologue. 

  10. When you fail a midterm on a class that you're particularly passionate about - it's just the greatest feeling. 

  11. Let's all take a moment and reflect on how Malice Mizer's Illuminati PV is still the best PV of all time. Thank you.

  12. This dude is hot AF and stans Mejibray. Goals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlA3Ac8O64M


  13. Kaya's English accent in Danse Macabre - I just flood my basement.

  14. 自殺願望 is iconic. #ThatsAll

  15. if you have not spent at least one season of your life doing nothing but moping and listening to deadman, we cannot be friends in any respect.

  16. Came here to fangirl about XAA-XAA - sume7 beat me to it. This album is amazing. 

  17. Does anyone know what happened to Tetora? I miss him. :'(

  18. Sexy by Mirage is iconic. "Please give me your sexy." Is my new Grindr profile.

  19. Getting my jush watching the terrible "movie" version of this Jakura song.



  20. who wants to see pix of my psoriasis x 

  21. I Have Become Yellow 

  22. if u ARE the baby, then u cannot BE the baby x 

  23. smoking weed and listening to amber gris - feel me

  24. "Ever After" is brilliant. Post-revival Schwarz Stein has been hit or miss for me, but this song is a classic. Stan LOONA.

  25. finally listened to all vk music! 

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