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    gekiai reacted to doombox in HeaRt band name change to "tRaeH"   
    I read it as tRasH at first. OTL 
    I feel like this is was a decision made specifically to make their name come up easier in a web search, but it still looks kinda ridiculous. 
  2. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from hiroki in Hello to everyone   
    Welcome to the forums!! And yessss Purple Stone! 
  3. Like
    gekiai reacted to paradoxal in Show Yourself (again)   
    Because I'm still in love with my new glasses.

  4. Like
    gekiai reacted to IGM_Oficial in Show Yourself (again)   
    I'm the glasses guy holding the white ballon at the bottom.

    Sorry for the photo quality, I didn't take it (obviously). I chose that one because it gives you an idea of how I am but without revealing my face too much. And it was like two years ago, so I'm uglier than that now.
  5. Like
    gekiai reacted to Trombe in ASAGI / 樹威(jui) / yo-ka "東北三兄弟(touhoku trio)" live-limited vocal cover mini album "益荒男(masurao)" release   
    ASAGI / 樹威(jui) / yo-ka "東北三兄弟(touhoku trio)" live-limited vocal cover mini album "益荒男(masurao)" will be released at D / GOTCHAROCKA / DIAURA 3-man live "MICHINOKU THREE KINGDOMS" at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2016/07/03, at Nagoya SPADE BOX at 2016/07/08 and at ESAKA MUSE at 2016/07/10 (3,000yen), which will include CD+booklet and all members of 3 bands will act as chorus
    [track list]
    ASAGI - Samurai dreeeeeam breaker (GOTCHAROCKA)
    ASAGI - 失翼の聖域(shitsuyoku no seiiki) (DIAURA)
    樹威(jui) - Guardian (D)
    樹威(jui) - 赤い虚像(akai kyozou) (DIAURA)
    yo-ka - 花惑(hanamadoi) (D)
    yo-ka - 秒速愛(byousokuai) (GOTCHAROCKA)
    ASAGI / 樹威(jui) / yo-ka "東北三兄弟(touhoku trio)" live-limited photobook "益荒男(masurao)" will be also released at D / GOTCHAROCKA / DIAURA 3-man live "MICHINOKU THREE KINGDOMS" (2,500yen)
    special CD+photobook making DVD will be provided if purchasing their live-limited vocal cover mini album and photobook together
  6. Like
    gekiai reacted to enyx in Best new releases: May 2016   
    ASEUL - New Pop
    ASEUL, formally known as YUKARI, is a Korean chillwave artist and one of the better members of the country's growing indie scene. New Pop is her first album since 2012's Echo and it's very much a maturation of her sound. I'd argue that it doesn't have as many individual stand-outs as her previous effort, but it's more consistent nevertheless. 
    Sample song: Loveless

    Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
    It's Death Grips being doing what Death Grips does best. At this point I don't really feel comfortable calling them a hip-hop band. They are to hip-hop what 385 is to Jazz music; a messy, chaotic perversion of it that honestly has more in common with noise punk than anything else. Bottomless Pit sees them build upon their new-found intensity explored on Jenny Death  while bringing back the catchy sensibilities of 2012's The Money Store. Might be one of my favourite albums of theirs. 
    Sample song: Spikes

    Siraph - Siraph
    I still can't believe this project exists. Masayuki Hasuo (ex. school food punishment) and Yoshimasa Terui (haisuinonasa) joining forces to create the school food punishment sequel I've always wanted to hear. Vocalist Annabel's delivery and melodies do leave a little to be desired, but maybe that's just because I'm incessantly comparing them to Yumi Uchimura's. Either way, this band is on a level compositionally that the former was never quite able to reach after it went down the simplistic anisong route. Hopefully they'll deliver on their potential going forward.
    Sample song: 時間は告ぐ
  7. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from emmny in What are you listening to?   
    Don't judge me but..
    EXO - Call Me Baby
    It's so damn catchy
  8. Like
    gekiai reacted to freesia in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me on the day of the GazettE's Taiwan live on Black Friday. It was an awesome live!

  9. Like
    gekiai reacted to Jun_ in Show Yourself (again)   
    Lol I have this picture from the photoshoot of the Maid Cafe I work for...

  10. Like
    gekiai reacted to Gaz in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    watched Boku dake ga inai machi. welp this was a good shit. i mean REALLY good shit. the plot was pretty interesting, most of the characters weren't boring/annoying, watched the entire anime in one go. it seems like NoitaminA still delivers some nice stuff now and then. 
  11. Like
    gekiai reacted to sai in WTF-inducing Japanese vocals   
    I consider Asagi one of those vocalists who's got a fantastic natural voice, but strains it in all the wrong ways to create sounds that are just not pleasing to the ear. If he would cut down on the screams and falsettos in most of D's later material he would sound a lot more bearable lmao.
  12. Like
    gekiai reacted to doombox in The 3rd Birthday will disband   
    Dammit. T_T 

  13. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from lichtlune in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    @emmny with that kind of attitude, do you think they would be propelled to perform overseas anymore?? I really do think you should show some respect and follow their wishes. I'd think you can live without a picture.
    Yesterday at the Dallas live, no one was taking any pictures or was recording and we still had an AWESOME time.
    Also, they had professionals and staff taking pictures and recording, so not all the experience will be lost.
    In response to the entirety of this topic, I don't think it's to save face or image, but rather they want profit from professional pictures and recordings, and not have all these crummy recordings lingering around online.
    I also think it depends on bands and not all VK bands. I went to see Dir En Grey and few years back and they didn't give a crap about images and recording.
  14. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from evenor in GOTCHAROCKA   
    that derp tho
  15. Like
    gekiai reacted to platy in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    I think it's a great rule to have. There's nothing worse than going to a gig where hundreds of people in front of you have their phone out, recording, taking pictures, some even on facebook. The band came all the way to your country and all you care about is looking at your phone? That's what I always think about people who have it out for the whole hour and a half.  Youre recording all these videos you probably won't watch ever again, let's be honest.  
    One time when I went to see Miyavi, this douchelord kept filming his girlfriend for most of the gig, she was dancing to the songs and they were making people open space so he could film her. I'm sorry but... that's ridiculous.  When I went to see this other band, this girl was on facebook and instagram the whole time posting about it, instead of enjoying it. Call me a hippie, but events become a lot more enjoyable without a cellphone or whatever , since some people just don't have any knowledge of common courtesy. Whether you accept it or not, when someone has their phone out it's so hard to not keep glancing at the screen because our eyes are naturally attracted to it.  If a band asks for no pictures, it's not gonna kill me as much as I want proof that I saw them ,etc. It's not that hard to just accept it. I don't have a god complex towards bands, but I'm very thankful that they managed to come to my country and perform.
    Also, another reason I'm against it is because I'm 1.52m in height and it's already a struggle to see the stage in normal conditions, but when there's someone that's nearly 2m high in front of me and they block the only small square of vision I have with an ipad, then I can't see a thing.
    Of course, that's my problem. 
  16. Like
    gekiai reacted to desparejo86 in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    It's not just Japanese bands, some western artists have this policy and I LOVE it.
    When I saw Danzig last year, it was a strict policy of no cell phones or cameras whatsoever. Anyone who took their phone out of their pocket to text, browse, sneak a photo, etc, was thrown out of the gig without a refund. It was stated on the ticket, but after a few morons tried to sneak shots, anyone who didn't get the idea already got it.
    It gave the gig a COMPLETELY different feel and I enjoyed it. It added so much to the show; when the lights would cut out, when the spotlight would hit one band member, etc, there were no cell phones on all over the gig lighting it up and making you notice stuff going on elsewhere. 
    I hope all major bands eventually adopt this practice.
  17. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from desparejo86 in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    @emmny with that kind of attitude, do you think they would be propelled to perform overseas anymore?? I really do think you should show some respect and follow their wishes. I'd think you can live without a picture.
    Yesterday at the Dallas live, no one was taking any pictures or was recording and we still had an AWESOME time.
    Also, they had professionals and staff taking pictures and recording, so not all the experience will be lost.
    In response to the entirety of this topic, I don't think it's to save face or image, but rather they want profit from professional pictures and recordings, and not have all these crummy recordings lingering around online.
    I also think it depends on bands and not all VK bands. I went to see Dir En Grey and few years back and they didn't give a crap about images and recording.
  18. Like
    gekiai reacted to Euthanasia in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    Besides, when I saw a gig in Japan there were "no photo" rules - they even announced it before the live. Everyone agreed to it expect two other girls from overseas who took out their phones anyway and tried to take pictures and well, got told by japanese fans not to so. So it does happen in Japan too.
  19. Like
    gekiai reacted to JukaForever in Your opinion on "no pictures" policy on overseas lives   
    40% of your yearly wage? IDK I don't think would spend that much even if that was my fave artist. Even if I were to, I wouldn't fuck up the experience just for a picture. 
    I don't know what fan culture you are talking about. What goes on in this fan culture?
    I just know not to go against a performer's wishes. It is their show after all, maybe they just find the cameras disrespectful.
  20. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from emmny in the GazettE   
    The Dallas show was pretty epic, here's the setlist.
    Gabriel on the Gallows
    The Suicide Circus
    Filth in Beauty 
    Tomorrow Never Dies
  21. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from Mihenno in the GazettE   
    The Dallas show was pretty epic, here's the setlist.
    Gabriel on the Gallows
    The Suicide Circus
    Filth in Beauty 
    Tomorrow Never Dies
  22. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from paradoxal in Purple Stone new single "歌舞伎町バタフライ" release   
    I think the song is perfect, amazing, Keiya looked so cute (yes even during 2:53) in the video!
    Also, hope ya'll don't mind if I let Fuma bless my post too

  23. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from saishuu in Sexy or dirty songs   
    Everyone forgets about this one too..
  24. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from CAT5 in 2016 Japanese Music Ratings   
    Decided to join in on this fun
     I cry every time it comes on my Shuffle
    DADAROMA - dadaism#2
    ELYSION - 終焉のカンパネラ
    BLESSCODE - Imperial City
    Has a few gems I'm glad I came across
    ユナイト ー ジュピタ
    MALISEND - ロストソレイユ
    The GazettE - UNDYING
    Purple Stone - 歌舞伎町バタフライ
    Alright, didn't do much for me
    Avelcain - 月 -MOON-
    グラムヘイズ ー ハナムケノウタ
    GOTCHAROCKA - Rainfall
    アルルカン - PARANOIA
     "Must be having a mid-vk crisis"
     Unsexy Garbage
    More to come, still a few singles to listen through
  25. Like
    gekiai got a reaction from hiroki in Purple Stone new single "歌舞伎町バタフライ" release   
    I think the song is perfect, amazing, Keiya looked so cute (yes even during 2:53) in the video!
    Also, hope ya'll don't mind if I let Fuma bless my post too

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