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    suji reacted to Yukami in the Muzzle new single "愛スル故ノ束縛ト、嫉妬カラ為ル独占欲。" release   
    The first single "愛スル故ノ束縛ト、嫉妬カラ為ル独占欲。" can now be reserved until August 17.

  2. Like
    suji reacted to SlaySlavery in What are some bands with huge fan base but after disbandment, the members go on to form underwhelming bands?   
    And vice versa? I was listening to old school visual kei (UnsraW & Dio) today and thought about this. Both bands would certainly do better if they had stuck together.
  3. Like
    suji reacted to jon_jonz in 明希 (AKi) (シド (SID)) new project, "UGRA" has formed   
    More like UGIR'X=X.
  4. 悲しい
    suji got a reaction from alehandroll in アスティ(asty) Vo.タケル (takeru) goes missing --> has departed + activity pause   
    アスティ (asty) has announced that they have lost contact with Vo.タケル (takeru) as of July 21, as he has deleted his social media and has not answered calls from the rest of the members. On that same day, the band had to resort to having their out-store event and live without him.
    The next day, they confirmed that Takeru is safe, via his relatives, but the band has still not be able to contact him directly. They plan on having a discussion about the situation after their next free oneman live on July 23(?). 

  5. Thanks
    suji reacted to Yukimoto in 明希 (AKi) (シド (SID)) new project, "UGRA" has formed   
    @suji From their tweetes it seems like an official band but they were kicking off their activities with a cover song. During Shins live he may have been advertising this band to get followers for it. I couldn't watch all of his stream but I do remember him counting the followers and trying to reach 400 followers or something like that. It also looks like Liam is the one that formed the band maybe but Aki is getting most of the credit because he's the most well known out of all of them, just speculation from the others accounts
  6. Like
    suji got a reaction from Alsdead14 in 明希 (AKi) (シド (SID)) new project, "UGRA" has formed   
    明希 (AKi) (シド (SID)) new project, "UGRA" has formed. Check out their cover of Linkin Park's "In the End" in memory of singer Chester Bennington.
    Gt.Yousay (ex-The Kiddie)
    Ba.明希 (AKi) (SID)

  7. Daria
    suji got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
  8. LOVE!
    suji reacted to johnesh in the Raid. goes major + last indies single release   
    You're f***ing kidding me! This is amazing news – maybe at long, long last, after what feels like a million singles, we will finally get that second full-length album we've been waiting literally years for.
    I wonder what label they've signed to. It's a really good sign that VK bands can still get a major deal in this day and age, I was beginning to think those days were gone.
    suji reacted to Enki in random thoughts thread   
    Rentrer en soi is shook
    suji reacted to Total Saikou in random thoughts thread   
    I'm not sure if the fact that it's not a cover makes it better or worse
  11. Yikes
    suji got a reaction from Total Saikou in random thoughts thread   
  12. Yikes
    suji got a reaction from Enki in random thoughts thread   
  13. Like
    suji reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    Ya know, it's interesting...A lot of people seem to have a problem with me consistently talking about and mentioning The Most High. So let's look at this...
    #1. When I say "The Most High", do you automatically assume that you understand what I mean when I say that? Most people have no clue, yet they assume that their understanding is the same as mine. They never ask questions to seek clarification on the matter.
    #2. Am I forcing my beliefs on anyone else? Never have and never will. Whenever I mention TMH, it's always in reference to myself. I could literally care less if anyone else believes what I believe. Nor do I care what others believe. We all have the freedom to believe in whatever we choose.
    #3. Does what I eat, make you shit? It shouldn't. Me talking about my beliefs literally poses no threat to you, nor does it have any effect on or control over your life.
    So if all of these ring true, then why do people still find offense with it?
    Well, it may simply be a spiritual issue:
    The word for "spirit" in Hebrew is "ruach", which literally means "wind". What does the wind do? It blows things in a certain direction. So if i'm coming in one spirit, and someone else is coming with another...we're essentially being blown in two different directions...and what happens when two different winds collide? Resistance. They don't mix.
  14. Like
    suji reacted to violetchain in アスティ(asty) Vo.タケル (takeru) goes missing --> has departed + activity pause   
    Huh, I wonder what the deal is, since it always seemed like he was the most enthusiastic about the band. He mentioned on YouTube a while back that he is also a medical student or something, so I wonder if he's just overwhelmed.
    Hope they're able to work things out.
  15. Like
    suji reacted to patientZERO in アスティ(asty) Vo.タケル (takeru) goes missing --> has departed + activity pause   
    Japanese culture really needs to start to realize that mental illness exists. Even though I'm not a fan of the band, I'm glad he's alive and I hope he can work things out with his bandmates if only for him to grow emotionally.
  16. Like
    suji got a reaction from Total Saikou in the Raid. goes major + last indies single release   
    the Raid. has announced that they will make their major debut in 2021!!
    Details have yet to be announced due to various circumstances, but they will release their last indies single, "サヨナラ誰か" (sayonara dareka) on December 22! A social media campaign will follow, details currently unannounced at this time. Their last indies oneman will be at National Yoyogi Second Gymnasium (国立代々木第二体育館) on December 31.

  17. Like
    suji reacted to Total Saikou in アスティ(asty) Vo.タケル (takeru) goes missing --> has departed + activity pause   
    I'm glad he's safe but I'm worried about the poor man's mental health. With all that's going on, I don't blame him for having a breakdown. I wonder if they're gonna wait for him to come back when they hear from him, or will they find a new vocalist?
  18. I feel ya..
    suji got a reaction from zetork in アスティ(asty) Vo.タケル (takeru) goes missing --> has departed + activity pause   
    アスティ (asty) has announced that they have lost contact with Vo.タケル (takeru) as of July 21, as he has deleted his social media and has not answered calls from the rest of the members. On that same day, the band had to resort to having their out-store event and live without him.
    The next day, they confirmed that Takeru is safe, via his relatives, but the band has still not be able to contact him directly. They plan on having a discussion about the situation after their next free oneman live on July 23(?). 

  19. Like
    suji got a reaction from TheTrendkiller in New band "DIR EN GREY Ambient Collection" has formed, proceeds to release 37-part ambient version of Ranunculus   
    I really like this too, but the whole splitting up into almost 40 short samples is really, really dumb.
    suji reacted to xLIZ4 in SARIGIA new live limited single VENOM + new look   
    Apparently the new single won't be live limited anymore...? lol
    SARIGIA has an online shop now, with VENOM as only listed CD atm.
    So just a reminder, I can help anyone with getting anything from this store. Just PM me.
  21. Like
    suji reacted to Kabukichoatmidnight in SARIGIA new live limited single VENOM + new look   
    Yeah I get what you're saying and am not saying you're wrong and I totally understand why bands do it. But at the same time if some of these bands do have fans overseas who want to support them it makes it hard for them to do so, especially as second hand live limited stuff goes for madly high prices most of the time and none of that goes to the band anyway... So having some support (At least financially) from overseas fans is better than money they are losing out on by basically not allowing overseas fans to get their stuff, I would imagine particularly small bands would be happy for financial support whether it's from local or overseas fans. I mean I've been to Japan a couple of times and have attended shows and got what I was able to while there and make the effort to hunt the stuff down online, but yeah, just gets frustrating having to go through a load of ballache just for a CD with a couple of tracks on or whatever. haha. Or at least they could just do what Jigsaw did and basically release a billion live limited singles and then put them all on one CD that you can get in actual shops later. I totally get that Japanese culture is very different to western culture and whatnot but just find the way some of these bands market themselves very odd sometimes.
    suji reacted to ambivalentideal in What are some funny or terrible rumours about musicians or bands?   
    You can take this as a rumor I guess but it actually happened. Whether the staff person who told us all this was telling the truth or not I don't know, but I don't really see why they would lie lol. This was over 10 years ago so I might have some details wrong but this is what happened to the best of my memory. So at Oni-con in Houston, TX in 2008 Dio -distraught overlord- and Sugar played. On Friday the bands played and on Saturday the bands were supposed to have Q&A panels and the Dio one went great, but the Sugar one kept getting delayed as we all waited outside the room for ages. A friend of mine and I started asking staff what was going on and this staff person for the convention started quietly telling us about the previous night and what was going on that day. Basically the night before, after the concert, the bands got really rowdy drunk and Loki (vocalist of Sugar) started causing all kinds of shenanigans and problems. They said he was flirting with male staff (really awkwardly because they were not reciprocating) and that apparently he forgot what hotel room number was his because he started walking around and knocking on every single hotel room door on that floor trying to figure out which one was his. ... Anyway, as if the staff's control of this situation couldn't get any worse, somehow Loki escaped before they had to do the Q&A and was apparently wandering around Houston and they had yet to find him. The panel ended up getting cancelled and the rest of the band apologized as far as I can remember. Not sure what happened after that. The whole thing was a messsssss. 
  23. Like
    suji reacted to ahnchc in What are some funny or terrible rumours about musicians or bands?   
    Just a random picture, I think. 
    Here's a terrible rumor about the all-mighty Tsuzuku because I know you all just love him, lol:
    I remember people saying he's emotionally abusive and would self-harm in front of girlfriends to manipulate them. I almost hope it's true because I can't imagine anyone being sick in the head enough to make that one up. Some Tanuki users would say that he hits his (former) bandmates.
    If it's not true, it makes me wonder why some people have it out for him enough to say shit like that.
    suji reacted to ahnchc in What are some funny or terrible rumours about musicians or bands?   
    Pretty sure that was something made up by foreign gya and/or taken from some fucked up rapefic.
    But other rumors about KISAKI..?
    TLDR: He's a shitty person who ends up always giving STDs because he never wears condoms.
    suji reacted to felipar in 即ち性。 (Sunawachi Saga) goes on indefinite activity pause   
    every band with this singer keeps ceasing activity repeatedly lol
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