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Posts posted by togz

  1. On 1/1/2017 at 4:46 PM, Atreides said:

    I've been single for almost 4 ish months now. It still feels strange how much freedom I have when work isn't strangling me.  It's quite a nice life, I've been enjoying it immensely. Dating someone for 7 years is a long time if you end up not liking eachother.

    You know. I feel like I have taken being single for granted. I feel like my last relationship ended really prematurely... but i also realized i was able to not spend as much money and I didn't have to worry about someone else's schedule before planning my own. But I feel like it can work with the right person who wants the same distance and time together as you. Which is why i guess i keep looking. idk.

    24 minutes ago, shiroihana said:

    Hell yeah~


    I know this might sound bad to some people but I've been in serious online relationships but not serious in-person relationships, but really I'm a tremendous introvert in the sense that I don't like to spend a lot of time with people in person outside of leisure time so yeah that's a large part of it - whereas online I can do shit on my own accord arbitrarily and the responsibility of commitment never arises. I've had people fall in love with me whom I liked but I never really wanted my relationships to evolve into something bigger because that's not how I roll, yet still petty drama and baseless arguments were a frequent enough phenomenon that over time the thought of being completely single seemed much more desirable.


    tl;dr I love being single but it's mostly because I don't actively pursue serious relationships (I prefer friendships) and I love me some alone time. I never understood why so many people feel an imperative need to be in a relationship either considering the way many if not most relationships deteriorate over time. I've seen so many heartbroken people who could barely even recover from a broken relationship so I wonder why it's so urgent to be in one considering what is very likely to end up happening.

     I can agree with a lot of this. Being single does have it's plus sides. Especially if you're not even in the market to commit to anyone else but yourself because you do have to sacrifice some stuff to be in a serious relationship and meet the other person half way. But I think you can only do that once you're comfortable with yourself and all that jazz. 



    idk relationships are weird. i never know what to say or do. I always think i'm at fault. I never understand why someone likes me so i convince myself they're lying which in the end pushes them away because they get tired of trying to prove themselves when they shouldn't have to.

  2. 1 hour ago, Wakarimashita said:

    Sounds nothing like GALEYD indeed... Playing guitar for Kamijo killed him LOL :|| so much untapped talent...

    I wouldn't say wasted talent because it definitely gave him more exposure to fans who weren't aware of him before and he was still active. They video is certainly different than galeyd but after meku left even his Twitter was comprised of things not even VK related. I know he went to a music institute. I can recall the source where I found that but I'm sure it's easily located if your willing to put the time to find it. So I doubt VK was really the full idea he had when studying but it was a route he decided to take at the time. 

  3. 4 hours ago, DeithX252 said:

    I don't know if this can help, but MEKU post about his guitar demonstration a while ago



    please if someone know the music lol it is very different from GALEYD

    I tried searching everywhere and can't find anything either. : | I wonder if it's simply an unreleased song??? 

  4. I was really curious about the musical direction when this line-up was announced. I'm very familiar with 4 of their members (Kouryuu, Tetsuya, Ryoga, and Tsurugi). After finally hearing this release I can safely say elements from each musician really shine in this group. Tetsuya (ex. SKULL, ex. MBHI and ex. support for Igaguri Chiba) is more than just a drummer. He's responsible for most of the instrumental compositions for SKULL so I've come to recognize his musical phrasing and production (though I'm not sure how much production plays in this). Tsurugi ( Sadie) offers more melodic guitar leads that aren't too heavy (which worked best with stuff like ice romancer and swallow rain from Sadie. Ryoga I'm familiar with but I was never really in to Born. However, his strategies on vocal phrasing is very similar though it seems he's developed a slightly different approach. The resemblance is still there. Then we get our heavier chugga-chugs that come from Kouryuu (ex. Keith, ex. Dopes, ex. MBHI). I've known of him for some time and i don't even know his full past band list but I knew him the most from MBHI. The song I think that displays all of that properly and in a tasteful manner is "Primary". I think the slower song "Missing Piece" is their weakest song and feels out of place. My favorite song is "埋葬 (maisou)" because it sounds intense and like it'd be a shit ton of fun live. If I'm not mistaken, Ryoga posted on twitter about filming a video so I'm assuming they'll announce another release soon!


    I'm really looking forward to following these guys and I'm really glad to see Tetsuya still involved in the scene. He went off the radar somewhat after SKULL aside from doing stuff for Chiba... let's not lose him again. lol. 


    Great review @Zeus!

  5. 2 hours ago, beni said:

    Wonderful review. I have yet to listen to the release because I'm iffy about how much I'll like it. I love RADWIMPS and Noda's first album, but the recent MVs have yet to captivate me. But I must admit "Water Lily" is growing on me (Just love that "From Beehives to Water Lillies" line you did) now that I've returned to give it another listen now, and I have a feeling I'll also dig all the songs you wrote at the bottom as the highlights. I may have to revisit that website on more occasions too. THAT was entrancing. Reminds me of Namie Amuro's Golden Touch. Thanks for reminding me I still need to give it a listen, and for making me enjoy "Water Lily" even more!

    I feel like I was iffy about it at first too but it had been a decent amount of time since his last release so I figured people's influences change during that time. So while it's still pretty different from Ubu I also feel like it still stays true to his style. 


    Im glad you liked this review and let me know what you think later down the road :)

  6. I voted Girugamesh. While I do understand the similarities I believe both bands wanted different things and went different directions. They're comparable in their earlier stages, but later in their musical careers not so much in my opinion. Girugamesh went through some weird phases but I think it's not because they got bad... they were just trying to figure out their next step (which I believe was to ditch vk in the long run). But I think once that happened it caused their music style to become inconsistent... but I still preferred it over despa... I personally could never find a song I really liked by them :<

  7. DAAAAANG They're good. 



    Was it released on September 10th????


    The vocals are really strong and the guitar work is really melodic but it doesn't over power the vocals. 

    Bass and drum levels are also really good. 


    Thank you for posting this... I will keep my eyes peeled to get my hands on some trickidy tracks by these fellas here.


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