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Status Updates posted by togz

  1. I have general anxiety to go to this court thing just for a ticket... How do you court tho...?

    1. inartistic


      Might sound dumb, but are you sure you have to go to court? I'd re-read it and make sure that paying a fine isn't an option.


      Either way, good luck! If you have to go to court, I'm sure it won't be that bad; they probably do a million of those things a day, so I'm sure it will go smoothly.

    2. togz


      I requested to go to court to try and reduce or waive the ticket. But still I didn't know the process so I felt anxious that I'd embarass myself and be expected to know certain things about court etiquette or whatever. But it was actually really easy. They cut my ticket in half and gave me a hella extension. The only reason the Judge didn't waive it completely was because the City Council sets the fine for the specific ticket I got, and the Judge was only allowed to reduce it to half.  

    3. inartistic


      That's great! Glad it worked out

  2. I have to leave for the airport in 2 hours and i still haven't packed. Haven't wiped my memory cards for my camera. Haven't showered. I'll get it eventually. 

    1. freesia


      chop chop!!!

    2. togz


      I made it!!! I was more worried about charging my camera stuff but thanks for the push freesia <3

  3. I just now discovered sokoninaru and I'm mad I didn't find them sooner.

  4. I just started watching the 100 and .... Bellamy though. Huhuuuuu. Hey hi.

    1. doombox


      Things get real by the end of the season, and everyone starts to grow up real quick. XD I really enjoyed season 2 even more. 

    2. togz
    3. togz


      Haha I'm looking forward to watching more xD

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  5. I literally left my heart in Tokyo. Send help.

  6. I literally went to two Targets this morning to buy BTS' new album and like... neither of them even stocked it. It wasn't sold out they just didn't have it??? I'm low key mad??? But I got copies of Her that i didn't have and Tear is on apple music BUT STILL. 

    1. colorful人生


      Nice, I got R since I got the L version for 'Her' (looks neater on the shelf.)

      I've only seriously listened to kpop for 2~3 years, but it's a great time to start listening. I get more excited over kpop concepts than vk ones nowadays. Today's producers are killing it (figuratively).

    2. togz


      Yeah I used to be like... 'MAN I'LL NEVER LISTEN TO KPOP' but honestly... the music has gotten pretty relevant. Like i can see how they have branched so much out of Korea. Plus, I feel guilty. like I didn't realize how much work these people put in to making this their life. Extensive training for years before even getting the chance to get a contract and even then it could be more years before you actually debut. And then even when you do it's just a bigger competition hahahahahahahaha. 

    3. ndareba


      NOT TO BARGE IN BUT.... Yea like 8 years ago I thought Kpop was dumb and worthless and all that, but there are some really genuinely talented groups out there. And more and more members are getting in on the writing and creative process of their releases. It's not just generic factory pop. 

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  7. I miss GALEYD. ;___;

    1. togz


      @monkeybanana4 @Wakarimashita The saddest part is aside from Nikky and Mekus Kamijo endevors, Toki has been in some sessions bands? Idk about recently but he seems to have fallen off Twitter. And Garo probably retired and I’m sad he was one of the best vocalists I have ever heard. Oof big sad mood guys

    2. monkeybanana4


      @togz Oh, no! If that's true (Garo retiring), I'm also really sad ;w; He was such a unique, amazing vocalist and I was quite looking forward to hearing him come back! His talent will truly be missed T_T So unfortunate to hear about Toki as well 😕 At the very least, I hope he's doing well in whatever endeavors he's involved in.

    3. Wakarimashita


      Garo joined that weird ramen band, singed there for a while and then left to oblivion... No news about Toki.

      I am still mad at Meku for being Kamijo's slave.


      Sad. Very, very sad ://

    4. Show next comments  42 more

  9. I really need to stop procrastinating. I need to wake up in like 5 hours to get ready to leave for Warped but like... I also have to get stuff together. WHAT IS SLEEP. 

  10. I should get my test results back from the doctors tomorrow... 🙏

    1. Zeus


      i should get mine today!

  11. I wanted to make a status update so I went on a long journey to find out how to make a status update. I figured it out. But I forgot what status I wanted to update about. That is all.

  12. I wanted to write a live report of THE NOVEMBERS live I went to. But I'm not even going to lie when i said I sobbed through half of it in the back bro. Locals were probably like... are you ok tho?

    1. togz


      They played Sky Crawlers and I'm so content.

    2. togz


      Also FABLED NUMBER had to have been the most hyped show I saw the whole time I was there... after Fear and Loathing. I had to watch that shizz from outside it was so packed. Azami was really great, PRAISE was funny (or their costumes for halloween were) and Her name in blood was just as dope as I remember but part of me think their fan base is dropping????? I missed some stuff due to weather and timing (other shows i mean) and the two shows I had booked to do photos for fell through. But I made A LOT of friends... and improved my Japanese A LOT. 

  13. I will be tackling the Japanese study group club again. Please stay tuned. Taking volunteers to help with weekly to bi-weekly vocabulary material etc

  14. I'll be adding more stuff and prices to my sales post Monday night. So please stay tuned. If there are items you're wanting to buy now but are waiting to see what else i put up, I will make the exception to hold them for you. :>

  15. I'm back in the USA and I feel really sad. Like... I was really stoked going to Japan to see all these bands and buy music and just sight see... but i got comfortable in the three weeks I was there and actually made some really close friends. I'm okay if I never go to China again though. The air hurts my lungs waaaaay too much. 

  16. I'm going on a 4 hour boat ride to San Juan islands to see me some orcas. Then I'm going on a 4 hour boat ride back to Seattle to go karaoke and get wasted with people I see everyday so I can't call out for a hangover tomorrow.ヾ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ノ♪

    1. Hakari


      San Juan islands are beautiful

  17. I'm gonna see THE NOVEMBERS!!!!! Igsigsoycotdohxoyxktxlyzitdoycoyd

  18. I'm so disappointed...

  19. I’m selling almost all of my collection for $2 per cd, .25cents per flyer and $2 per magazine just pay shipping. Will make a listed post tonight. 

    1. togz


      Will be tomorrow night because there’s a lot lol

  20. idk who needs this, but...Hey you. Yeah you. I know today might be hard and you're just existing, but you're important. Don't be too hard on yourself and take it a day at a time. Love you. 

    1. -NOVA-


      Right back at ya dear, Hope you're doing well :angely:

    2. CAT5


      I support this message.

  21. If you have Facebook ;0; I've just created a photography page https://m.facebook.com/TominaPhotography/

    1. orange~


      you got an awesome profile pic there!

      I went and liked your page ^^

    2. Jigsaw9



    3. togz


      Aw you guys are great!!!!

  22. In line for One ok rock and made so many new friends from Japan 🤗

  23. It's always the people who ask why I don't trust easy that end up lying to me in the end tho. Like dude you been answering your own question this whole time. Step.

  24. Just a thought but is nama from minus jinsei doing support for Hyde’s is tour?

    1. togz


      Just wondering because their mask is in a similar style to theirs 

  25. Just submitted my portfolio to volunteer at Sakura Con as a photographer. Hoping I get it. They e-mailed back already saying my work looks great, but that could just be a response to all applicants. Fingers crossed, I'll know by Feb 19th!

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