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Status Updates posted by robkun

  1. Just noticed I haven't uploaded here in a while. Well, since it's a perfectly good day out, why not make a comeback? ... Yup, it's decided XD.

    1. YuyoDrift


      Do it. Do it nao. Like right meow.

    2. robkun


      My new lossless album upload has been added! Just another... hour to go =__="" lol.

  2. Just read that Nightmare split a few months back. JESUS, WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!?

    1. robkun


      Hopefully it's only a hiatus. Enough of the long-running VK bands have died in 2016, don't need another one =__=".

    2. yurameki24
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  3. Just saw my reputation is now at the level of flawless. Love y'all <3.

    1. yurameki24


      This is the tape of the song, finally able to hear, thank you →Otogi (御伽) - Mihattatsu na XX to Mijuku na XX (未発達なXXと未熟なXX)


  4. K, I decided to share some lossless quality amazingly rare VK from the late 90's. Gonna try to put it up tonight. Keep your eyes peeled!

    1. Himeaimichu


      I'll be looking forward to it!! 

    2. yurameki24


      This is a must

  5. Lamiya and fesfe[m] are the shit. Two neo-kei bands I've got my eye on, especially fesfe[m]. Been into them for months now. Got one of my boys into them too lol.

    1. Ruri


      whats a good fesfe[m] song? i love lamiya but ive never heard fesfem

    2. robkun


      Doll in Blueberry Jam is my personal favorite of theirs. Gooood stuff lol.



  6. Lesson learned: NEVER EVER take depression meds with cold meds. I had pretty much a total meltdown and thought I was fucked till I told my folks and they told me I was lucky cuz it could've been fatal. Christ... well, time to let the ol' poor brain heal.

    1. robkun


      I don't go to therapy XDD. Usually it's not so bad, just a mild thing, but the cold meds I guess really amplified the depression to unbearable levels.

    2. nekkichi


      idk what you're taking specifically, but your GP should be aware of known drug interactions :<

      I'm...surprised zoloft can go unexpected places when something as basic as a cold treatment gets mixed in tho

    3. robkun


      I know, we were kinda confused the main pharmacist didn't really warn us beforehand. Just glad that we found out today though.

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  7. Maaaaan, still over a week without a main computer that has access to all my stuff. Another case of never taking advantage of what you currently have. Hoping it'll regain consciousness before the end of the week =__="".

  8. Major RIP to Aya, from New Sodmy and one of my favorites, BLue-B. You’ll be missed. As if 2020 didn’t suck already, it had to take one more legend before the year ended </3.



    1. SHOKI


      Super sad news. Specially shocking due to how young he was and after having seen him again with NEW SODMY barely 5 years ago.  

    2. robkun


      Yeah man, so much for a fabled BLue-B reunion. Siiiigh.

  9. Missalina Rei is one of those rare VK bands whose sound is just as epic as their aesthetics.

    1. returnal


      those first two mini-albums in particular... goth ne plus ultra

    2. Hohchicano96


      "Fiancé(e)" from their last single is a damn journey.

    3. robkun


      I still can’t believe the talent in that band. The fact that both Arisu and Aya shredded on the bass at some point just makes em that much more killer. Plus, in all of my masculine heterosexuality, I can confidently say that Arisu is kawaii as fuck.

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  10. My upfront apologies for my lack of uploads. I'm waiting for my new disc drive to arrive.... anytime now. I am sooo anxious to listen to the rest of my VK. It's torture =___="".

    1. Mamo


      No problem I just glad that you even share.:tw_blush:

  11. Neo Sonic Arts is the audio version of heroin, I swear.

  12. Oh, hi Kisaki.

  13. Ohhh man do I have something awesome for all of you lossless/audiophiles out there. It's gonna take a while, but I think you all will enjoy the hell out of it. Stay tuned!

  14. Okay, I’m gonna tell you guys a lil story about my surgery that literally melted my soul and still makes me watereyed when I talk about it. Sooo this jaw surgery that I had was really, really tough. Lots of incisions, bruising, swelling, bleeding (which I’m in the roughest of at the moment =___=). Rough shit. Anyways, I’ve got a pitbull that was absolutely bummed when I had to spend the night at the hospital. When I get back home, the first night is hell, naturally. I’m all beat up, in tears, and I notice that my pitbull is literally in tears for how bad I felt. Never in my 22 years of life have I ever seen something like that. It was one of the most emotional times in my life since I am a huuuuuuuge animal fan/softie, so that literally is something I will never forget. I’m holding her right now thinking about it. But healing is coming together decently, I suppose, and I’m getting the bands that have my jaw shut loosened so I can eat shit that isn’t carnation breakfast and is real food. Thought I’d share that lil story though since it’s something that has been on my mind since it happened. Hope to be back on the uploading circuit again within a week or two, and thanks to everyone for reaching out with their get-well wishes! ^__^

    1. BrenGun


      when my tonsills got removed I was k.o for almost 2 weeks.

      So i can imagine how freaking hurtfull this should be.


      get well soon buddy!

    2. yakihiko


      It will become better soon, have a nice recover :)

  15. Okay, sooo... there’s this one VK band called Rasen from the 90s that supposedly formed in 1997, and released a demo tape that year. But according to Shoxx, that demo tape wasn’t released until November of 1999. And on top of that, someone supposedly has a copy that talks about a live in 1997. Brain... rape lol.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Agreed, there might be two presses

    2. suji


      I love that band ♥ I wish they released more music (& that we knew more about them ;w; )

    3. robkun


      Nah. Panda also sent me an article that confirms it was released in ‘99. Craziness =___= lol.

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  16. Only Radiohead can pull my heartstrings more than WAIL. What a marvelous, marvelous band.

  17. Papa's got a brand new bag. Expect a shitload of VK to be uploaded within the next few days  :tw_wink:

  18. Purplefied! Woo!!

  19. Question: is there a time in history that Kisaki lost his mind, or has he always been a special kinda guy??

    1. Himeaimichu


      I'd say it's when he started Undercode and began hanging with people MUCH younger than him xD. 

      Either that, or maybe the rumours he was on meth were true...

  20. So I finally took a listen to The THIRTEEN, and uh... two words: "CHILD PREY". Gah, they were painfully mediocre XD.

  21. So I talked with the singer from Bang-Doll (total honor in itself), and apparently the group is going to be on a hiatus for at least two years cuz some members are sick or going through personal issues. Hope they come back then and aren't another VK band that fizzles out =__=".

  22. Something rather important I thought I’d let everyone know here. On the 1st, I’m getting an intense jaw surgery, so I’m not gonna be on for about a month. I may pop on every now and then, but uploads will be on an indefinite hiatus till around early March. I do have some more goodies lined up for around that time, and I plan on having a huge upload splurge when I come back. I’ll be on this weekend of the RH auction stream, and then the preparations begin =__=“. Just wanted to give a heads up and let everyone know since I don’t think I’ve ever been MIA that long on here before. So yeah, other than the RH stream, I’ll catch ya guys in March!!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      @CoolKill3rXI'll share my rips of whatever I get with you anyway, just don't make me pay $50 for something :spin: 

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  23. Sooo errr... I think I amassed enough flyers to make a flyer compilation sequel? Lol. Would anyone be interested in seeing it soon? Otherwise, I'll put it on the backburner for a bit longer.

  24. Sooo I found out my biggest fan on YT. The guy totally put up almost every single video file I put up here. How... bizarre lol.

    1. YuyoDrift


      Sharing the Vk love.



    2. robkun


      Sharing it to a creepy tee, Yuyo lol

  25. Sooo I got my first YT strike in about a year because some dickhead named "Charles W" took copyright of an ACID LOVE song. I would challenge it, but the YT copyright thing makes me queasy thinking about it. So thanks Mr. W, you special lil' douchebag.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      (and "Sakuyoi" is very cool, I was addicted on it)

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