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  1. Like
    Serox reacted to kyoisKILLINGME in New Shimizuya Records band "ラミエル(ramiel)" has formed   
    of all labels it had to be them.... oh boy... .__. 
  2. Like
    Serox reacted to Takadanobabaalien in New Shimizuya Records band "ラミエル(ramiel)" has formed   
    hope they become a lamiel tribute band
    specifically want a cover of this
  3. Like
    Serox reacted to Takadanobabaalien in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    I think it's horrible that Bangya's behave like this. It's one thing to openly bash a public person, I mean, to a certain extent I think it's okay. But when it gets as far as to wishing him dead and telling him personally to go kill himself... It's just too much. A lot of bandmen (mainly shit bandmen I suppose) gets this as well. Yuuga from Devil Kitty is a perfect example.
    In the end I just hope he doesn't take it too personally. Just like someone wrote to him on twitter "doing this to someone you used to call brother (Sui) is beyond acceptable". And yes, it is. As always in cases like this, I'm just uncertain if he's sorry over his actions or if he's sorry that people found out. He has a lot of fans who are ready to look past all the stupid shit he does as long as he continues to produce music/plays in a band, hell, even bandmen are ready to look past it and that's what he really needs to focus on. Considering how important he is in the scene I think bands are not able to ignore him eitherway and that's really something he could take advantage of. Granted, he probably lost Sui (who officially retired) as a friend, but I'm not sure about Yayoi. Anyway, what I am trying to say is that it would be really stupid for him to retire over a thing like this, I really hope he continues. 
    But then again, shame is a big deal in Japanese culture and he could very well retire after this. I guess time will tell.
  4. Like
    Serox reacted to Yukami in New band "MISERIA" has formed   
    They remind me MALISEND
  5. Like
    Serox reacted to Euthanasia in Fixer LIVE & PV DVD release   
    New Single[MaercS] 2016.11.16 2タイプ同時release 
    and they have a new bassist: 

    70. is his name lol but old vanessa fans (like myself) know him as Nao. 
  6. Like
  7. Like
    Serox reacted to jon_jonz in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    inb4 that lawyer sends KISAKI to jail

  8. Like
    Serox reacted to suji in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    A wild Rame has appeared!
  9. Like
    Serox reacted to Takadanobabaalien in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    He said that no matter what other people said, if Kisaki said he hasn't done anything then that is what he will believe. And that he really wants to go through with the session gig so he will try and make it happen (with Kisaki).
  10. Like
    Serox reacted to Chi in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    i hate that i opened that cuz i ran into kisaki nudes nothankyou
  11. Like
    Serox reacted to appl- in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    Sui: help me! I'm dying for real.
    Kisaki: but first.... lemme take a photo! oxoxoxoxo
  12. Like
    Serox reacted to Karma’s Hat in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    I'm considering changing my avatar to passed out sui
  13. Like
    Serox reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    omg I was kidding about tanuki ruining this. sorry for breaking up Malisend and now the kisaki project guys!!!
    Also, if he's going to do this at least learn how to use this gif instead of "I was hacked"

  14. Like
    Serox reacted to Takadanobabaalien in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    Yup. In his newest tweet he said that he realized that he is the one who did something wrong, apologized to the concerned people, that he will never forget the ones who support him and he will not return to the stage again.
    edit: so i assume the kisaki project gig is cancelled as well.
    edit 2: yup, the ameblo entry about kisaki project gig has been removed.
  15. Like
    Serox reacted to suji in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    Rip kisaki project ft hitomi </3
  16. Like
    Serox reacted to inartistic in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    Knew he'd overreact. Fucking drama queen
  17. Like
    Serox reacted to Takadanobabaalien in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    I decided to do a fast translation, so there might be some minor mistakes but you can get the general picture.
    Kisaki: Here's a picture of Yayoi (MIRAGE) hitting on his grand senpai (who's a woman)
    Tanuki twitter: Thanks!
    Tanuki twitter: Uhm, did you send this from wrong account? Are you okay?
    Kisaki: Huh? I've been hacked recently so I've no idea what you're talking about
    Kisaki: Oh... Please delete this tweet
    Kisaki: This is a mistake, can you please delete the tweet?
    Tanuki twitter: Is this really the truth?
    Kisaki: Please I was hacked... This is really going to blow out of porportion
    Kisaki: I've been talking to the police now and I think it's going to be pretty big news. If you don't delete everything related to Sui it seems they will come and arrest you. Please co-operate with me in this. Just delete the tweets. Also I want to call you, can you please tell me your number?
    Tanuki twitter: You said you just spoke to the police, wouldn't they be more interested in your tax evasion and generally suspicious activities? Is everything okay?
    Kisaki: Please forgive me for that. That is already a suspended sentence and I'm not doing anything fishy so everything's fine. All I want you to do is to delete the tweets this instant, please!
    Kisaki: I really feel like I've done something wrong, and this will turn out to a huge problem for me so please, I'm begging you, delete the tweets. I'm asking you from the bottom of my heart, please do it. I don't know if I will be able to be in bands anymore. I will explain more about this tomorrow so please decide how you will do this instant. 
    Tanuki twitter. Hmm.. I don't know what I want to do <3 
    Kisaki: I really regret doing this, please...
    Tanuki twitter: Ok, you should be really thankful! I deleted it
    Kisaki: Thank you so much. 
    During the entire conversation Kisaki is writing very polite Japanese and the Tanuki guy is writing like he is just messing around with him.
  18. Like
    Serox reacted to appl- in Fixer LIVE & PV DVD release   
    wha the fack? They ar changing from Fixer to FIXER or what?
  19. Like
    Serox reacted to IGM_Oficial in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    This is hilarious and horrible at the same time.
  20. Like
    Serox reacted to cvltic in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    check the screencaps of the convo between him and @kushomen on twitter from this other twitter that saved them.
    one of them expressly says "I'm going to write that my twitter was taken over" lol
  21. Like
    Serox reacted to emmny in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    angry brazilian kisaki stans ATTACK
  22. Like
    Serox reacted to suji in Elysion new singles   
    AND OF COURSE IT HAD TO BE LIVE LIMITED ;____________________________;
    why does this always happen to my faves???
  23. Like
    Serox reacted to Elazmus in the LOTUS departs from PS COMPANY   
    HAHAHAHAAHA. It keeps going.
    This is the most i've liked the LOTUS now - maybe I'll give them another try for this XD
  24. Like
    Serox reacted to suji in Elysion new singles   
    1.Chaos of Dystopia
    3.La colline
    The CD will cost 1500 yen.
  25. Like
    Serox reacted to suji in KISAKI PROJECT ft. Hitomi (ex-Moran) will perform...NOT. (update 10/22: NOT)   
    It appears that Kisaki's twitter account had been hacked earlier tonight. There seems to be no evidence of suspicious activity, other than this tweet, and the fact that the account was locked:

    The tweet has since been deleted and Kisaki may have been able to regain access to his account.
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