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    Kuro reacted to dancing billy in getting back into vkei !!!   
    hi all :0
    i've been aware of vkei/jrock scene since like, 2009, thanks to my older brother listening to bands like alice nine/a9 around that time HAHAH
    i had my entire emo + anime vocaloid japan phase until like, most people, i discovered kpop! despite it being my main interest i did still listen to lots of jrock and whatnot though
    i guess i'm wanting to fall back to my roots (if u can rly call it that) and really get into vk now, kpop is kinda boring after you turn 18 if we r honest LOL
    i've been lurking mh for some time and finally decided to make an account and i'm keen to do some deep diving !! 
    gazette is my favourite band, so they're really the only band i've realy kept up with. mentioned before a9 is ofc on the rotational playlist, but some newer bands i really enjoy so far are diaura and nocturnal bloodlust, and the few songs i've listened to from deviloof are great!!
    if you have any recommendations, please let me know! otherwise its nice to meet everyone and i hope i can make some good friends within the vk scene (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧
  2. Like
    Kuro reacted to Waru Chibi in DADAROMA will disband   
    found this on FB:
    He says that their company wanted them to say it's a hiatus, but he doesn't want to lie to their fans and make them wait for a comeback, since there won't be any comeback. They're just disbanding
    Yoshiatsu also says they'll all comeback, maybe together, maybe not, he still doesn't know, but for sure Yoshiatsu will continue to sing. So let's wait for their comeback even if it's in separate bands...
  3. Like
    Kuro reacted to platy in Kyo's girlfriend?   
    A couple years ago one of those tanuki tumblr blogs had a picture of Kyo and his so called girlfriend walking together in shibuya or smth. The photographer had been stalking them all day for those pictures which is kinda gross. 
  4. Like
    Kuro reacted to Elazmus in DADAROMA new single, "ミスター・テロルマン" (Mr. Terror Man)   
    oooooooh... awkwardly enough I really liked it
  5. Like
    Kuro reacted to Ameyoru in DIMLIM   
    It's so sad but Dimlim is dying
    Honestly I think Ryuya left the band bc he  had no patience for Lestu crazy ass ideas
    Even when I like MISC. (3/5 for me, not horrible, but not wonderful, epecially for some song that man they're forgetable) Rijin and KIDOAIRAKU was the direction, maybe with a touch of Out of the darkness and What's Up? and boom great fucking band, I don't give a shit about the visuals at this point. But NOOO Letsu doesn't want a bassit and prefer to do random world venues, weird ass interviews and do public his ego and middle age crisis, even when he is at his 20
  6. Like
    Kuro reacted to Seelentau in DIMLIM   
    That's what every JP vkei fan sees when filthy gaijin ask them on Twitter about a random Gesshoku flyer from 1993.
    So I won't diss him. He made an effort even though he didn't have to. I can appreciate that.
  7. Like
    Kuro got a reaction from Silverhawk33 in DaizyStripper new album "INFINITY" release   
    Kazami posted a demo file of his part of one of the songs from the new album that will be available for a limited time, if I understood this correctly. He's mentioning 60 days but on that download page there's 2020.02.29 stated.
  8. Like
    Kuro reacted to inartistic in An interview with BURGUNDY RAIN   
    For the record, I thought it would be cool to interview these guys because of the Revival Judith connection.

    For various reasons the interview did not turn out like we planned, but we had already agreed to post it by that point. Once we make a promise, I would rather post one weird/bad interview than break that promise.
    We’re in a position right now where we’re so small that negative word of mouth from one band could fuck us, I feel.
    If the concern is that we will just be posting interviews from “jrock” bands: I understand, and I agree. But I want to assure you that’s not the case.
    I discussed with Brengun at the beginning of this that I would rather post nothing than post non-VK stuff. I think VK-only spaces are rare, and I want to remain one. Brengun has her own website for “jrock” things.
    We have three interviews which are confirmed and scheduled. All three bands are firmly VK. Our list of bands that we’re reaching out to is all firmly VK. This particular interview was an exception.

    As for the bands being small: yes, we will have to start with very small bands. I think that’s more interesting anyway, but we also have to be pragmatic and realize that a large band isn’t going to respond to us. I’m not sure if anyone has a problem with that, but I just wanted to put it out there.
    Our current schedule is a new interview every other Tuesday. So our next will be on 3/3. I think that everyone will be more satisfied with the next ones. But if that’s not the case, keep letting us know.
  9. Like
    Kuro reacted to Ameyoru in DIMLIM   
    Honestly I think the biggest problem it's how close was to the Dir en grey concert
    Like I mention before, many people spended all of their money on Diru, so no money (Vip was like 250 dollar and General 70)
    But I know, I know, somepeople had the money but procrastination attack
    And fucking Dimlim random schedule, "hey let's go to Mexico -when? -dunno, March? -yeah" Your band is not famous, not like The GazettE is, you have missing members, you just changed your style and you want to hold a oneman in Mexico, a hole country, yes you have fans, but in a hole country, not just Mexico City
    The Sound Bee HD were able to do their Concert and I'm sure they are less famous than Dimlim, but they went to an Anime con, not fucking alone in a whole 1000 people venue
    Bad, horribly planification
  10. Like
    Kuro reacted to monkeybanana4 in vistlip new mini-album, 「No.9」   
  11. LOVE!
    Kuro got a reaction from Lunavksteel in SATOKI (ex-ヒャクモノガタリ (hyakumonogatari)) solo project "少女S" (Shoujo S) has formed   
    That's ex.GANGLION's vivi on drums in the PV. She'll also do the drums for some of the next lives it seems. 😊
  12. Like
    Kuro reacted to patientZERO in DIMLIM - MISC. [Discussion Thread]   
    Now I didn't follow DIMLIM enough to know much about their progression. I listened to their first few releases and wasn't impressed. Then the drama and all the members leaving and I didn't follow, but I listened to this album. I like some of the music, though a lot of it is pretty forgettable. How sudden is this musical shift of theirs to warrant the lyrics to be this petty? I get they're trying to kick the visual scene, but there's a much more mature way of doing so than being a whiny baby about it. Diss tracks are pretty immature (I'm looking at you Nokubura ...) but a diss track to their audience seems even more counter intuitive and immature.
  13. Thanks
    Kuro got a reaction from suji in SATOKI (ex-ヒャクモノガタリ (hyakumonogatari)) solo project "少女S" (Shoujo S) has formed   
    That's ex.GANGLION's vivi on drums in the PV. She'll also do the drums for some of the next lives it seems. 😊
  14. I feel ya..
    Kuro reacted to Aferni in ex-Clearveil & THE RHEDORIC members new band "太陽ノ涙 (Taiyou no Namida)" has formed   
    Now im gonna cry
  15. Like
    Kuro got a reaction from Saga in DIMLIM   
    But ain't that to be expected with MISC only being sold via Amazon.jp and only being pressed when ordered?
    I know that from self-published books and the writer would need to buy these books from Amazon themselves, take the books with them to the event and hope to sell them. There's no place these copies of MISC get stored somewhere and that's the difference for CHEDOARA and Rijin.
  16. Like
    Kuro reacted to platy in random thoughts thread   
    There are people with health bills, children and other dependants who still love visual kei but unfortunately have to skip lunch/transport to save that money for bills and other necessities. If you are able to devote those coins for your favorite bands then you are extremely lucky tbh. I totally agree that we should support bands we love and that if you can sacrifice that weekly McDonald's trip to support artists its a win win situation, but it's not that simple for everyone. 
  17. Like
    Kuro reacted to Gaz in Your last music-related buy!   
    Bought all the shit except for the black tees because they looked like shit 😕
  18. Like
    Kuro reacted to Seelentau in Your last music-related buy!   
  19. LOVE!
    Kuro reacted to Demivee in DIR EN GREY TOUR 2019: THIS WAY TO SELF DESTRUCTION   
    Strange, in my opinion the Berlin performance was so much better than the one in Dortmund. Kyo and Toshiya were on fire today! At the Dortmund show Kyo looked like he wanted to be somewhere else. But today his screams and his acting was awesome IMO. TWoM was intense!
  20. LOLOL
    Kuro reacted to chocobuzz in DIMLIM   
    I found some ~essence~ for retsu

  21. Like
    Kuro reacted to saishuu in NIGHTMARE announce 20th anniversary live “GIANIZM” (possible return?)   
    hitsugi has the taste
  22. LOVE!
    Kuro reacted to Gesu in Sexuality matters within VK   
    I'm always a bit iffy whenever I hear someone say "he must be gay, he looks it". Now, granted, stereotypes do often have a grain of truth in them whether we want to admit it or not and a lot of the time, camp men do happen to be gay but I wouldn't say it's unquestionable (even if, given the question, I would probably guess Sena was gay too so I guess I'm not trying to vehemently disagree with you). Actually, I once knew a guy who was about as stereotypically, histrionically camp as you could imagine but I know for a fact he wasn't gay. For the record, I have a shite gaydar (if that's even a thing) and can never really guess someone's sexuality accurately if I'm put on the spot to do so but the point I'm (perhaps clumsily) trying to get across here is that I don't think you can say someone is or isn't something just because they seem it or because someone on the Internet/your friend of a friend said so, especially in a scene defined by flamboyance and intricate hairstyles/makeup/costumes; basically, traits that would be considered "gay". Hell, I'm straight as a fuckin' arrow and when I was about seventeen, people used to think I was bisexual because apparently, my hair looked it, whatever that means.
  23. Like
    Kuro reacted to -NOVA- in DIMLIM new album, "MISC." release   
    The unpredictability of this band is what i fucking adore.
    This new direction wont be for everyone of course and honestly im amazed this band is still going. They've lost 4 different members by now and dropping the vk aesthetic is a huge move. The band doesn't care about following formulas and this song really showcases that. 
    They aren't afraid to try weird shit and even without screams you can really hear sho's voice give it all hes got. I wont lie i was hoping for a lil roar.
    And ofcourse Retsu's playing is nothing to scoff at hes really bringing out bunch of different techniques. Remember hes compensating for another guitarist. Hiroshi does a solid job; in final chorus he pops off with those crashes and i love that he didnt overly use them throughout the track.
    The build up really makes the final chorus worth while. 
    It's not for everyone i think everyone has the right to like it or hate it.
  24. Like
    Kuro reacted to platy in DIMLIM new album, "MISC." release   
    It's fine.
    Dimlim have beepbooping and doing weird time signatures//structures for a while now so I don't get the complaints. It's what they do. There's a method to their chaotic songwriting imo, it doesn't sound incoherent. 
  25. Like
    Kuro reacted to Doesn'tEvenGoHere in How to make Visual Kei popular again?   
    "You can't make something popular again if it wasn't popular in the first place " was my initial thought when seeing this thread. We could aim for a revival of the scene we had in 2010ish, but even back then it wasn't actually popular. At least not at the level of things like Kpop or the emo music scene. And if "making it popular" meant morphing it into something it's not, I'd rather it not get popular. The 2010 boom happened naturally and a number of factors were lined up just right for it to happen. Fabricating something to intentionally make it popular (like the kpop scene or the kardashians got done to them) sounds like we might lose some of the things that make vk unique in itself. 
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