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Everything posted by MaikoMizu

  1. Don't think I've ever done this much lifting and unboxing before. The good thing is that I at least know I'm strong.

  2. MaikoMizu

  3. MaikoMizu

    Banned because they made it way too humid outside today.
  4. MaikoMizu

    New Pikachu amiibo ^^
  5. Mizu has returned from his move. We're in Nevada.

    1. hiroki


      welcome back!

    2. MaikoMizu


      Thank-you ^^

  6. MaikoMizu

    Banned because creepy picture.
  7. Happy Birthday Jigsaw9

    1. Jigsaw9


      thanks, man~ :3

  8. Happy Birthday to the wonderful Beni ^_^

    1. beni


      <3 :'3 Thank you very much, dear!

  9. Tis my birthday today.

    1. PsychoΔelica
    2. MaikoMizu


      Arigatou gozaimasu! Dinner and being surrounded by family was excellent.

    3. Show next comments  36 more
  10. MaikoMizu

    Definitely worth the near $90 for the album, I'm buying it.
  11. MaikoMizu

    I was searching for Japanese rock forums and came across this place.
  12. MaikoMizu

    Sujk (Far East Dizain) Yuki (Versailles) Zukki (-OZ-) Яyo (girugamesh) Ruka (Nightmare)
  13. MaikoMizu

  14. MaikoMizu

    SuG - 39GalaxyZ Canzel - A ROUND E.P.V. DELUHI - The farthest BLACK CAT - BLUE SPHERE~Saigo no Kuchizuke~
  15. A combination of the fetus/yearner.
  16. MaikoMizu

    9 Words of Affirmation 8 Physical Touch 7 Quality Time 6 Acts of Service 0 Receiving Gifts The top result is accurate but it depends on the person and my relationshop between them for the most part. With the physical touch, that'd be something that I'd love if I were in a relationship. Physical touch gives me a feeling of warmth and sincerity somehow.
  17. MaikoMizu

    nil delete heads DOWNER DELUHI [2] BLACK CAT -OZ- Wouldn't hurt to see Luzmelt come back for a day with the original members. Megaromania gilltia
  18. MaikoMizu

    hübsch ^^
  19. MaikoMizu

    :/ Well this sucks.
  20. MaikoMizu

    I suggest a theme of SE.
  21. MaikoMizu

    Versailles and BLACK CAT are asleep. How peaceful
  22. MaikoMizu

    Here we'll discuss urban legends and our opinions about them, even find out about ones we haven't heard of yet. The killer in the back seat: Basically you have a woman who's driving and she's alerted by another car or truck driver but pushes off the warning. She drives home only to find out that the reason the other driver was flashing his lights towards her was to ward off the passenger/killer in the back seat. There aren't many American urban legends that are interesting. -------------------------------- Urban legends in Asia: Tomino's Hell (Japan) - This legend comes from the book, The Heart is Like a Rolling Stone (心は転がる石のように), written by Yomota Inuhiko. Supposedly, anyone who reads the poem aloud and not in their mind will suffer a horrible fate from death to inexplicable actions. The poem is also said to be excruciating, painful, dreadful and hard to read due to the sheer intensity of the imagery that one develops from the read. Some websites and users say that it's best to read in Japanese as opposed to the translation for various reasons. Teke Teke (Japan) - A young school girl, sometimes called Kashima Reiko, was bullied by her schoolmates. One day, near the train station tracks, a friend decided to put a cicada on her in which she frightened and fell on to the oncoming train tracks. Unaware of the shinkansen (the world's fastest train), her body split in half resulting in death, all due to a cruel joke done by her friends. Now her upper torso roams the train tracks late at night, praying on victims and using a scythe to kill those who aimlessly walk throughout the location of the tracks, slicing them in to the same shape that her body was in on the day her "accident" happened. Various websites/blog authors have stated that her speed is equivalent to the train that killed her. *A movie was also made to accompany the urban legend. (2009) Sesame Seed Skin Cream (Korea) - A woman was worried about her skin since it was noticeably getting wrinklier as she was aging and desperate to try any method to get her skin back to the natural. The woman had heard from a friend that if you are to bathe in sesame seeds,they'd help your skin convert back or at least reduce the aging process. When she had tried the process, it took a turn for the worse as she didn't come out of the bathroom for a long period of time. Worried, her mother attempted to check on her but was constantly told, "just a minute," after waiting long enough, the mother had entered the bathroom to be shocked by what she had seen. The sight was her own daughter picking at her skin with a sharp toothpick as she tried to remove said seeds that attached themselves deep into her skin. ------------
  23. I sprechen einige Deutsche. I thank my mom for having connections with foreign friends. I can have a basic conversations in Japanese but not much else. That makes, English, German and Japanese, I guess.
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