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Everything posted by MaikoMizu

  1. :/ Sucks how Macs don't have CD/DVD drives

    1. Ikna


      I have a macbook with a CD/DVD drive. And guess what? The drive died after 3 years. Apple and good quality my ass.

    2. MaikoMizu


      Eeeeee... Three years doesn't seem that long. I'd think that the drives last as long as the computer does.

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  2. My copy of DOGMA arrived ^^

    1. MaikoMizu


      I'm thinking the same thing that it was reserved for the 10, 000 yen edition. Yep, all the booklet has is the cover, open it up and all songs have a black background then when you hit the end it talks about productions/DVD management and the photo next to that is their current look. Good thing the DVD is all regions

    2. eiheartx


      It's a bit frustrating. :///

    3. MaikoMizu


      Indeed, I was expecting a colorful booklet or at least a combination of basic colors to bring out the visuals.

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  3. Everyone is doing reviews on DOGMA and I'm patiently waiting for my copy from CDJapan.....

    1. yakihiko


      Super Hiper Premium Edition?

    2. MaikoMizu


      standard CD+DVD edition. I thought about buying the special edition but I probably wouldn't have done much with it :/

  4. First day of classes at the university. Let's do this!

    1. MaikoMizu


      First day went well. There's a lot of reading though.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      And find a good job afterwards.

    3. MaikoMizu


      Most definitely!

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  5. MaikoMizu

  6. MaikoMizu

    I don't understand why people can't wait for the digital and physical copies of the album to be released? I know this album is very anticipated but it's most definitely worth the wait as opposed to listening to leaks and bad quality. This may just be me but I'm against listening to leaks and I'll wait for my copy to arrive and not spoil my money. Patience seems to be a big aspect missing in this thread.
  7. MaikoMizu

    From 10-3 with only fifteen minutes in between each class. Welp, I'm going to starve to death. Not sure how I feel about taking this night class either :l
  8. Happy Birthday to Tetora

    1. Tetora


      Thanks brah.

  9. MaikoMizu

    Stoked for a new single from them!
  10. Ordered DOGMA by the GazettE along with UNITE., nil delete heads and Kiryu

  11. MaikoMizu

    Secret Cell - DELACROIX What was your last relationship like?
  12. MaikoMizu

    Has a very interesting avatar that would remind me of an Asian horror movie. Which I adore watching, salute.
  13. MaikoMizu

    Yep. Tried to leave and I was brought back by mods. I kid you not. Probably for the better though.
  14. How does an abusive relationship affect the child?

    1. MaikoMizu


      And thank-you all!

    2. paradoxal


      Of course there are people, who despite of abusive relationship just keep striving and surviving and becoming a stronger person. I hope you belong in that group. :) Wish you all the best! <3

    3. MaikoMizu


      Thank-you very much paradoxal. I'm striving to better myself with every thought that I can and put it into an action to make myself a better person each day.

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  15. MaikoMizu

    Get gold - ALI PROJECT For how long have you accumulated the quantum theory that elves are actually tiny men with Link's ears?
  16. MaikoMizu

    I agree on this one here. I'd rather have a support/session drummer and that they don't show their face versus having four or three members and random drumming while the others play their instruments. Let's not forget how vocalists sometimes hide their entire mouth with the mic and we can't see what they're saying which kind of baffles me. I'd much rather have the mic far out in front of them or just have them sing and maybe dance a bit then switch to other members.
  17. MaikoMizu

    Pretty much spot on.
  18. MaikoMizu

    8.8/10 because horror
  19. MaikoMizu

    My my my. It's as if people will kill for music nowadays. Is it that hard to save up some money and buy what you want?
  20. RIP laptop battery.

    1. lichtlune


      Mine is completely gone. Shuts off if it's not plugged in. I hope it lasts me a year more at least.

    2. MaikoMizu


      I hope your laptop hangs in for a good year.

      Mine still functions but I had to do some adjustments due to the screen fading every few seconds.

  21. MaikoMizu

    Black, red and white graffiti shirt. Dark brown jeans, red, black and white mid-top shoes.
  22. MaikoMizu

    I give the song an A. This'll definitely be worth the buy.
  23. MaikoMizu

    Drumming is so fun & exhilarating.
  24. Smash for 3DS is so fun.

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