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Everything posted by MaikoMizu

  1. MaikoMizu

    I can't wait to finally be out of the Midwest and in the west coast <3 I've had high expectations for the last couple of months now.
  2. Ahhh, I've been waiting to see a lot more of Sho ever since he left LIX. Good to see that umbrella is still growing strong
  3. MaikoMizu

    Stupid internships..... now I technically have two jobs but I'm not getting paid for one and have to work long hours.
  4. MaikoMizu

    Royz may be somewhat of an old favorite band if anything compared to MEJIBRAY. Normally I don't like pop-ish or upbeat songs like Royz does but MEJIBRAY just hasn't been having a good vibe with me lately. Short and to the point answer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYBxOb-AdC4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA3ZKxzXE-0
  5. MaikoMizu

    I truly wonder what makes people so damaged on the inside that they have to distance themselves from new people because they fear that they'll get hurt again. Sadly we're missing out on getting to know a great person because of the people that have impacted them from their past so much that they refuse to open up, even after the longest times. Wish I could get to see more people in their full potential/feelings.
  6. MaikoMizu

    Black Cat - STAR OF DREAM
  7. When I ordered my first Luzmelt poster and DOWNER CD boy... was my mom suspicious of my sexuality. My mom for a good month thought I was homosexual and she kept asking me that question, even her friends asked me too, still do to this day. Now my family accepts the fact that I listen to visual-kei bands and constantly ask the gender of the band members when 99% of the time they're guys. But nevertheless it's all good now. *I hope* Not to mention that they think that almost all of the band members are homosexual for dressing the way they do and seeing the lyrics they sing in translation.
  8. MaikoMizu

    I just remembered that there was a metal drummer in my Sociology class, man was he chill and cool. That's where I met the first person who actually liked Children of Bodom too
  9. MaikoMizu

    One word: iTunes
  10. MaikoMizu

    I wonder why foreign bands use all capital letters for songs and most American bands don't?
  11. MaikoMizu

    I had a hard time telling if this was actually Japanese or some weird Yiddish mixed with some unknown language.
  12. MaikoMizu

    Violence is never the answer. With all of my problems, I've talked them out or the other person walked away for time to cool off.
  13. MaikoMizu

    My best friend told me that girlfriends take a lot of stress off of a man's shoulder because they have something to look forward to when they come home, I wonder how true that is?
  14. MaikoMizu

  15. MaikoMizu

    Banned for not sending nose pics.
  16. MaikoMizu

    Whatever happened to bands forming with concepts? All I see nowadays are bands forming out of the blue with a majority of the members being together from a former band.
  17. MaikoMizu

    Ahhh... I would put in my opinion on the why people are attached to bands but I don't want to start a war on MH. I tried doing so on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and it didn't end pretty. I also thought MEJIBRAY was a weird band at first but they've really grown on me ever since mid 2014.
  18. MaikoMizu

    heidi. - Sentimental How do you plan on spending your summer vacation?
  19. MaikoMizu

  20. MaikoMizu

    Banned for not explaining why the quantum physics revolve around the atomic atmosphere we call Mars.
  21. MaikoMizu

    ユナイト - Chronus
  22. MaikoMizu

    Banned for not making bandz that make her dance.
  23. MaikoMizu

    Finished Infinite Stratos. It was a decent anime, pretty much harem and a mixture of Gundam. Now on to part 2
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