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Everything posted by MaikoMizu

  1. MaikoMizu

    Has a Facebook specifically for liking pages of people with nice noses.
  2. MaikoMizu

    Regular Show
  3. This was around the time of middle school. I discovered Japanese music thanks to my childhood friend introducing me to Death Note and anime in general. For some reason I was fascinated by the opening video and researched the band and that's what basically/somewhat got me started with Japanese music, Nightmare.
  4. MaikoMizu

    Banned for banning people about not accepting bans who banned people.
  5. MaikoMizu

  6. MaikoMizu

    Vocals: Juri (DELUHI) or Ran (Xepher) Guitar: Kaie (Velbet) Guitar: Miu (DOWNER) Bass: Takafumi (MoNoLith) Drums: Zukki or Ryo (girugamesh)
  7. MaikoMizu

    Lolita 23Q
  8. MaikoMizu

    I always prefer to buy the physical copy. I don't like digital copies because they don't come with the booklet or artwork as most CDs do. Plus most booklets come with colorful pages and extra information such as the recording studio, lyric and music composer and a thank-you message. A plus is that we get to rip the song at any quality we want.
  9. MaikoMizu

    Invited me over to their house but catfished me.
  10. MaikoMizu

    Banned for not wearing blue socks today.
  11. MaikoMizu

    Yes Do you look at your CD collection at least once a month?
  12. MaikoMizu

    Makes me think about witchcraft
  13. MaikoMizu

    I had a dream that I was in a metal band and we toured the US, Europe and some of Japan and the band was active for five years. I'm not sure why but Sujk, Natsu and Zukki all made an apperance for some reason. Man, it'd be great if I'm actually able to hone my drumming skills to where I'll be able to play metal.
  14. I usually have no preference when it comes to the type. I just go with either the coolest cover art or title.
  15. Apparently my personality type is INFP.

    1. PsychoΔelica
    2. CAT5
    3. MaikoMizu


      Myers-Briggs personality test. Introversion, intuition, feeling, perception

  16. MaikoMizu

    I do feel like I'm having trouble managing schoolwork and personal life. But it's all about time mangment as we all get the same 24 hours.
  17. MaikoMizu

  18. MaikoMizu

    When does college get fun?
  19. So much reading, typing and research to do ಠ_ಠ

    1. Tetora


      Things are going good?

    2. Zeus


      sounds like it

  20. MaikoMizu

    I wasn't too fond of this album and it was somewhat of a letdown on some songs. NIHL was good but when the dubstep hit, I immediately gave up on the song and hit next. I enjoyed a few tracks for the majority of the album, "DOGMA" was a good album opener with being slow at times yet forceful but not too fast either and "RAGE" had my attention since it first hit with the laugh in the beginning but the lyrics could have been A-LOT better. "DAWN" gave me the feel that the rest of the songs would resemble crappy alternative rock bands in America nowadays but I was proven wrong, the track was actually very good. A nice tempo, good drumming and pretty much all the instruments could be heard and nothing overpowered one-another. "DERACINE" was good except for the female vocals and the chorus. I'll skip ahead to "LUCY" since the songs prior were average to my taste. LUCY - Probably my favorite track on the whole album, Ruki's vocals and screams were at its highest from my perspective and Kai's drumming from 1:05 - 1:14 was pretty catchy bringing the song together. I wasn't really expecting Metal from the GazettE with this album but it's not my cup of tea, especially from them. I feel as if they should have left the screaming or harsh vocals to other bands that are more "natural" at it, which primarily refer to DLELACROIX, DELUHI, -OZ-, even girugamesh. Overall this isn't something I'd pick up again. I was expecting something similar to "DIM" or even close to "Division" but not with electronic vocals so overall I'd give it a The MV for "DOGMA" was nice though but nothing too spectacular.
  21. MaikoMizu

    Banned for not supporting Peter the Armadillo.
  22. I have a feeling the GazettE took a bit of "inspiration" from DOWNER & DELACROIX.

  23. Enjoyed the DOGMA Music Video

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