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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    My top 10 Japanese female musician releases Charisma.com - DIStopping / 大塚 愛- LOVE FANTASTIC / THE TEENAGE KISSERS - Virgin Field / FLOWER FLOWER - 実 / Aimer - UnChild + Midnight Sun / nano.RIPE - 涙の落ちる速度 / YUKI - FLY / 椎名林檎 - 日出処 / 小南泰葉 - 怒怒哀楽 / 大森靖子 - 洗脳 /
  2. Post 1 - Top 10 Japanese male musician releases (♫ Just keep scrolling, just keep scolling~ ♫) Post 2 - Top 10 Japanese female musician releases (I'm more of a J-pop head then I thought!) Post 3 - Runners up (that should be in the above two categories but couldn't fit in), the mixed vocals + honourable mentions (all previously brought up in ChristMHas list) Post 4 - Top English album + single (only one of each because I'm more of an Asian music listener than anything else) My top 10 Japanese male musician releases TK from 凛として時雨 - Fantastic Magic / asobius - pray & grow / THE NOVEMBERS - Rhapsody in beauty / MEJIBRAY - シアトリカル・ブルーブラック / Lycaon - 馬鹿ね。+ 悪女の微笑 + Shadow / AvelCain - AvelCain / Plastic Tree - echo / PLASTICZOOMS - Secret Postcard / yazzmad - niche['ni:tʃə] / LM.C - PERFECT FANTASY / For the full length (unedited) review, click on the spoiler tag below:
  3. I think I should fall asleep and stay like that for a while.. : / Many months would be good.

    1. kyoselflove


      Aww cheer up girl, you're wonderful <3

    2. beni


      kyo <3 Thank you, I'm better today, just had another 'fail' moment haha. And -k∆-m, if you see this, I'm sorry for saying this when I shouldn't even be complaining.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Forget it :) I shouldn't have mentioned it.

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  4. ^ What I was going to reply with, yep. If you do try them, do enjoy Cat. ^^ And Ito, I totally agree on the art cover!
  5. beni

    ;_; You haven't missed the xmas one though (moved to this coming Sunday since Panda missed it too), so please look forward to that and try to join! It'd be amazing if you could join. We hope to see you there. And no, you don't suck, you donut. xD
  6. beni

    *sighs* Oh CL, G-D, I'm disappointed.
  7. beni

    I regret having read this thread slightly now (even though this is still perfect), since when welcoming a new member here who said they like 'Nocturnal Bloodlust' I replied with 'Blood lust xD,' thinking it was one of those parody names. xD I'm forgetting the actual bands name, oh god.
  8. beni

    Dumb use of GIF in forum, achieved These guys just keep improving, I swear. Maybe a future release will grab your attention? And double 'oh no you didn't!' to MEJIBRAY. xD I've always believed most indie bands give a lot more to the scene in terms of something new and different. Maybe that's the unpopular opinion here, I can see many agreeing with you and I fail at supporting my opinion at the moment but I'm ever so fond of both bands because they keep getting better in their own terms and ways with each release. On another note, boy am I glad to see this thread active again. And on a smaller one, please don't hurt me for this xD Opinions are opinions, responded to show they've got support lol
  9. beni

    You put my main dislike into words. This totally. The Korean singer CL is recently stepping into the American scene and I just have to question, 'why?' You've got a very loyal and happy girl band and many fans. And I really dislike it when a singer/member from a band goes off to do something solo. This might fit into this and this thread as a whole. My dislike on Miss Williams escalated to extreme heights at one point when she began doing solo work while still with the band. I get so upset when they do that like their original band isn't enough and they're not happy. If it's changing the style you want and are worried about, talk to your band and stick together as a team. Seeing as I get way too upset with disbandments, you can guess I'm against this too.
  10. beni

    Banned for having a rather intimidating avi. Even though screamo is love, I can't help but feel scared seeing their shouting faces xD
  11. Ito, tardiness is understandable, you've done a fantastic job as always. No worries, happy it got to be up on its day! About the album, as I've already said in my impressions, I can't recommend these guys enough. A VERY enjoyable band and album and I hope I didn't need to write an essay to express this one this one : p And now that I can go back to the thread, I've checked out the honki dance PV and I can't believe I'm only hearing them now. A rather.. different PV at that, but they're very funky as I was expecting. Nice discovery and choice!
  12. *sigh* Another? Again? Urg. Well, as always, I hope all the members continue doing what they want to do.
  13. beni

    Keep! I need more makeup for my yucky face. >< Chocolate?
  14. Water since 'mizu' can mean that.
  15. beni

    Nyasagi, merry birthday!~
  16. beni

    I was so excited for this but I guess we're going to have to call it a day. It's taking a while to get sorted and most might be away now. Edit: Forget what I just said, it's back!!
  17. beni

    EVERYBODY READY!? I shall try to take more control over myself this time >.>
  18. Having never heard of them until now, I became interested in them when I first read their name. They sound like a lot of fun, their artist name and album title complimenting one another. So I'll have to give them a listen sometime. Got really positive comments and discussion.
  19. beni

    Damn, so long! = D Haha, I felt the same way about The GazettE, can't be the only ones on that one. Missed out on a lot. Always those flawless guys, nice picks! And thanks for the history catch-up, got interesting favourites. Have you given DEG's new album a listen yet? I'm sure you'll have seen/heard a lot about it here already and will be again soon. : p Check it out if you haven't already! Approve of the MEJIBRAY love. :'3 The Oshare love is very little in this community x'D </3
  20. beni

    Wow, you've got a healthy listening list there. Mr. Simple is flawless aha. I'm honestly far more behind in the K-pop scene than you so I don't know much, and after PSY, I became less interested since if something becomes massive, I'm just not all that fond of it, to be totally honest. Just.. gets the wrong crowd and way too much attention on the wrong things to me. I think most of the viewers were looking at Hyuna throughout that song. xDD I think I like to take my time going through this particular music, because I feel girl groups some very same-y. I know of most of these K-pop groups, they just don't hold my attention long enough to properly check them out. But the ones I have done when I first got into the Asian scene I'll continue to look into, for example, 2NE1 and Girls' Generation. I've just listened to them for a while now so I've stayed heh. I read someone say they're not liked that much. I got confused because of that since I thought they sounded better than the mega big groups. I agree, I feel like their songs are more melodious. Must just be because of which songs I checked out. I gave a little listen to their album 'Sound G' ages ago and remember enjoying it, so I'm glad you're liking them. About your question, as I said above, I have little knowledge about K-pop but it appears they became official in 2006. That album I've spoken about of theirs was released in 2009, with that track, 'Abracadabra.' And on the notes of that song, it is said it 'marked a change in the style of the girls from more conservative to a provocative one.' So, maybe not the first group to have such a sound, but it's the first time their style changed.
  21. beni

    Welcome to heaven~ : 3 Nice to have you here and great that you introduced yourself, woop woop! Exactly what I was thinking, don't hold back! We'd love to know more about you. I hope you enjoy your time. Take care and see you around.
  22. beni

    I feel more confident in this idea now that just DarkWater alone has managed to cover most of the blogs. Like NotSelfYou, others can contribute so we can cover most blogs and add them here. Easy to see what to avoid. If everyone agrees, it's not a bad idea, as I've explained above.
  23. I'm trying not to panic but no audio is playing from my computer... ;_;

    1. doombox


      *crosses fingers* Here's hoping it's a simple fix.

    2. beni


      YAY. It did work, thank you so much guys. Now I know not to worry < 3

    3. doombox


      Glad to hear it's working again! :D

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  24. beni

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy like boobs which
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