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Posts posted by Shir0

  1. So.. I don't really know what to say except of how sad this is I really thought they have great potential as a band TOGETHER apparently that was not the case :( That proves how important communication is Rino seems very frustated in what he writes which is ofc understandable  (assuming everything went like how he described it idk what was really going on behind the scenes) I hope he'll have more success in the future, all of them :/

  2. the choral singing  is the only similarity I can hear between seraph and Apocrypha

    Decent previews Einsamkeit sounds quite interesting but Im mainly looking forward to Morpheus [:


    & Yes they remind A LOT of Meji but tbh I think this is less Meji-ish than when they first appeared I mean with their first look and DECADANCE 2.0 Seraph but I wont deny that it was not good imo


  3. I love you for that live report haha

    Yuuki sounds as badass on stage as I imagined :]  I really hope he'll come back with a new band asap



    6 hours ago, The Reverend said:

    I’m a big Avelcain stan, but even I’ll admit most of the live videos that have surfaced of them have been rather lackluster. I’m happy to report actually in the room they sound much better than the brittle recordings straight from the soundboard would lead me to believe. I guess a lot of sloppiness can be covered up by the walls of reverb/noise live. Karma did sing most of the words too, which seemed like something he only half attempted to do in some live videos… and the backup vocal track seemed much more subdued in person.


    I will say that the two most annoying fans in AREA were Avelcain fans. They weren’t actively obnoxious… but they sat through every band up to Avelcain’s set and were not off to the side/back where it might be cool to do that. If you’re going to wait for your fave to play… at least stand up and watch the other bands play. (if for no other reason than they were a tripping hazard sitting around while the crowd was jumping around during the other bands’ sets!)

    Honestly CYBER CIRCUS live videos are shit it always upset me to see how shitty AvelCain seemed on them meanwhile they're actually good live


    Wow BIG no-go imo! This is new to me I remember AvelCain fans being very nice and going to the back when sibile played



  4. Damn it first they make us wait so long for a track list and previews (which we still don't really have except of  Dead flower,  thank you @hiroki:) ) and then 2 SE's?? makes 2 new songs in total but heey I'm down for any new KRAD material and their new look is sick! <3

    16 minutes ago, Xerath said:

    they changed dead flower quite a bit right?


    Yes I think so too but it's beautiful nevertheless

  5. Oh shit this is quite difficult for me tbh


    @Seimeisenpretty much sumed up my thoughts (like seriously, very exactly hah wtf)  AvelCains three month consecutive release campaign ( ayakashi no hako being one of their best singles imo) after their successful self-titled album and their mini Omajinai made it seem like things would only get better from here. I can't tell if AvelCains disbandment could have been prevented if Eve stayed (I'd like to belive that) but it would at leat have been much better than now! Byou joining AvelCain didn't really do anything for them


    Both Bands AvelCain and DEZERT impressed me right from the start but when I compare both of them DEZERT actually kept that standard for me so far.

    Saikou no Shokutaku is not DEZERT's best Album but this is nothing compared to how AvelCain's Rinnetenshou disappointed me and also their last few releases were not their greatest work it's sad when I think how great everything started with them

    They're still very special to me, even more after seeing them live but based on objective criteria it's DEZERT > AvelCain in the end

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