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Posts posted by Shir0

  1. My reaction just went from "I can't believe this is their LAST release" to "I can't believe THIS is their last release"

    Zanzou is so good tbh it could have easily become my new favorite AC ballad with it's beautiful melody if it wasn't for.. the vocals idk it's as if they just went with

    Karma's first recording in the studio :/ this is frustating I know he could have done so much better.. well after a third listen it has become better

    I still like Zanzou very much tho

  2. 2 hours ago, emmny said:

    i need to know who the guy in the beginning was (kaede unmasked??? his eyes are different)

    byou was so ugly without makeup dfkm its funny because this was filmed before he was in the band so they probably thought "hey lets make the poor support drummer the male lead lololol" and went with it

    i'd probably take this more seriously had it not been....such a fkin joke...but i love this zetsubou mess


    I guess it was just some random dude

    Hahaha yees that was my first thought too like "Wait that was before he joined, what're u doing there Byou??"

    lmaooo I can picture that poor him this role just doesn't fit him I mean he's quite the handsome one but without makeup and that school uniform..idk

    yees it's funny haha

  3. Karma hysteric screaming at the end of PSYCHO lol

    Damn it's been a while since I last listened to PYSCHO and ga their live version sound honestly SO fucked up hah love-it



    Thoughts on that Movie: WTFFFF Byo in a school  uniform you look lika a loliconlolol...old

    meanwhile Kaede is perfect as clairvoyant WHATS WITH THIS BISHOUNEN VOICE THO MFG

    Did she repeatedly say "Me & Kaze are getting married"? OH NVM WAS THAT KARMA BEHIND HER? where is he in that Moviiieee

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