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Posts posted by Shir0

  1. 22 minutes ago, emmny said:

    roppu1128 had our backs as expected thank god




    1 hour ago, appl- said:

    Can't wait Karma to come back!

    Here are few different things....

    -listening to records

    -watching lives

    -going to lives


    And they do great shows.  I saw them live once and I wish I could repeat everything that day (even the fact that Karma hited my face with his fucking palm on purpose) lol. They are great. And Byou's drumming is not that bad tbh. They need to practise more. But living life with Shimizuya Records.... They had no fucking time to do that. They just need to rest little bit and practise. And I don't feel like some members like each other that much tho XD 


    I miss them.


    Agreed 100% I admit their live footage isn't that great (CYBER CIRCUS in special) but live they're actually so much better their two man with sibile was amazing

    I cant wait for Karma to come back & I miss them [2]

  2. 2 minutes ago, appl- said:


    JUST GO FOR THEM. I saw them 1,5 year ago and still it is one of the most epic and awesome live I've EVER had. They are just..... BEAUTIFUL.  Chiaki sings songs with shitty lyrics AND I STILL CRY because it's just so beautiful....... It's difficult to describe them.  Just uh..... If they ever will disband.... I will fucking disband my life.


    Yes a friend of mine saw them too a year ago (I guess?) it was a two man with D.I.D if I remember correctly and she was VERY impressed

    I know what you mean if they ever disband I'll for sure regret my entire life not having seen them D:


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