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Status Updates posted by kyoselflove

  1. Dramaaaaaaa

    1. kyoselflove


      Everybody, everything, every time, everywhere, i dunno, because, and what.

    2. Tetora


      My cat is making so much drama now, I am trying to work but he's clawing all the paper, licking all the books, trying to knock off all the pens... Then he lies down on whatever I have open.

    3. kyoselflove


      That cat seems like a pain in the ass lol.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. I'm so thankful for FFX HD being on the vita, so I can continue my long hours of fucking grinding on the go.

    1. kyoselflove


      FUCK THAT CHOCOBO RACE! Did the butterflies, dreading the thunder dodging.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      fuck the chocobo race and thunder dodging. That's why I'm using Yuna, Riku, and probably Auron for my final 3.

    3. kyoselflove


      I did it all when the game first came out (how the hell did I win that chocobo race? Seriously I've tried for 2 hours with no luck, fucking birds). Now I'm doing it all over again because I feel the need to platinum that shit lol.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. I give up, I am destined to have slow shitty internet forever.

    1. Tetora


      As long as you don't lag when you play with me it's all good.

    2. beni


      xD Lag is SO annoying, can't play online games much at all. Here's me hoping you get better internet soon. You cope much better than people I know if they had slow internet. Oh, the rage.

    3. kyoselflove


      I finally got faster internet at my old place but here it's slower. WHY?! T__T Damn woods...I'm sorry ishiki, Tetora, I hope not... and beni thanks lol.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  4. Those new Meto and Mia pictures....*dead*

    1. kyoselflove


      Lol yeah it's so cute <3

    2. Spectralion
    3. beni


      ^ These pics-http://amnakanna.tumblr.com/post/105694498769 One of them is my current avi hehe. Adorable!!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. omg it's perfect

    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven


      [2] gypsy is such a perfect closer

    2. blackdoll


      im so guhhh i have to go to bed. only listen to it once

    3. Seimeisen


      someone review it, please!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  6. camera obscura 4eva

    1. nekkichi
    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      you are so trash xD there is no haters here, just people who say they don't like that's all... but It's forbiden to don't like and say it... but hope you enjoy this album a long time !

    3. nekkichi


      pro-tip: we learned you did not like that album from your review. this is not an alzheimer's support group with a VK subforum, a daily reminder that you still have not seen the light is unnecessary.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. What a fucking day.

    1. kyoselflove


      Family member died and I'm snowed in.

    2. Seimeisen


      Wow! That is rough. I am sorry to hear about that and am sorry for your loss. :(

    3. kyoselflove
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  8. Two more days and I shall have Morrigan. The wait is killing me!

    1. yakihiko


      I'm seeing twitter friends and MH people talking a lot about them.

      It's a member coming from a old special band or it's the sound?

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      it's all ex XIBALBA member new band.

      I will not receive mine before july, because I order it with DOAK single. So the wait will killing me more than you xD

    3. yakihiko


      Oh thx, the preview is interesting, vocals remind me Tzk from Mejibray.

      I should check it.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  9. I love how a package can travel across the world in one day but it takes three days to move 100 miles xD

    1. Seimeisen



      Even awesome-r, when it's 5 days for 50 miles.

    2. Aferni


      10 miles a day

      @Sei lol

    3. ghost


      preaaaaaach. Waiting for a couple things to ship within the US and taking forever!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. Anyone interested in a ticket to DOF's live at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU on 2016.1.6?

    1. kyoselflove


      if I would be there I would totally be using it lol

    2. Seimeisen


      That moment when you wish you wish you were in Japan

    3. Shir0
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  11. I'm going to try and roast a whole chicken tonight...here's to not burning the house down!

    1. Chi


      plz update status are you alive

    2. yakihiko


      the chicken changed the game and she is cooking :(

    3. kyoselflove


      lol so far so good

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  12. Grow the fuck up.

    1. Tetora



    2. kyoselflove



    3. yakihiko



    4. Show next comments  9 more
  13. boozing it up thursday

    1. Biopanda


      quench your thirst my friend

    2. YuyoDrift


      and by thirst we mean go get laid for once

    3. kyoselflove
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  14. oh i remember why i left here, douchnozzles.  byeeeeeeeee.

    1. Tokage


      so stay out lmao

    2. suji


      "leaving again cuz of the HATERS!!!!!1"

    3. kyoselflove


      sorry to disappoint fuckwads

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. sudden need to buy a ton of cds

    1. kyoselflove


      sudden sadness, all cds i want are sold out lol

    2. Seimeisen


      I just want to let you know that I actively looked for XIBALBA whenever I hit a Closet Child or PureSound. Found nothing. Much sad, extreme disappoint.

    3. kyoselflove


      Hah damn, truly is extinct then.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  16. My download speed went from 1Mbps to 5 Mbps (WOOHOO!), my upload is still 0,58 Mbps. FML.

  17. Omg paradoxal and blackdoll, I hope you love the surprise I will be posting later xD Another rarity.

    1. blackdoll


      nice tease, i hope i do too

    2. kyoisKILLINGME
    3. paradoxal


      oooh wow, so cool! :D i was on a road trip with my uni friends for a few days so i wasn't around here, but i'll download it now! :3

  18. Getting the Divergence PV tomorrow so all the biatches can cream their panties XD

  19. can't...stop...listening...to...born...

    1. Seimeisen


      Man, I haven't listened to them in years. Kinda stopped after VIGOUR.

    2. kyoselflove


      Oh. Son of a Bitch single is so good, the second song is my favorite.

    3. beni


      Exactly the same as Seimeisen with me. I still need to check out all of their singles after that album. Can't go wrong with BORN though. ; )

  20. WTF did I miss now?

    1. kyoselflove


      Never mind got it.

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      always something going on here :/

    3. paradoxal


      pls tell me too!

  21. I'm sleepy now.

    1. Seimeisen


      I'm always sleepy, almost literally... it sucks lol.

    2. Tetora


      That feel when I can never sleep, and stare at the ceiling, or roll around the bed hoping to find position that puts me to sleep, and my cat watches me.

    3. kyoselflove


      Seimeisen, I'm sorry :( Sleep for a day!

      Tetora, your cat sucks. :)

  22. Better.

    1. paradoxal
    2. kyoselflove


      Noooooooo. Oh man, I couldn't move all day yesterday. Wine hates me.

    3. beni


      xD Your previous status. ;; Take care, lol. *hides away wine*

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