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Everything posted by kyoselflove

  1. kyoselflove

    Still can't get over gazette's new awesome look. I mean wow, omg.
  2. Omg, I just died. Uruha.... <3333
  3. kyoselflove

    Whole album on repeat while redoing my tumblr lol.
  4. kyoselflove

    Because this makes me happy.
  5. kyoselflove

    I think there is already a thread about this....
  6. Yessssss. So I preordered MEJIBRAY's new DVD. Super excited about that since the last one was awesome!

    1. Elazmus


      I'm so excited for it too!

    2. kyoselflove


      Eventually I'll preorder the singles.

    3. Tetora
    4. Show next comments  54 more
  7. kyoselflove

    Whole album on repeat while cleaning and rearranging things.
  8. Why did CDJ decline my card...? TAKE MY DAMN MONEY!

    1. Owl


      They are pretty slow. Just write a letter to support to speed up your transaction repeat.

    2. paradoxal


      My Paypal or visa electron STILL don't work with CDJ. It's the only place where I have trouble paying, and neither my bank, Paypal or CDJ can fix the issue. I'm so done with CDJ but there just doesn't seem to be other good options.

    3. kyoselflove


      It finally went through today. That sucks. I don't know why. I used to buy from yesasia before CDJ but I like the bonuses lol. I usually go with Brand-x but I was feeling cheap.

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  9. kyoselflove

    Dark Night & Rogue while in the shower.
    1. beni


      Omg. You adorable, precious, wonderful woman. <3 This has made my day. ;w;

    2. blackdoll


      ok they look good

    3. Elazmus


      Yuuki omg brother, way to bowl.

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  10. Um, can we please talk about the sexy ass photo of naked Yuuki and Hiyuu in the CO booklet?

    1. blackdoll


      no fuck that! yuukixichiro kimono pic for the win

    2. kyoselflove


      That is one of my favorites (YuukixIchirou pic) XD

    3. paradoxal


      yuukixichiro kimono pic FTW [2] though hiyuu looks flawless in that pic, i just don't see yuukixhiyuu happening ever

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  11. kyoselflove

    Rouge on repeat on my way to the store.
  12. kyoselflove

    I love Marina & the Diamonds. I need to listen to FROOT asap. I'm going to buy it, I always buy her stuff!
  13. camera obscura 4eva

    1. nekkichi
    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      you are so trash xD there is no haters here, just people who say they don't like that's all... but It's forbiden to don't like and say it... but hope you enjoy this album a long time !

    3. nekkichi


      pro-tip: we learned you did not like that album from your review. this is not an alzheimer's support group with a VK subforum, a daily reminder that you still have not seen the light is unnecessary.

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  14. kyoselflove

    Why keep posting pointless shit on every topic that has to do with Camera Obscura?
  15. kyoselflove

    Whole album again while...racing.
  16. I hate when EMS takes as long as airmail -.-

    1. kyoselflove
    2. Seimeisen


      Those bastards! They like to take their sweet precious time, so they can make sure the package is out for delivery on a day that nobody's home to sign for it. :<

    3. kyoselflove


      I know, I want my damn CD already lol. I have to pick it up at the PO BOX anyways because I don't have a mailbox and apparently that annoys the post office... xD

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  17. kyoselflove

    Plug turned you against us! Lol jk. Hope you are well and stuff. Peace.
  18. kyoselflove

    Whole album while racing in GT5.
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