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Everything posted by kyoselflove

  1. kyoselflove

    Ok cool, thanks didn't know that!
  2. kyoselflove

    OMG Lycaon....4 Feb. Need to sell some shit so I can buy it. I can't believe it's so close!!!!!!!
  3. Why isn't there an AvelCain discography post? I want it alllllllll.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      and ? where is written only "official" uploader have the right to do this topic ?

      it's just a topic who collects all link who are already share. (and they can be re-up with credit first uploader)...

    2. kyoselflove


      I know that but I dunno lol. Don't really know much about them yet to even do that.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I could put together a thread of what I have. Idk if it is everything, but it's better than nothing I suppose.

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  4. I'm sleepy now.

    1. Seimeisen


      I'm always sleepy, almost literally... it sucks lol.

    2. Tetora


      That feel when I can never sleep, and stare at the ceiling, or roll around the bed hoping to find position that puts me to sleep, and my cat watches me.

    3. kyoselflove


      Seimeisen, I'm sorry :( Sleep for a day!

      Tetora, your cat sucks. :)

  5. kyoselflove

    Dir en grey - My Aunt introduced me to jrock via Malice Mizer, went home and searched the internet and it led me to them. the GazettE - Watched Zetsu video on LJ. Lycaon - Youtube MEJIBRAY - Tumblr. All the others is a mixture of LJ, YT and MH.
  6. kyoselflove

    Lol he is the head of fromjapan, because that was how I ordered this lol. Thank you for the translations.
  7. kyoselflove

    And a giant ass poster lol. This awesome complete box didn't come with a box. I wish I knew what they all said but I don't speak Japanese because I suck.
  8. I've been trying to stay away from everyone because I keep snapping and being bitchy for no reason :/

  9. kyoselflove

    There's nothing bad about those pics.
  10. kyoselflove

    I really hated eve's makeup in Lycaon, especially in the Chain of Collar video....
  11. Yeah I still use LJ even if it is pretty much dead. It's easier to communicate and find things unlike tumblr.
  12. kyoselflove

    He looks a lot better than his Lycaon days... xD
  13. kyoselflove

    Sorry lol. I do like eve in AvelCain though... xD
  14. kyoselflove

    Can't say I really miss eve because when he was in the band...their music was more bland and repetitive than it is now. *gets shot*
  15. kyoselflove

    I love the Persona series, they never seem to disappoint me! I've been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition on my new PC, I spent about an hour in the character creation...lol it seems alright so far, don't know what to think yet. And since I finally have a PC I can play Skyrim with mods! I just don't know which ones to choose from...too many!
  16. kyoselflove

    I extracted the pictures and audio as well, is that okay to post or no...? Feeling like a creeper lol
  17. tumblr (pictures and gifs), last.fm (showing off my music taste?), Facebook (contact to far away family members and PARA), and LJ for the win!
  18. kyoselflove

    I have no idea how to do that...it's on my nook. Let me google shit lol. Omg I did it. I don't even know if I'm doing it right, I know you can use a mic or something? I have no idea, I just like listening to his voice lol. p.s. I have no life.
  19. kyoselflove

    The first meeting is free and then each date is 5$ lol. Omg though..his voice. Yowza.
  20. kyoselflove

    OMG it is a dating simulator and in english! XDDDD Hahaha.
  21. kyoselflove

    Enough with the damn types, holy shit. FUCK! Ugh.
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