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Everything posted by kyoselflove

  1. kyoselflove

    everyone should change their avatars to xmas related things, even though i could care less about xmas haha xD
  2. I am determined to buy every Stuppy issue. Bring it on! xD

  3. Finally upgrading to Yosemite, hopefully my computer will come back on after it's done.

  4. kyoselflove

    Sweet don't mind that extra
  5. Irokui spam is done lol

    1. kyoselflove


      Lol yay! You're welcome. I miss them too.

    2. beni


      They're so good so such 'spam' is adored. :3 Always grateful kyo-san <3

    3. kyoselflove
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  6. kyoselflove

    Yesssssss LYCAON! Muahahaha! Sorry >.> Welcome to the forum XD
  7. kyoselflove

    Was I the first to die?
  8. Besties foreveeerrrrrrr <333333
  9. I'm so happy this Dir en grey is in my life.

    1. kyoselflove


      YAY! I can't wait to read your review!!! <3333

    2. beni


      It's actually EVEN BETTER THAN THAT! I don't actually know if this is spoilers/allowed to say aha, but, there's going to be about 4 of us collaborating on releases, but I won't say which hehe. :3 <3 And thanks for that by the way, I feel like I haven't made such a mess of my debut one now. x'D

    3. kyoselflove


      Oooooh cool. I shall eagerly await them then. No problem <3 You don't have anything to worry about!

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  10. kyoselflove

    With my iPod on shuffle I came upon this song: タランチュラ by サウイフモノ (Souiumono)
  11. I think a lot of chicks over exaggerate about guys they have slept with being great in bed. I used to be in a nice group of friends who fucked each other, cause I was such a hoe. *sigh* Anyways, sampling the 'great in bed men' only to find they were absolutely terrible. And I'm going to shut up now.
  12. I have totallty done this but my best friend is also my sister. To my defense, she started it... xP
  13. kyoselflove

    lmao for real wtf is that hahahaa. can't wait though
  14. Great...now I like born...I wonder who's fault that is...

    1. Tetora


      9,999 and we plan to hit that limit.

    2. kyoselflove


      Hah, good luck.

    3. beni


      Woke up to find 10 notifications and instantly knew what caused all 10. xD

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  15. kyoselflove

    I just got into them....
  16. Why does my daughter call spiders 'genki'?

    1. Senedjem


      she knows VanessA was better

    2. kyoselflove
    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      she knows VanessA was better [2] lmao

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  17. kyoselflove

    I'm going to use this eiki bait to lure out a wild paradoxal...
  18. Where is the option for, I am married? Been married once before and that was a mistake, my new marriage is more for the legal benefits than anything else. Lol, we don't really care for the whole title or anything but it makes things a hell of a lot easier when you have a kid xD I basically proposed to him in a hippie shop while we were buying incense lmao. Then we hit up the courthouse, aww yeah. Classy.
  19. kyoselflove

    WTF is up with wishing someone would disband? Not cool. This is sad I hope everything works out for him and the rest of the band.
    1. kyoselflove


      Hahah they said that he was breaking fangirls hearts, psssssh. Lol I love that, there needs to be more of wanting the D hahaha xD

    2. Shir0


      Awwh I saw it too! the part where a fan wrote 'No!' was hilarious xD their conversation was cute and funny :3

    3. kyoselflove


      Yeah it was super cute lol.

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  20. kyoselflove

    I have no idea, it was in the latest issue of Gab. I agree, all their releases are amazing but I think they keep getting better. Haters going to hate...lol. Seriously though, they should do a PV dressed like this lol.
  21. kyoselflove

    Omg...my ovaries just exploded.
  22. YAY! I was about to cry if MH didn't come back...

    1. PsychoΔelica


      You know you're addicted when...

    2. paradoxal


      was MH down for a while?? omg i'm so glad i wasn't here to see it, i would've probably had a panic attack

    3. beni


      Same here, must have slept for a while to miss this. Lol Tets, that'd me my guess, but not for you. And -k∆-, too accurate for this. :P

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