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Official Music Hate Thread

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I don't know whether approve or disapprove the topic since I'm an open minded person and I usually don't like to post negative comments. But it doesn't change the fact that there are some things that i just cannot stand.

At first I wonder what's generally wrong with Jrock/Vk scene nowadays?

I'm not generalizing entire but really, now a lot part of them sounds rather the same and it's quite difficult to find a good one. Most of these good ones are disbanding :( Seems that times are changing. But if it's about the bands:

I hate oshare kei. Reason: It's mostly based on as earlier someone said "weee kawaii desu ne, ubercute, rainbows popping out from the butts" Example? An Cafe - the vocalist just creeps the hell out of me with his uber-cute apperarnce. Fangirls are worshipping that, but to me these oshare kei pictures should be used in flash animations like Scary Maze Prank, when the ugly picture appears with a shrill loud scream.

I also hate PS Company, not that they're known, but hate the way how it's overrated and commercial, nothing new nothing special, just all sound boringly the same. Another ones mentioned Undercore? There was a band, can't remember a name but I listened to it, and it was just boring and no power, like any of the present Jrock bands, who often tend to lose their balls when the chorus kicks in ;P

I really f***g hate the direction girugamesh is going right now. It's absolute bullshit. They're sacrificing originality for fame. Fuck that.

You're not alone. A lot of bands are also changing into worse. Example? Girugamesh - they used to be a great band, standing out as an unique one. I can't stand seeing them now selling out with generic boredom and no more rock! They're throwing their talent, originality, and the experience that they gained at events like Wacken Open Air away, getting on lot of preteen nyappy-crappy oshare fangirls. This is terrible! The worst downfall of a band in history!

I hate when people are people talk about Dir en grey becoming American as well. Plz! What does in rock music means that this one sounds American or this one sounds Japanese? What the heck has music anything to do with nationality? Heavy guitars, hard vocals = American? As if only American bands sound like that. FOR REAL? This is just plain stupid. Metal, rock it's an universal genre. And It has a lot representants even in Japan.

When I was looking through the posts I fonud this:

Most DEG fans love the band soo much only because Kyo-san kawaii desu, and they have reached such relative acclaim that a Japanese band has never seen. It is near IMPOSSIBLE to find a Dir en grey fan that loves the music, for the MUSIC. It's always another factor which is utter bullshit.

Well, I think such a "fans" should never be allowed to call themselves fans. I'm a Dir en Grey fan, because of music, for me they always presented sth good anyway :)

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Wow, this is such a hilarious topic now that I'm reading it again. :gaga:


God I was such a weeaboo back then :lol: (I still can't spell the word, deal with it). Pretty much saying to my former self: it's the internet, deal with it. Also ViViD is completely unoriginal. Seriously guys? Making dozens of songs that have the same melody and structure all over again?

Also the GazettE ever since they signed to SONY. Haven't liked a single thing they put out under SONY apart from SHIVER, when I thought it was just a temporary experiment. Oh God how wrong I was

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Is this still alive? Oh...

Not a hater of music, but I tried to get into Angelo's music after hearing the news about new album + Karyu's presence...I tried and failed, KIRITO WAI U PLAYING SAFE?

(worse than Pierrot's Freeze (which had like, 1 good song?)

Other than that, I've still been trying to embrace Deg's current style. 2deep4u - excuses just won't work, all I hear is the sea of cacophony, out-of-place screaming and Z-tuning bass thwacking noises (okay, at least it had LOTUS, which was "music" for me, unlike the most songs)

Please Kyo, sing more for once - you fail at being Jacob Bannon / Oli Sykes - lovechild. Sry.

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Other than that, I've still been trying to embrace Deg's current style. 2deep4u - excuses just won't work, all I hear is the sea of cacophony, out-of-place screaming and Z-tuning bass thwacking noises (okay, at least it had LOTUS, which was "music" for me, unlike the most songs)

Please Kyo, sing more for once - you fail at being Jacob Bannon / Oli Sykes - lovechild. Sry.

OMG x2 !!!!!

i could never hate them but my favorite band doesn't exist anymore.they are something else. i have to accept it and move on.

and please new fans don't say :"they are awesome now" ,i know you like them now dah. but they changed and as much as i try because is hard to let go something you loved, i don't like them anymore. i am trying to find something to still like and it's very hard.

( i had hageshisa which i liked the most )

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The fuck is the current VK scene even

I don't even know anymore man, like nearly everything in it makes me feel like Stan in those Tweenwave south park episodes, even cocklobin doesn't do anything for me :\

Only remotely new things I've enjoyed lately are XA-VAT, GalapagosS, amber gris and Chemical pictures. Feels kind of like the scene is dying overseas too.

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The fuck is the current VK scene even

I don't even know anymore man, like nearly everything in it makes me feel like Stan in those Tweenwave south park episodes, even cocklobin doesn't do anything for me :\

Only remotely new things I've enjoyed lately are XA-VAT, GalapagosS, amber gris and Chemical pictures. Feels kind of like the scene is dying overseas too.

I have been wanting to type a dissertation on this for the longest. I especially agree with the cocklobin part too, as I tried to get back into them two weeks ago and couldn't. The only thing I disagree with is the part where you say it's dying. I would venture that it's already dead. A dead scene can still be dying - it just has no hope of bouncing back.

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that's something I can't understand...

people hate the way girugamesh and mucc are taking (pop-ish)

and people hate the way dir en grey is taking (harder stuff)

what do you people actually like!? I don't understand...

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it's not heavy and not heavy in this case.

there is a difference in music genres

for me old mucc and old deg are more similar in music.

deg :

rock---> turn to more experimental metal,black ,death vocals, i don't fucking know.

i like metal but the experimental etc not so much

mucc :

rock --> are turning to dance pop rock. i still like but i prefer the old mucc style. depressive rock , more sentimental feeling that they are loosing now. same with girugamesh i guess.

but i don't see many fans having a problem with deg anyway. they love them now.


and not only visual kei scene. everything is dying these days.

sometimes i feel music in general is fucked up the last years

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I don't think music is dying and stuff... it's just that people's taste, the distribution of music, and thus music itself have changed. We only perceive older music to be better because that was what we were listening to while growing up (or if we were not listening to it, but discovering it just now, it's still that era/sound that we loved). As Lemmy from Motörhead said, "the best music you'll ever listen to is stuff from your childhood/teenage years" (or something along those lines). Of course this can vary from person to person, but I can really see this general tendency.

With that said, I too am in that mindset, older/past music really sounded better to my tastes. :lol: But of course there's a good number of amazing newer bands/artists too, we just have to find them under that heavy pile of crap bands.

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I don't think music is dying and stuff... it's just that people's taste, the distribution of music, and thus music itself have changed. We only perceive older music to be better because that was what we were listening to while growing up (or if we were not listening to it, but discovering it just now, it's still that era/sound that we loved). As Lemmy from Motörhead said, "the best music you'll ever listen to is stuff from your childhood/teenage years" (or something along those lines). Of course this can vary from person to person, but I can really see this general tendency.

With that said, I too am in that mindset, older/past music really sounded better to my tastes. :lol: But of course there's a good number of amazing newer bands/artists too, we just have to find them under that heavy pile of crap bands.

Agreed, I think a lot of it has to do with us getting old. Goddamn kids these days with their music!!!

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and not only visual kei scene. everything is dying these days.

sometimes i feel music in general is fucked up the last years

Quoting this for agreement, even though my opinion also lines up with Jigsaw's. The common music really has reached a new low but great music can still be found. You just have to be willing to go look for it. As trite as it sounds, it's all you have to do. My reasoning for why visual kei is dying/dead is a completely different rationale though.

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Guest Magatsu

bands change and get over it if they don't make the music anymore who you loved that much.

I really hate how Acid Black Cherry is making music right now.. But.. I've stepped out of the fandom and I don't give a shit anymore.

There are almost no bands in this world who can make great music for your own ears for lot of years or even more then 10 years or more then 30 years.

There are always periods where you don't like the music...

People just shouldn't mind..

there are enough bands who are also great and who give you the sound who you like!!

so hell yeah..



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There are almost no bands in this world who can make great music for your own ears for lot of years or even more then 10 years or more then 30 years.

disagree, Buck-Tick has literally not made an album I dislike yet in their entire lifespan

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Guest Magatsu

There are almost no bands in this world who can make great music for your own ears for lot of years or even more then 10 years or more then 30 years.

disagree, Buck-Tick has literally not made an album I dislike yet in their entire lifespan

I've wrote "There are almost no bands"..

So yes of course there are bands who make always/almost great albums and singles.

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I've been hearing the "ohno, vk is dead/dying, all new bands suck, it was so much better a few years ago!"-mantra ever since I started to listen to vk over 10 years ago. Some of the bands we glorify as good old times of vk were already considered a sign of decadence by older fans back then. Go figure.

People move on and bemoan the lack of originiality and perceived quality compared to their good old days. In the meantime, for new fans it's all fresh and exiting, just like it was for us once.

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I gues that's true, but when you compare the amount of bands going overseas to that of a few years ago, you can probably see a large drop in the amount and type of bands that make the journey overseas. Nowadays it is mostly these weird unexpected bands that have like 10 fans overseas that come over to Europe, usually from Kiwamu's label, with maybe one semi-'big' band ( big being UNDERCODE-level ) a year.. The popularity and demand for bands seems to have gone down again.

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Which makes me more confused by the fact that all these super small bands are coming over ALL THE TIME

how can they have enough money while those big ones don't

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Usually the promoter pays the expenses. So if anything, the promoter looses money. It might not be paying off for the bands either though, at best they can earn a little bit by selling merchandise.

My best guess is this: bigger bands don't come that often because it's just not worth the trouble. I highly doubt that they actually lose money (maybe some do, if they signed a really crappy contract), because at the end the main risk is with the promoter/tour agency. But as I said, they're not making any (or much) money either. A band like Girugamesh can earn more in Japan for less trouble.

With really small bands... it probably doesn't matter. I doubt they earn a lot of money in Japan either, so they may as well take the offer from some small overseas promoter to bring them here, where they essentially play for free. It's a free trip after all.

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Guest Magatsu

big bands never lose money.

The promoter does lose money. because they have to pay the band lot of money too. They don't come free...

You know, they want tot stay in luxe hotels want things how they want it.

And who knows they want a sum of money.. too.

So only the rich promoters who doesn't feel a pain if they kinda lose $10000 and more dollar can bring famous Japanese bands.

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no the scene is dying not because the music isn't good. i believe there are still bands with good music.

the scene is totally dying because they are dropping the visuals and i think it will end up being very underground scene(the heavy visuals),

like is punk for example today. but once upon a time was in fashion.

I don't think music is dying and stuff... it's just that people's taste, the distribution of music, and thus music itself have changed. We only perceive older music to be better because that was what we were listening to while growing up (or if we were not listening to it, but discovering it just now, it's still that era/sound that we loved). As Lemmy from Motörhead said, "the best music you'll ever listen to is stuff from your childhood/teenage years" (or something along those lines). Of course this can vary from person to person, but I can really see this general tendency.

With that said, I too am in that mindset, older/past music really sounded better to my tastes. :lol: But of course there's a good number of amazing newer bands/artists too, we just have to find them under that heavy pile of crap bands.

Agreed, I think a lot of it has to do with us getting old. Goddamn kids these days with their music!!!

i agree with this! xD

but now feels like we are generally in a time of decadence and not creativeness and revolution

sorry my english sucks i can't find better words to describe xD

& good music or creativeness is not supported or noticed. as you said you have to search under a lot of crap to find it.

older times seems like more radical music styles were in fashion.

but maybe is just what @Arithmetica wrote! xD maybe in older times people were saying the same as i do now.

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no the scene is dying not because the music isn't good. i believe there are still bands with good music.

the scene is totally dying because they are dropping the visuals and i think it will end up being very underground scene(the heavy visuals),

like is punk for example today. but once upon a time was in fashion.

Haha, the irony of an underground scene going even more underground. Anyway, I think there's some truth in this statement even though I can't pull up numerous examples to support my argument. It just feels like bands ditch the visuals really, really quickly these days. The only one I can even think of is VAJRA - less than 9 months after forming they dropped their visuals and looked less like a hamper attacked them and more like a boy band. Can't really have visual kei without the visuals.

I also happen to think the style of visuals has something to do with it too. A lot of the bands employ the same visual "style". Then again, that's not something new. In the older days the goth look was what was in and almost every single band employed that look. Now the "let's show lots of skin" look is all the rage, but it feels like they all recycle each other's clothing after photoshoots XD.

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Long story short...

Alot of these VK bands that are hot or are rising up to reach that level, will be picked up by a major label.

Once that happens, what ever made them original or different will just get tossed away, thus resulting in their music sounding bland, boring, and OH LETS NOT FORGET, full of "catchy" cheap choruses (Yall know damn well what im talkin about). Its happened to the GazettE, LYNCH, GIRUGAMESH. Why stick to a genre that goes through this same repetitive cycle? I personally think VK is a joke now.

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I've been hearing the "ohno, vk is dead/dying, all new bands suck, it was so much better a few years ago!"-mantra ever since I started to listen to vk over 10 years ago. Some of the bands we glorify as good old times of vk were already considered a sign of decadence by older fans back then. Go figure.

People move on and bemoan the lack of originiality and perceived quality compared to their good old days. In the meantime, for new fans it's all fresh and exiting, just like it was for us once.

this! fucking this!!

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