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    Yukimoto reacted to Rosebetz in the GazettE new album "DOGMA" 8/2015 release   

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    Yukimoto reacted to eiheartx in the GazettE new album "DOGMA" 8/2015 release   
    Why is everyone hating on DIVISION?
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    Yukimoto reacted to Jigsaw9 in the GazettE new album "DOGMA" 8/2015 release   
    Nice! Here's to hoping it'll be at least as good as BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY.
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    Yukimoto reacted to Rosebetz in the GazettE new album "DOGMA" 8/2015 release   
    It wass announced on 13th Anniversary Concert new album ''DOGMA'' will be released on 8/2015 details to be REVEALED.
    They also played one new song from the Album on the show.

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    Yukimoto reacted to Pretsy in the GazettE LIVE "13TH ANNIVERSARY [13-T H I R T E E N-]"   
    They made their "standard tunings" (D tuning/Drop B  ) ~permanent~ since  Ruki's vocals have suffered due to various factors in the past - you could name a few in your mind (as it shows in e.g. lives where members incorporate songs with keys of E-minor, B-major - Shunsetsu no Koro, Zetsu's Decade ver....) - I didn't mean to miss Ruki here, but it's clear as day that his octave range is VERY LIMITED (Uruha + Aoi have made many vague remarks on that one, e.g. here)
    Yes, each member actually contributed at least ONE song to BD (e.g. Aoi did "In Blossom", Reita did "Karasu", Kai did "Redo"), but at the same time - they demonstrate Ruki's usual habits of "eliminating stuff" (idk what he really meant with that but he always talks about this during each recording process - guess he "compresses" songs way too much?)
    And speaking of longer songs, I really hope that they would get their "best known" traits back - as in being not afraid to move on with "epic, long" numbers in the vein of "legendary" tracks like  Chizuru, Dim Scene, Nakigahara, Bath Room, Reila, Taion.../I might be just dreaming in vain so don't take me seriously, rofl.
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    Yukimoto reacted to Seimeisen in the GazettE LIVE "13TH ANNIVERSARY [13-T H I R T E E N-]"   
    I would be SO FUCKING HERE for a new album!!! And I'm really curious about the comment of longer songs! I've always wanted longer GazettE songs, maybe a 10 track album with 5-7 minute songs. You guys can snore at that idea all you want, but I like long songs, and while I have hopes for the GazettE to grow and do different things as a band and go new places, they haven't failed to impress me, so I still look forward to whatever new music they've got planned!
    I would also like some more composers for the next album, and especially URUHA to get more spotlight. Don't get me wrong, I like RUKI's compositions, but I was a lot more impressed by what other members wrote on BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY (I'm pretty sure EVERY member wrote at least one song for that album).
    Also, I would hope for more experiments with songs structure. When they were interviewed before DIVISION's release, there was something said that made me falsely expect to hear something on the "proggy side." Also, when DIVISION was announced as being a two disc release, with only 7 songs per, I have a vague memory of someone making a joke of hoping for "17 minute chug fests" lol.
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    Yukimoto reacted to Takadanobabaalien in 黒百合と影(kuroyuri to kage) new mini album "アケスケ羞恥録" release   
    They posted their new artist photo on twitter

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    Yukimoto reacted to Ro plz in lynch. best album "10th ANNIVERSARY 2004-2014 THE BEST" release   
    Asanao posted up a free DL of Evily remastered.
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    Yukimoto reacted to Tetora in SuG new album "BLACK" release   
    Oh man so funny, lol. And then the part where he is leaving almost brought a tear to my eye, but he had to say 'BLACK!'
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    Yukimoto reacted to Trombe in Royz new maxi single "THE BEGINNING" release   
    it is announced at Royz one-man live tour final "N.E.S" at Zepp DiverCity Tokyo at 2015/03/01 that their new maxi single "THE BEGINNING" will be released at 2015/05/06 (4 TYPE)
    limited edition TYPE A (1,944yen) will include CD (2 songs)+DVD (including "THE BEGINNING" PV & off-shot), limited edition TYPE B (1,944yen) will include CD (2 songs)+DVD (including "THE BEGINNING" all-member multi-angle PV), and regular edition TYPE C & D (1,620yen each) will include CD (3 songs with different track 3 & corr. 3 karaoke) only
    btw they will hold their one-man live tour "The 47th Beginners" since 智也(tomoya) birthday live at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2015/05/11 and up to tour final 6th anniversary one-man live "6HEAVENS" at Nanba HATCH at 2015/09/28

    SET-LIST at 2015/03/01:
    02.witch in the HELL
    03.マーブルパレット(marble palette)
    08.twilight memory
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    Yukimoto reacted to Trombe in 黒百合と影(kuroyuri to kage) new mini album "アケスケ羞恥録" release   
    it is announced at 黒百合と影(kuroyuri to kage) one-man live "断崖地獄の三番勝負(dangaijigoku no sanbanshoubu)" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/03/01 that their new mini album "アケスケ羞恥録(akesuke shuuchiroku)" will be released at 2015/07/29 (2,700yen)
    [track list]
    03.ティシューの空箱(tissue no karabako)
    05.高田馬場えいりあん(takadanobaba alien)
    06.ぼくのともだち。(boku no tomodachi)
    07.花と骨(hana to hone)
    btw they will hold their one-man live tour "アケスケ羞恥絵図(akesuke shuuchiezu)" at Nagoya MUSIC FARM at 2015/08/02, at Shinsaibashi VARON at 2015/08/16 and at Sendai BIRDLAND at 2015/08/21-08/22 and their one-man live "クロユリトカゲノ暗イ日曜日。(kuroyuri to kage no kurai nichiyoubi)" at Shinjuku LOFT at 2015/09/06
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    Yukimoto reacted to Tetora in A9(Alice Nine) 将(show) & 虎(tora) new project "DIAWOLF" & A9 START-UP EP "銀河ノヲト" release   
    After 9 and then Supernova I became much less of a fan of the band, which was possibly my favorite up until (and including) Gemini.
    From then on I saw that the band changed a lot, and always seemed overworked while having uncharacteristic output gaps in content (same as SuG before they left).
    Now I see that they are making a statement about themselves and how they feel, and I not only like the music more, and have that old feeling back where I can`t wait to see what they do next, I also respect them much more.
    Rebellion is obvious in terms of what they are saying, as is the Phoenix title. But I could also interpret the mask he is wearing as another form of `rebellion` as they started really pushing Shou as a pretty-boy for fans, and started heavily marketing their looks more and coming out with different editions of CD`s with designs based only around each member`s faces (similar marketing started for ViViD, based all around their good looks). So I find it cool that they made a PV not showing his face, putting more emphasis on the music.
    As for the crowd-funding, I was not sure how to feel, since I know they are still a huge draw in terms of CD sales and tickets as well as merchandise, so I wondered why they needed to do this, and checked out the official page for it as well as some more info.
    On the page itself, they talk about not agreeing with the way sales are done, getting people to buy the same stuff, and charting etc... And that they were being moved away from what they felt was an emphasis on making good music, to an emphasis on something else. So it seems they are using crowdfunding to have more control over their own work, and develop a new kind of relationship with their fans.
    My main issues would be that we are kind of paying twice for the product, since we already buy the albums, tickets, etc... And that some fans would pay larger amounts, although it`s their own money and their own decision, and due to the size of their fan-base, if theoretically 50k people put in 100 yen each, then the project is fulfilled. I`ll see how it develops.
    Just my thoughts on the news.
    Crowd-Fund Project is to fund the recording, PV shoot, and other things like promotional material, so they can do it all independently. When they reach their target they will also make an additional PV. Any additional funds raised will be used to `increase quality` of their works in terms of recording, equipment used, etc... They will show all financial data, and gifts for supporters include early access to tracks, HD tracks, track data (such as vocal only, drum only tracks, etc...) And I just noticed the page has an English option so everyone should be able to read it.
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    Yukimoto reacted to Trombe in A9(Alice Nine) 将(show) & 虎(tora) new project "DIAWOLF" & A9 START-UP EP "銀河ノヲト" release   
    A9(Alice Nine) SHOW OHARA & TORA AMANO new project "DIAWOLF" will hold their first live at Shibuya SOUND MUSEUM VISION at 2015/03/15, and their new one-coin single "Rebellion" will be released at 2015/04/12 (500yen)


    A9 Crowd Funding Project has formed with target funding amount 5,000,000yen, and their START-UP EP "銀河ノヲト(ginga no oto)" will be released in 2015/08

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    Yukimoto reacted to Rize in SPYAIR new maxi single "ROCKIN' OUT" release   
    Wow, Rockin out is seriously amazing omg! Can't wait for it
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    Yukimoto reacted to Trombe in AvelCain new mini album "おまじない(omajinai)" release   
    it is announced at AvelCain one-man live tour final "言霊-ありがとう-(kotodama-arigatou-)" at LIQUIDROOM ebisu at 2015/02/28 that their new mini album "おまじない(omajinai)" will be released at 2015/04/29 (2 TYPE)
    limited edition (2,700yen, limited 666) will include CD+lyrics cards (4 pages)+××××, and regular edition (2,160yen, limited 1500) will include CD+lyrics cards (4 pages)+××××
    [CD track list]
    01.自ラノ業ヲ自ラ得(jira no gyou wo jira toku)(SE)
    btw they will hold their one-man live tour "釘、御札、午前二時…(kugi ofuda gozenniji)" since Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 at 2015/05/03 and up to tour final at TSUTAYA O-East at 2015/08/29
    their members will participate in movie, which will be broadcast in 2015 summer

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    Yukimoto reacted to allisapp in SPYAIR new maxi single "ROCKIN' OUT" release   
    I love how most of their songs are so catchy, among this one!
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    Yukimoto reacted to Trombe in MEJIBRAY LIVE DVD & 2 new maxi singles release   
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    Yukimoto reacted to Trombe in DaizyStripper LIVE DVD release   
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