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Posts posted by Visutox

  1. ^ Damn, lots of huge names there. Too bad that your bro won't be able to come, but as you said life goes on. Enjoy the hell out of it! 


    Anyway, the new Nightbringer is bloody fantastic, holy shit. I'm afraid I'm gonna have a bad time making my end year list. I thought that 2017 would never top last year but here we are, with tons of amazing albums and we're not even in June. 

  2. ^ good timing, I've been also delaying watching the second season since it came out and yours is the only opinion I've read so far. I might start watching it very soon.


    Started watching Utopia, which was recommended to me by a friend of mine like two years ago or something. And fuck, I hate myself for delaying it so much. It's bloody awesome, watched 2 episodes so far and I'm really enjoying it. The photography and colors are stunning. The actors are also great, especially Fiona O'Shaughnessy as Jessica Hyde and Neil Maskell as Arby (so fucking creepy he is).

  3. They're not to blame if he's acted like a fucking twat, I mean Ghost's concept was meant to be like this from the start. There's a contract, and that has to be respected. But then again I also don't give a fuck, as long as the band's music quality doesn't get fucked up because of this ridiculous drama. 


    Brujería is a band I've always wanted to dig in, checked some songs from them and they sound really good. I'll definitely be giving them a go this weekend, prolly.


    Speaking of Asesino, I really hope they'll release a new album one of these days. It's been ages since Cristo Satánico came out. 

  4. Quote


    As of yesterday we, four signatories from the band Ghost, have filed a lawsuit with the Linköping District Court. We are suing Tobias Forge (”Papa Emeritus”) – the band’s lead singer who has also been responsible for the finances of the band since its founding.


    As of the filing of this lawsuit we are requesting that the court, under penalty, oblige Tobias Forge to declare the incomes as well as expenses of the band concerning the years between 2011 and 2016.


    Throughout all the years we have been on tour with Ghost (between 2011-2016 some of us have performed something like 500 shows with the band) and throughout the band’s album recordings, we have neither been allowed to share in the profits of the band, nor have we seen any of the incomes accounted for.


    The only thing we have received have been minimal advance payments to allow the band to keep going. This despite the fact that we had an agreement that any profits should be shared fairly between the members of the band.


    When we have attempted to raise the issue of the band’s finances with Tobias Forge, his sole response has been that there are so far no profits to be share, but that everyone will be generously compensated once the band turns a profit.


    The reason that this lawsuit is now being filed is a contract dispute that has escalated during the previous year (2016). Over the last year we have received multiple proposed contracts from Tobias Forge in which he seeks to redefine his role in the band.


    Since the conception of Ghost our common understanding and agreement has been that we are a band on equal terms, but that Tobias will act as band leader and manage the band’s finances through his own companies.


    Through contracts received from Tobias and his lawyers during 2016, Tobias has attempted to make us sign an agreement that implies we are merely consultants working for his company, an agreement also stating that we would receive less that a minimal wage for our contributions to the band. According to this proposal, furthermore we would renounce any and all rights to music royalties.


    All above despite the fact that some of us have been members of the band since its foundation, investing all of our time in the band during the past five years, with as much right to the recordings and trademark of the band Ghost as that of Tobias Forge.


    Our vocalist and former friend is now attempting to, in a underhand and shameless way, transform Ghost from a band into a solo project with hired musicians. Naturally this is not something we can accept.


    When, in connection with the 2016 United States tour, approached a lawyer in order to sort out the situation of the contracts, we were informed that Tobias Forge no longer wanted us to participate in upcoming tours. Thus, Tobias Forge is now going ahead with the tour, which started March 24 2017 and is set to end in the UK on August 12, on his own together with rented musicians who have replaced all other band members. Tobias Forge has chosen this path of action without any permission from us to carry out the tour on his own. This under the name Ghost, which we regard as our commonly owned trademark.


    The actions of Tobias Forge amount to nothing less than unabashed dishonesty, greed, and darkness. Not the darkness of which Ghost sings, but a darkness that pushes a person to betray his best friends when fame and fortune appear within reach.


    We are terribly sorry that this afflicts the fans of the band as well, and that they too should suffer because of this betrayal and greed.


    We who are suing Tobias Forge are:


    Simon Söderberg (Alpha)member of Ghost since 2010.
    Mauro Rubino (Air)member of Ghost since 2011.
    Henrik Palm (Eather) member of Ghost since 2015
    Martin Hjertstedt (Earth)member of Ghost since 2014
    The Nameless Ghouls



    This is fucking disgusting. Always liked Ghost and appreciated Papa Emeritus but with this "anonymous members" shit story, things could only go wrong. I'm disappointed. 

  5. ARCD162.jpg




    Just checked out this new beast and fuck, I was so skeptical since the samples didn't succeed to seduce me but this got me almost by surprise. Six years after Blasphemers' Malediction and now they're finally back with an absolute killer, which was mixed and mastered by Haldor Grunberg (Blaze of Perdition, Non Opus Dei). I highly recommend this.

  6. Great list, Bear! I have to retry with that Rude album, I enjoyed it but maybe wasn't in an old school dm mood at the time. It's a great album in any case, that's for sure. Also loved that Helheim album and I still don't know why I haven't given it another spin since the first time, brilliant stuff! 


    19 minutes ago, Bear said:

    When Agalloch broke up it didn't take long before John Haughm announced his new band, Pillorian, together with Trevor Matthews of Uada and SP of The Will of a Million

    Fuck, how haven't I heard about this before? I'm gonna put it on my list and check it out soon. 


    The rest of the bands seem interesting too.

    (still have to check out Black Magic SS)


  7. Started playing Final Fantasy XV and call me crazy if you want but so far I think that FF XIII is way better. The main problem with XV is that the story doesn't make you feel anything, it's tasteless. There's hardly anything interesting that catches your attention, you just have to follow the objectives and see what happens next. Can't say I'm not enjoying it but definitely not as much as I enjoyed XIII, for example. I don't know what's to blame, really. Maybe the messy open world concept that I find useless. But oh well, I will keep on going till the end of it and see how things evolve.

  8. I personally just write down on a Word doc every music release I listen to! There are quite a lot on your list, I'll definitely check it out soon.


    I need to give Urraca another spin, but it's truly an amazing piece of work. And obviously that Venenum album is absolutely magisterial! Still have to check out the three other bands of your tiny list. Already checked out some tracks off of that new Wormwood album so I think I might probably dig it.


    As for me, I'd say (in no particular order):


    Soen — Lykaia

    Need — Hegaiamas: A Song for Freedom

    Immolation — Atonement

    Venenum  — Trance of Death

    Pallbearer — Heartless


    Of course it's still to soon to determine our absolute favorites of the year but I thought it'd be great to know what we've been listening up to now. 

    And I agree with you, death metal is really killing it this year. 




  9. Watched Logan today, it was really great. I'm not familiar with the X-men universe whatsoever even though I know a few things about it, and the only "on-screen" knowledge of Wolverine I ever had until today was the second film of the character. All that being said (and repeating myself), this was a very good movie despite some crucial and evident flaws that, imo, prevented this movie from being an excellent one. Not disappointed though, and if you hesitate going to the movies to watch it then don't. It's definitely worth your time (and money). 

  10. Just saw a video where a dude was ripping off a Quran and criticizing Islam and people started calling that shit "hate speech" lol. Fucking unbelievable. You can't criticize or protest against Islam without having an army of narrow minded specimens spitting at you for it, just because they feel fucking offended.  Poor babies.

  11. 10 hours ago, Lestat said:


    This is about as crunchy as death / doom can get. Comes from an amazing album, never heard of this band until now but I am so honestly glad that I discovered them. 

    Never heard of them but this sounds sick as fuck, and those vocals are fucking diabolical. I love it, will check out the album as soon as I can. Hellish stuff.

  12. I decided to go through reading some of your older posts so that I can understand the situation. You obviously won't be making the same "mistakes" if you decide to stop posting anything. The best way to learn from our mistakes is to avoid making them despite being under the risk of screwing up. Besides, we all screw up at some point, right? Why wouldn't we deserve you? It's not about deserving this or that or whatever you think it is, it's just about having fun. Btw, we get it, you're sorry. (there are people on here who can be really disrespectful without even being sorry about it, so yeah). Have a nice evening, and don't overthink all of this too much. 

  13. ^ this album is on my list and I'll definitely have a few words with it. The line-up is quite interesting, can't wait to check it out.


    Listened the new Pallbearer album yesterday and had another session with it an hour ago and I have to say it's brilliant stuff, the vocals are beautiful and the music is unreal. I already know that I'll have to find the album a spot in my top 10 albums of this year.


    Also, finally listened that album from Jake Dreyer's and Joseph Michael's band 'Witherfall', it's as good as it gets. Those guitars are killing me, they're delicious.



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