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Posts posted by Visutox

  1. Last year I came across this excellent instrumental post-metal band and their album "Nuit Noire" is really amazing. Like I said before I'm not much of an instrumental music listener but this album really blew me away. The atmosphere is simply fascinating. Highly recommended. 




    Also checked out Vow of Volition lately and their new album is solid af. Cool instrumental prog metalcore, very good stuff. 



  2. The album has leaked, I'm spinning it right now. Will be probably be back with my shitty opinion on it.


    EDIT: first impression I had is that it's a very good album, second impression "well, this is enjoyable" and third and definitive opinion was "good album, now let's get back to Crack The Skye". I'm still thinking that Mastodon are a pretty consistent band and that they never released a bad album. But their peak and golden era is definitely behind them. 

  3. 1 hour ago, For my dears said:

    Really nice Visutox, I really really dig Buckethead too! I've been listening to his pike series a lot, tho I only like the heavy riffing ones haha. His mellow stuff is also nice, but what I really like is when he just shreds and noodle it haha.

    Yeaaah! I think that everything he does is top quality stuff, and the fact that it's diversified is a good point since it can be enjoyed by many. His shredding level is god tier, love it too.


    25 minutes ago, Panda_bear said:

    Another great release was the recent solo album by Jason Richardson. The guy is an absolute monster on guitar. 


    I've been interested to check out his album for ages and might as well do it in the next few days, I really enjoyed watching that playthrough when it came out. The guy's skills are mental.


    Polyphia's latest album is pretty good too! 

  4. Yeah, never managed to get into their music before but strangely this new album actually did hit me well. Production wise it's polished af but that doesn't really bother me, even tho I always prefer my thrash to be as raw as possible (that Terrifier album did great in this aspect). 


    Deathhammer are fucking huge, need to get back to them asap. <3



    Two more tracks form the upcoming solo album of Nergal have been unveiled, I can dig the new one. I think my favorite so far is the first one, aka My Church Is Black (and I didn't like the polish version). Interesting sound though, will check out the album but I'm not a huge fan of his clean vocals. 




    Also, I checked out the new Havok album and I really like how good this sounds. Made me wanna spin it again and again!

    The first thing that got my attention is the bass play on the first track of the album (F.P.C.), fucking phenomenal. The album length is also superior to its predecessors and that didn't bother me at all. They're getting more technical and Vektor-ish and you know what? That's really awesome.



  6. ^ I personally don't see what's strange about them using their new logo for the best album (like, I think they used it bc it's just their new logo), I get what you mean though. And if they ever were to get into a new era, I'd be glad to see them experimenting with their music. They're a great band and they're young, think they can deliver more than they did so far. 


    And getting back to the best album, I really enjoyed re-discovering the band with this cool tracklist. It is also a good way to introduce someone to the band, so yeah. This new release actually made me wanna re-listen their whole discography.

  7. ^ listened to one song (the first one I think) yesterday, and my ears definitely enjoyed what they were hearing. Will check out the entirety of the album.


    The first Bolt Thrower album is solid as fuck, loved the hell out of it. But was definitely more seduced by the Peel Sessions EP, brutal shit is brutal. Will keep on digging their stuff, next victim is Realm Of Chaos! 

  8. I don't know if any of y'all even care but lastfm finally added (should say re-added, actually) the "listeners you know" feature which had absolutely disappeared after the old lastfm died. This was probably my favorite thing about the old lastfm and I'm glad it's back, so I thought it would be nice posting this here in case some of you didn't notice the update.





    edit: just noticed I posted this in the wrong thread but oh boy, shit happens sometimes. 


  9. ^ fuck, shit goes hard as hell. Amazing. 

    Don't get why I've always been reluctant to dig into their discography, why am I like this. 



    Listening to this incredible album right now, fucking genius band. Unplugged came out in 2015 and it could have perfectly ended up in my top 10 if I had listened it that same year.



    This is my fav one I think.




  10. On 3/4/2017 at 10:29 AM, Bear said:

    Will definitely make sure to check this one out. Sounds promising. 


    2 hours ago, Hakari said:

    @VisutoxI really like the album. I find their tunes almost relaxing and have fallen asleep to them a couple times at night.  As a whole I like it but I have a couple complaints, I feel that some of the tracks are a little long with some dull moments, however when they go all in boy do they go all in. When fen goes all out it is glorious 

    They really are relaxing. I could do literally anything while listening to their music —be it reading a book, doing some homework or simply just concentrating on the music. It's a brilliant album imo even though for some mysterious reason it didn't seduce me after my first spin. Now I love it. And I agree, the strong moments are really that strong. 


    I played the album today again and man, this tune is absolutely fantastic. I really  love the shit out of it:



  11. Thought it'd be cool to revive this thread, as I love fighting games and it'd be cool to discuss with y'all. 


    I have a new hobby and it's watching Tekken 7 tournaments on youtube. I find them to be pretty addictive, the guys are so damn good. 



    Shit gets so intense as the rounds go. Enjoyed watching this so much! Both the players and the commentators are incredible at their jobs.



    This one is pretty cool too. 

  12. The only instru-metal (love that word haha) I've been listening to lately is Buckethead and Vipassi. The fact if whether Buckethead can be qualified as metal or not is arguable but thing is the man is incredibly gifted. I love when the music gets progressive or simply when it adds that avant-gardiste touch. Really amazing stuff.



    And for the curious ones, Vipassi is the side band of three Ne Obliviscaris members and they play what sounds like (instrumental) technical death metal to my ears. The bass line sounds exactly like Obscura but that ain't a bad thing at all. This shit is enjoyable as fuck. 



    I also enjoy listening to some Angel Vivaldi sometimes when I'm on the mood. And obviously AAL, which are absolutely great. Not a huge fan of instrumental metal though, as I love to have some sick gutturals on my metal but hey, sometimes it's exactly what you need. So this thread is a good thing for me to discover some stuff. 

  13. Started watching Westworld and it's such a fucking mental tv series, I love every aspect of it. Four episodes watched so far and I'm loving the hell out of it. Anthony Hopkins is such a great actor, what a legend. 



    By the way that fourth episode was really amazing, the last scene left me speechless. It's crazy how the "robots" are slowly digging and starting to remember. 


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