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Everything posted by Visutox

  1. Visutox

    Damn that sounds good! Definitely going to try it when it comes out.
  2. Yeah, so fuckin' great! Btw, I love the album artwork. Another week of waiting and we will be able to try the new record!
  3. So fucking hyped for this one. it's going to be great, no doubt about that. 17 April seems so far away. I'm listening to Glaciation's new album and it's outstanding. I'm loving it so far, the three first tracks are awesome. Also came across this today, it's awesome. https://onryo.bandcamp.com/releases
  4. Visutox

    Honestly, I tried this album because I was a bit curious but I've concluded that this kind of stuff isn't my cup of tea. Not a bad album though, it's definitely going to please the fans. I think that the production quality could have been a bit better but it isn't a relevant point since it's decent. And yeah, indeed a great review!
  5. She doesn't waste her time, good for her. Wish her all the best.
  6. Visutox

    Thanks both of you!
  7. Visutox

    Oh, sad news. Hoping for a good an speedy recovery!
  8. Visutox

    Started watching Vikings like two weeks ago and I'm lovin' it, it's really good. Though one of the biggest flaws of this series is that there's only 9 or 10 episodes in each season, pretty short for a series which deals with a historical subject, if you ask me. But then again, it's only my point of view. I enjoy it a lot anyways. I also would like to start another series, as I'm up to date with those I'm already watching. Any recommendation(s)? I know a lot but only by name, and there are so much that are seemingly good. You can go ahead, I'm not someone who watches a lot of series anyway. I'm even able to mention those I'm watching since there are only a few: AHS, Smallville, Vikings and TWD. I know you lol'd.
  9. Visutox

    I read some reviews and everyone seems to agree on one point: It's the best Dragon Ball game since Tenkaichi 3. I haven't tried it yet but I'm diggin it tbh, I saw some gameplays and a lot of people recommended it to me. I've made up my mind, I'm planning to buy it for PS4.
  10. Visutox

    sukekiyo ㅡ VITIUM 9/10 Favorite song: Foster Mother This is a magnificent mini-album from sukekiyo. The band has taken the essential from IMMORTALIS and condensed it into a 38 minutes mini-album, and also did a great work concerning the length. In this regard, this release is an easier approach to sukekiyo's music than the album was - VITIUM is well balanced, which makes it even more perfect and enjoyable. Every detail is worthy of being noticed. Kyo is perfect as always, same conerning his comrades, take a bow. By the way, it was hard to chose a favorite track and I suppose that you know why. Oh yeah, I almost forgot: special mention to the collaboration song with Toshi; amazing. Melechesh ㅡ Enki 8.5/10 Favorite song: Enki - Divine Nature Awoken - Full album Failing to be original, it's still effective. And it's exactly that efficiency which makes of this album a killer, a titan, a piece of art in Melechesh's discography, making legit to put this album in the top 3 of the band's best releases. What can I say besides that this album is fantastic? Not much I guess, since an album of this caliber deserves to be listened more than being discussed, you will agree. If you want a concrete indication: if you love this album, it would be firstly because of its killer riffs. My first opinion hasn't changed a lot, this album is a jewel. I see Enki as a big improvement compared to the previous album, I am glad. Decidedly one of the best albums of February, and also one of the best of 2015. Carach Angren ㅡ This Is Not Fairytale 8/10 Favorite song: When Crows Tick On Windows - Full album They are a symphonic black metal band from the Netherlands, tagged as theatrical black metal by some people. Well, what's sure is that they're one of the best symphonic bands around. I am not a big fan of this band, nor I have never bothered to explore their discography till a few days ago. It's (almost) done now. I can say that this is a superb album and probably Carach Angren's best work to date. It was hard to get into it at first, but it really grew on me in the past few days till I ended up loving it. The symphonic part of their music is beautiful, and the lyrics are amazing as well. They could make a movie, a theater play or whatever with the lyrics of each song, I love that. Now, this may be a good album, it has it flaws. The first one is that you need several listens to get into it, and this first one can lead to a second which is that the album can sound boring - a totally misleading feel. Other notable albums: - Hæthen ‎ㅡ Shaped By Aeolian Winds 7.5/10 - ONE OK ROCK ‎ㅡ 35xxxv 7/10 - 黒百合と影 ㅡ 皮肉な種の卑屈な芽。7/10 - All That Remains ㅡ The Order of Things 6.5/10
  11. Visutox

    Inazuma sounds really good, they rarely disappoint. Btw, the tweet has already 493 retweets.
  12. Voted! Vote for FACT's new promotion picture: http://www.last.fm/music/Fact/+images/103595277
  13. I say yes to this new look, and another yes going to Kyo. Shinya's fab as usual. Except Kaoru's look, which I find meh in that particular pic, all the members are so fucking classy. Kaoru should forget about facial hair if he wants to adopt a more Visual Kei style, even if he looks better in his individual shot. Btw, the individual shots of the members are awesome as well.
  14. Just tried the new Carach Angren album and I'm surprised, it sounds so good. There are some symphonic parts that are just mesmerizing.
  15. Holy shit, Melechesh's new album is a fucking killer. I think I just had an eargasm, what a piece of art! These guys are definitely one of the best bands around, hands down. The Epigenesis was a good album for sure, but this one is miles better imo. The first track sounds a bit like a "Rebirth of the Nemesis (Enuma Elish Rewritten) 2.0" and it's not a bad thing. Plus, I wouldn't even mind if all of their albums started with such a tremendously awesome song. Also, "Enki - Divine Nature Awoken" is a masterpiece. This new album is easily going on my list of the top 2015 albums. Only listened the album once but I plan to listen it again and again. A full review could come if I'm in the mood in the coming days. First impression score: (I think I just underrated it, if you ask me). I also tried ATR's new album, and in order to avoid of always repeating the same thing everywhere, I'm just gonna say what I posted in other places: I really enjoyed the new album. It's not as good as they old material, but better than AWYCW and FWAM for sure. I somewhat feel like The Order Of Things is a mix of everything we heard since All That Remains formed, condensed into one album. All in all, it's a DECENT one and I like it. You can think whatever you want but this is how the new All That Remains sounds like, and they won't change, whether you like it or not. Listened it once too, gotta give it a few more spins. First impression score:
  16. Really good song! And what seems to be the album artwork is beautiful.
  17. Sounds somewhat amateur to me but it's ok. Plus I feel like her vocals have slightly lost of power, but maybe she just needs more time to return to her old top form.
  18. I pay attention to it and I find it somewhat funny at times, but I enjoy music sung in engrish and it does not bother me at all.
  19. Voted for everyone already. Guys, let's make the GazettE's profile page on last.fm look prettier. http://www.last.fm/music/the+GazettE/+images/103566473
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