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    Tetora reacted to XEL_PERPLEXITY in UVERworld new album "Ø CHOIR" release   
    Yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhh!! Sweet, can't wait for this~ ^o^
  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to Zhane182 in Hello   
    My name is Zhane182, I am glad to be in this forum with cool Japanese music and such. This is the nice place.
  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to ricchubunny in ユナイト(UNiTE.) Dr.ゆきみ(yukimi) will depart   
    Yeah, i hope its.
    If he start a new band or something like that as drummer i'll be like '"WAT"
  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to Crawling in girugamesh 2014 Europe Tour [Monster]   
    Ok I find this out so belt and dogtag is for 15 euro and bandana for 10.
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to Augie1995 in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    I feel Misha Mansoor (Guitarist and founder of Periphery) has the right idea to towards piracy and people that pirate music:
    "Just for the record, i am not going to waste my time saying that Piracy needs to stop, because it will be just that, a waste of time, it is what it is. 
    With that said and established, i really don't think that it is too much to ask that IF you are going to pirate a band's album that you don't overtly rub the fact that you stole their music in their faces. 
    Remember guys, merch nets bands more money, but cd sales determine their profile in the music industry, buying either helps ensure that the bands you love can afford to keep making the music that you love."
    -Misha Mansoor
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    Tetora reacted to tetsu_sama69 in コドモドラゴン(codomo dragon) new maxi single "VIper" release   
    Always ready for more from this band!
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    Tetora reacted to Trombe in コドモドラゴン(codomo dragon) new maxi single "VIper" release   
    it is announced at コドモドラゴン(codomo dragon) one-man live tour "Children's Dope." tour final at Shinjuku BLAZE at 2014/06/01 that their new maxi single "VIper" will be released at 2014/08/06 (4 TYPE)
    limited edition TYPE A (1,944yen) will include CD (2 songs)+DVD (including "【VIper】" PV & making), limited edition TYPE B (1,944yen) will include CD (2 songs)+DVD (including "【VIper】" multi-angle PV), regular edition TYPE C (1,620yen) will include CD (3 songs & corr. 3 inst.) only, and regular edition TYPE D (1,620yen) will include CD (3 songs with different track 3 & corr. 3 inst.) only
    btw they will hold their one-man live tour "VIper" since Yokohama F.A.D at 2014/08/09 and up to tour final at Akasaka BLITZ at 2014/09/23
  10. Like
    Tetora reacted to Rakuen in h e l l o ♡   
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    9GOATS BLACK OUT ; OZ ; MUCC ; Plastic Tree ; X-JAPAN ; RENTRER EN SOI ; the gazettE ; DIR EN GREY ; Moi Dix Mois ; MALICE MIZER ; l'arc-en-ciel ; VAMPS ; Versailles ; SuG ; SCREW ;  SATSUKI ; GACKT ; Sadie ; MAXIMUM THE HORMONE ; D'espairs Ray ; ONE OK ROCK ; DIAURA ; girugämesh ; BUCK-TICK ; SUICIDE ALI ; ViViD, GOLDEN BOMBER.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    favorites are in bigger size
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    Tetora reacted to DeithX252 in THE JAPANESE INDIE THREAD   
    nice post CAT5 and mitsu, lol in the past day I explored some female singer songwriter and want some recommendation, thanks for the bump up 8D
    oh and for japanese indies, I think I need a community who have high enthusiast to discuss indie band/artist, seems like the last fm group didn't active anymore. It so hard to find these kind of community, and for a people like me who can't explore any newcomer indie artist for myself, I think it's a good idea if we gather the people with same interest into one community
    and last fm artist page sometimes can be nice place to discuss the artist XD
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to whitegrey in THE JAPANESE INDIE THREAD   
    New PV from Yugato!

    So damn good! <3
  14. Like
    Tetora reacted to Pretsy in MUCC new album "THE END OF THE WORLD" release   
    lengths for the new album
    also, it includes the credits of each song! Just click on クレジット-arrows, no Satochi songs
    also [2], the last song title is basically "People I wish were dead" (triplechecked that!) - quite edgy & angsty lel
  15. Like
    Tetora reacted to Shmilly in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    A kind of side point that I think applies mostly to the visual kei scene is live-distributed singles and DVDs. Not only are they ridiculously limited to begin with, but not just foreign fans but even domestic ones probably have no chance to ever hear/see them. If bands are so worried about losing money to piracy, why do they invest the time, effort and money to produce a limited run of a new song and then give it away free to a handful of fans who go to one concert, never to be seen again? I'm frustrated to no end by this practice. Case in point, I missed Signal's last live and I've been searching for the single Crossing fate ever since. It doesn't seem to exist in the used market or on auction at all. This is also relevant to NB because recently they distributed Triangle Carnage and it even shows up on their site's discography page. "We don't want you to pirate our music, but by the way here's a song you can't buy and you will never know what it sounds like".
  16. Like
    Tetora reacted to Mr Bacon in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    I get where NB are coming from, and I kind of agree with the comments in the first post.
    Let me first say that I used to download loads of music illegally, but since the advent of Spotify, that's become my main thing to listen to music. As for Jap music, I still mostly download. But... if I think  a certain band or release is good/epic, I will buy the original. I have about 300 CDs, and loads of vinyl, DVDs, and casettes.
    I think that if you claim to be a fan of a band, you should support them in any way you can. Buy an album, buy a T-shirt, I don't care. If physical stuff isn't readily available, email them and you'll probably be able to work something out (I did this with Tokyo Heroes), or bring it to their attention that there's fans willing to buy their stuff in other countries as well. If not, platforms such as Itunes exist. You can't claim to be a diehard fan of a band but be unwilling to support them.
    A non-Jap band I'm fan of released 3 singles, all for $1. I bought each of em for $3-5(Bandcamp), just because I love their music and sincerity and want to support them. Each time I got a personal email back saying "Thank you Bryan, this means more to us than you think!" They make music for their fans, and if their fans support them, they give their personal gratitude in return.
    I agree with what Tokage said about music as a form of art. I have to add though, that many artists, and even mostly the smaller ones, also put time and creativity in the CD's artwork and packaging. If you just get the music, you only get 75% of the complete piece of art.
    Then again, I also agree with his remark about originality, haha.
    Oh and also, I'm pro-buying directly from the band, no intermediates. Tons of bands use bigcartel or bandcamp or their own webstore and sell CDs, downloads and merch through those channels. If you buy it from there, you'll know the money ends up where it belongs - in the hands of the artists.
    TL;DR I think you should support bands financially when you claim to be a fan, in any small way you can. I have no problem with downloading music to try it out, but if you like it enough to call yourself a fan, fuck'n buy it and don't be a pretentious freeloader.
  17. Like
    Tetora reacted to Slsr in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    I don't understand whine about his comments, surely they are kinda silly but I feel he has every right to be mad anyway. thousands of people listening his work without ever paying one penny of it. It is pretty annoying, especially if you know how many of these people are, they think they are entitled to all this shit without doing anything (yes, I am talking about you)
    Now personally I feel there is sometimes pretty reasonable reasons why somenone doesn't buy CDs and shit, I can get it. Piracy also isn't really that bad thing. it can be way for many people to get known of new bands etc. Problem I have with all this isn't really piracy, it is just that most people just exploit it without care in the world. They never buy anything even if they could afford it just because they just don't buy music even if they might enjoy it immensely. Therefore current state of industry is rather sad looking from musician point of view, often there is people who like artist/band work but many never won't buy any of it as they just don't buy music.
    So in the end I can actually phrase problem here in two words, they are: people suck. 
  18. Like
    Tetora reacted to Shmilly in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    Obviously this is an issue much larger than NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST, but it does get the ball rolling again when an actual musician or group acts on it. In NB's case, I'm actually a bit confused about their concerns, because although they're starting to reach that level of popularity in the indie scene where people clamour for their releases it's not like they're not shifting copies. I had to go into two VK CD stores yesterday (the day of release) to buy their new single because in the first one it was already sold out. I think I may have grabbed the last copy from the second too because there were no more on the shelves, although I guess there could have been some in storage since they were still clearing up after an instore event. That said, I also bought a ticket for their one man next weekend which has yet to sell out (and probably won't). Now I don't know whether NB make more money from their CDs than their lives (there's a strong used market in Japan with stores like Closet Child and Puresound, and of course the auction sites). But in today's reality the way most foreign bands (especially indies) gain recognition overseas is by someone on the internet saying, 'hey this band is awesome, check them out' and people sharing downloads. It's great to see more bands these days like NB use an official YouTube account to advertise their music and PVs, but people still need to know about them to watch them. It's a tricky issue, but as people have already stated suing your fans seems like it can only do more harm than good at this point. I'm looking forward to see if NB have any announcements to make at Shinjuku BLAZE.
  19. Like
    Tetora reacted to JukaForever in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    here is the original letter by Nathan Reaven
  20. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    Some people seem to believe that piracy is (only) a service problem - Masa's first point gives me this impression too. The implication is that if you make music as accessible as possible, piracy is going to magically disappear. Sadly this is true only in the limiting case where the music in question is rare to the extent that it hasn't surfaced on the internet. If anything, vk is among the least affected by piracy (in relative terms) as opposed to games, movies, pop music, whatever., because the obscure live-limited releases and distro's are impossible to pirate if they don't even exist on the network to begin with.  Yet it hurts them more because in absolute terms as they have a far smaller slice of the consumers' pie.
    For stuff that people can buy from shops or online, releases are only "immune" to piracy for the first 24-48 hours or so. The artists know this as well; that's why fans are always being bugged to "pre-order" upcoming releases. The reality is that more and more people today who actually BUY music do so not because they want to listen to the music, but as a symbolic act of pledging their support. It's like making a "donation" to affirm that you like what the artists are doing. Why else would I want to spend money on a CD and wait for it to arrive, when I can simply click on a link to get it for free instantly? Most of my friends who buy CDs (not many do anymore, admittedly) don't even open their CDs when they arrive at their house, cuz they've pirated the digital files long ago. The industry realizes this as well, so they have stuff like in-store events and promotional lucky-draws to encourage purchase.
    Anyway, I should say that I don't want to endorse piracy. I do, however, wish that bands like NB would stop whining and direct their effort to formulating a marketing model to sell their stuff in our current age where music doesn't sell the same way it had used to (something for people to buy, take home, and listen). If there's only one thing AKB48 or any of their countless analogs can be praised for, it's being incredibly successful at this.
  21. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from YuyoDrift in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    This has been going on for a little while now, but many people are discussing in various places so I decided to make a thread.
    Nocturnal Bloodlust has also issued warnings on Youtube, and filed violations on users, stating that they will sue all culprits, etc...
    I would like to share some quotes from Otaking, Co-Creator of Gainax and Evangelion, amongst other works:
    There is also another quote I remember from the Gurren Lagann era, where one Gainax employee stated:
    We don`t pay much mind to people wanting to illegally download our product, we focus more on making a product so good that fans will want to buy it.
    IMO unlike even anime, VK and other Japanese music isn`t structured in a way that permits fans to find it, get into it, or become fans without illegally downloading sometimes large amounts of music.
    It is a complex situation, but removing all downloads and unauthorized videos online will only harm the industry at this point. There is more I would like to say, but I will just post the most pertinent of my current thoughts at the moment.
    And yes, although I buy all my music, I still believe downloading is the only way Japanese music stays Internationally somewhat known atm.
    Thanks for reading.
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  23. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    This has been going on for a little while now, but many people are discussing in various places so I decided to make a thread.
    Nocturnal Bloodlust has also issued warnings on Youtube, and filed violations on users, stating that they will sue all culprits, etc...
    I would like to share some quotes from Otaking, Co-Creator of Gainax and Evangelion, amongst other works:
    There is also another quote I remember from the Gurren Lagann era, where one Gainax employee stated:
    We don`t pay much mind to people wanting to illegally download our product, we focus more on making a product so good that fans will want to buy it.
    IMO unlike even anime, VK and other Japanese music isn`t structured in a way that permits fans to find it, get into it, or become fans without illegally downloading sometimes large amounts of music.
    It is a complex situation, but removing all downloads and unauthorized videos online will only harm the industry at this point. There is more I would like to say, but I will just post the most pertinent of my current thoughts at the moment.
    And yes, although I buy all my music, I still believe downloading is the only way Japanese music stays Internationally somewhat known atm.
    Thanks for reading.
  24. Like
    Tetora reacted to thnd in new here!   
    wow, thanks for the warm welcome everyone! it's especially nice to find fellow deadman fans here, i still hope mako comes out of hiding someday again...but until that i'll just enjoy god and death stars.
    glad to hear you like my tumblr, fitear! i'll check yours and follow back!
  25. Like
    Tetora reacted to thnd in new here!   
    hi there!
    i'm jana from germany. i've been a member for months already, but never got around to introducing myself or really posting on here. i'm normally known as thond around the internet, don't know why i'm missing the o here, stupidity perhaps.
    i've been into japanese music for some time and have favourites across all genres. as m-h is vk-focused: i'm not too well-up on recent bands but mucc, merry and metronome are some old loves, as well as deadman. if we are talking 90s vk, glay has always been my favourite band (to the point where i can't really explain it). luna sea deserve a special mention as well now that they reunited, haven't been so into a band for a really long time. i guess being a fake? and J fan helps with that.
    other than that, i love garage rock, all kinds of ska, punk, crossover, electronic music...doesn't matter, as long as the melodies work for me. if you want to read more band names, check out my  last.fm or the list of gigs i went to.
    recently i've been into writing about jmusic and gathering concert info on my blog (german only, sorry, but there are videos, so...). i also have a tumblr, but that's mostly filled with fashion and random things.
    so yeah, nice to meet you! i look forward to posting on here!
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