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  1. Like
    Tetora reacted to hiroki in The General WTB Thread   
    Hello all. I've decided to start a "general WTB thread" which serves to pull together the random WTB threads that tend to get lost in the mess of this section after a while. As the title suggests, people who want to buy specific CD/DVD releases (perhaps even merchandise?) can make a post below with a list of items you're looking for. If you successfully find a seller, make sure to edit your original post.
    Hopefully this also makes things easier for people who have a massive collection/inventory of items to sell but don't have time to make a full list (I'm looking at Biopanda )
    If this works out as planned, maybe a mod can sticky it?
  2. Like
    Tetora reacted to togz in Sadie - Gangsta   
    while everyone is entitled to their opinion, and while the album may not be a grand ol stroll in the park, I think people are being a little immature and taking the bashing way out of hand. I'm not a Sadie fan, and I haven't listened to it yet, but I do respect that they have a following and that some people find it good music. By all means, give it a negative review, but anything beyond tasteful and professional word play just makes you look like an elitist douche who thinks your musical taste is superior to anyone who may like this album. 

    This may be a bad example, but telling someone hey you're a little over weight, try some healthier options is a lot more respectable than saying, JESUS YOU FAT FUCK JUST KILL YOURSELF YOU WASTE OF SPACE. which is what I'm comparing all this bashing to. 

    On top of that, a group effort to bash on a release does not make this forum look appealing for new potential members that may have great things and activity to contribute. 

    So I guess all I have to say is, let's not waste so much energy hating on something you clearly dislike. You dislike it, great share that opinion and move on to something more enjoyable.
    EDIT: this is not directed to any one person in particular, and those of you just speaking your mind, by all means keep up the good work. But if giving this album a bad review is the highlight of your week... I'm really sorry that you have nothing better to do. :'[
  3. Like
    Tetora reacted to blackdoll in Sadie - Gangsta   
    This is what I'm talking about, this is what i like to hear from sadie. it's like The black diamonds with classic sadie riffs thrown it. the teruku rapping was a lil awkward but i don't mind. The electronic sounds were ok, didn't fuck anything up. better than MDM and other recent albums by other bands I've herd. bet it will better than meji's from how that single went. I'm now on good terms with sadie again. and YAY fuck dir en grey inspiration!
    ok guys, when someone says jump, jump!
  4. Like
    Tetora reacted to colorful人生 in Your last music-related buy!   
    RoNo☆Cro - コイバナ ( Type-A since I have Type-B )
    RoNo☆Cro - PROMISE
    ネオン - Sweet Hearts
    the Raid - 欠落LOVER
    UNiTE - Re:niver (holy shit was this expensive)
    I'm excited and disgusted at the same time that I spent probably 14000 yen in one go (12k w/ shipping).
  5. Like
    Tetora reacted to SwampMan in Girugamesh - Gravitation   
    Does it really matter into what genre it fits best? Will it change your opinion if you can categorize it? It comes down to your taste, if you like it good, if you don't then move on. These arguments are pointless, modern music can't really be put into well-defined genres like before anymore, especially when it comes to rock/metal and all the endless sub-genres, obviouslly there are clear boundries between major genres and exceptions, but almost all music tends to borrow elements that are considered to be distinctive of a particular genre. Not to mention music evolves over time so the sound of what was once called metalcore can't be the same today, music isn't that stagnant, otherwise we wouldn't have so much diversity in music. Everything is IMO.
  6. Like
    Tetora reacted to loreleiophelia in Hello Errybody!   
    Hi there, I'm Lorelei!! I just joined this site for the first time and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. I'm 24 years old and I've been listening to VK and J-Rock since I was a tiny baby 12 year old hahaha.. My friend told me about this site so I decided to give it a try~~ <3
    My favorite sub genre of visual kei is angura kei (but I like just about anything) and some of my favorite bands are

    Kagrra (RIP Isshi ; ; ),
    Memento Mori,
    Panic Channel,
    Charlotte (RIP  Kazuno ; ; ),
    Alice Nine.
    Black Gene for the Next Scene
    Golden Bomber
    Litchi Hikari Club

    The list is kinda never ending~
  7. Like
    Tetora reacted to Nisimaldar in Show Yourself (again)   
    Hello ladies!... and guys, I guess... hello to you too
  8. Like
    Tetora reacted to beni in Show Yourself (again)   
    Since I took some photos today to show a friend a couple of dresses I purchased, I thought I could put up those since my hair is done in them unlike my original picture. Took forever positioning the mirror (had to be on bed hah) even though I couldn't get a full body image! >.< And the 'selfie' looks a bit weird, I think I was in the middle of blinking. xD A bit too much lipstick too lol, doing your own makeup is difficult.. I hope the dress design/details shows, sorry if it doesn't! Being someone who does a photography course, I am SHOCKING with the lighting and camera use. Apologies.

  9. Like
    Tetora reacted to Manic in Show Yourself (again)   
    Finally autumn is here, i should wear coats

  10. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Asakusa in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
  11. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Nisimaldar in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
  12. Like
    Tetora reacted to kurenaishineek in MH Exclusive Podcasts   
    Well ive pointed this out on the chat and some said its an interesting idea , so i thought before i forget this ill post this here and maybe other ppl will also jump on this idea . I know there is a topic about a radio , but radios need a lot legal issues to be taken care , especially cause a radio is easier to track by the anti piracy organizations , and making a radio server is like calling out to them "come and get me" , closed community podcats on the other hands dont differ from uploading albums .
    So yeah here is the idea , altough my spoken english is bad and sounds more like engrish i will go around trying to record something this week just for fun and post it here , mayhaps (is there even a world like this) others will catch on to this idea as well .
    So yeah heres the topic guys lets discuss this out and see where we can get with this .
  13. Like
    Tetora reacted to Augie1995 in Girugamesh - Gravitation   
    I'm loving this really pointless arguments over genres on a review thread.
    Gravitation is definitely a step forward for Girugamesh and their sound. Gravitation (song) was still reminding you of MONSTER a bit but all of the other songs just brought some raw intensity that hasn't been present in a Giru song in years! They're doing what Crossfaith should be building up on, whereas Crossfaith is starting to feel like they're crawling towards 2011 Girugamesh. Definitely digging this and i'm excited for some new releases.
    That buildup to Vortex's breakdown>>>>>>>
    Also, stop calling djent a genre. It's insurmountably ridiculous to use the purr a distorted palm mute on the bridge creates as the name for a genre.
  14. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Peace Heavy mk II in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
  15. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Girugamesh - Gravitation   
    girugamesh - gravitation
    The first mini-album from what can be seen as the `new` girugamesh that comes off as `solid` no matter which way I look at it, from the quality of the tracks, to the production, congruent sound, and tonality.
    After what quickly became my favorite Girugamesh release, the album MONSTER, they took a slightly different approach with their LIVE BEST, and have now returned to put out a mini-album that would be redundant as an album, but feels perfect in it`s five track form.
    What girugamesh seems to have done is perfect a sound. The tracks all play out with complete conviction, absolutely dialed transitions and compositions, and what must be the best production quality and mastering of their career to date. The perfect, seamless approach to their sound is what struck me the most in my initial listens, and defines this release to me. To get a taste for the sound, listen to the gravitation track, this would be the most new-user-friendly track. If you can stand to go a little harder than that, then you should hear out the rest of the album.  Unlike Monster which played with different elements in a looser way, this release sticks very closely to a familiar center, although it does employ new elements influenced contemporary sounds as well, though none of these define the songs; the main dish is always the giru-sound, it`s never someone else`s sound with giru sprinkled on top, which fans of their current key elements should be able to appreciate.
    Overall, you are getting a masterclass in the core of modern girugamesh, executed beautifully, with five tracks of straightforward head-bangers that plays out seamlessly, and is very friendly to the repeat-button.
    Track Count: 5
    Listens: 15-20
    Production Quality:  Absolutely blown away from the sound of this one, a heavier album, but without as much as a rough edge as MONSTER`s production. The sound-stage and depth of the lows as well as their placement is quite something.
    Overall Rating:
    Worth the Purchase?
    At a price lower than what some bands charge for singles, and almost half of the cost of many of the other mini-albums in my collection, I would say if you like the title track, then yes, it definitely is more than worth the price.
  16. Like
    Tetora reacted to Kles in ALSDEAD new album "IDEA-イデア-" release   
    New look has been updated on their OHP.

    https://soundcloud.com/alsdead/d9nbehind-the-pride samples for D9N and Behind the Pride are up
  17. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Spectralion in Girugamesh - Gravitation   
    girugamesh - gravitation
    The first mini-album from what can be seen as the `new` girugamesh that comes off as `solid` no matter which way I look at it, from the quality of the tracks, to the production, congruent sound, and tonality.
    After what quickly became my favorite Girugamesh release, the album MONSTER, they took a slightly different approach with their LIVE BEST, and have now returned to put out a mini-album that would be redundant as an album, but feels perfect in it`s five track form.
    What girugamesh seems to have done is perfect a sound. The tracks all play out with complete conviction, absolutely dialed transitions and compositions, and what must be the best production quality and mastering of their career to date. The perfect, seamless approach to their sound is what struck me the most in my initial listens, and defines this release to me. To get a taste for the sound, listen to the gravitation track, this would be the most new-user-friendly track. If you can stand to go a little harder than that, then you should hear out the rest of the album.  Unlike Monster which played with different elements in a looser way, this release sticks very closely to a familiar center, although it does employ new elements influenced contemporary sounds as well, though none of these define the songs; the main dish is always the giru-sound, it`s never someone else`s sound with giru sprinkled on top, which fans of their current key elements should be able to appreciate.
    Overall, you are getting a masterclass in the core of modern girugamesh, executed beautifully, with five tracks of straightforward head-bangers that plays out seamlessly, and is very friendly to the repeat-button.
    Track Count: 5
    Listens: 15-20
    Production Quality:  Absolutely blown away from the sound of this one, a heavier album, but without as much as a rough edge as MONSTER`s production. The sound-stage and depth of the lows as well as their placement is quite something.
    Overall Rating:
    Worth the Purchase?
    At a price lower than what some bands charge for singles, and almost half of the cost of many of the other mini-albums in my collection, I would say if you like the title track, then yes, it definitely is more than worth the price.
  18. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Greyen in Girugamesh - Gravitation   
    girugamesh - gravitation
    The first mini-album from what can be seen as the `new` girugamesh that comes off as `solid` no matter which way I look at it, from the quality of the tracks, to the production, congruent sound, and tonality.
    After what quickly became my favorite Girugamesh release, the album MONSTER, they took a slightly different approach with their LIVE BEST, and have now returned to put out a mini-album that would be redundant as an album, but feels perfect in it`s five track form.
    What girugamesh seems to have done is perfect a sound. The tracks all play out with complete conviction, absolutely dialed transitions and compositions, and what must be the best production quality and mastering of their career to date. The perfect, seamless approach to their sound is what struck me the most in my initial listens, and defines this release to me. To get a taste for the sound, listen to the gravitation track, this would be the most new-user-friendly track. If you can stand to go a little harder than that, then you should hear out the rest of the album.  Unlike Monster which played with different elements in a looser way, this release sticks very closely to a familiar center, although it does employ new elements influenced contemporary sounds as well, though none of these define the songs; the main dish is always the giru-sound, it`s never someone else`s sound with giru sprinkled on top, which fans of their current key elements should be able to appreciate.
    Overall, you are getting a masterclass in the core of modern girugamesh, executed beautifully, with five tracks of straightforward head-bangers that plays out seamlessly, and is very friendly to the repeat-button.
    Track Count: 5
    Listens: 15-20
    Production Quality:  Absolutely blown away from the sound of this one, a heavier album, but without as much as a rough edge as MONSTER`s production. The sound-stage and depth of the lows as well as their placement is quite something.
    Overall Rating:
    Worth the Purchase?
    At a price lower than what some bands charge for singles, and almost half of the cost of many of the other mini-albums in my collection, I would say if you like the title track, then yes, it definitely is more than worth the price.
  19. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from paradoxal in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
  20. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Original Saku in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
  21. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from usuxorz in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
  22. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from kyoselflove in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
  23. Like
    Tetora reacted to Trombe in SuG new maxi single "CRY OUT" release   
    SuG new maxi single "CRY OUT" will be released at 2014/11/19 (3 TYPE)
    limited edition TYPE A & B (1,890yen each) will include CD+DVD, and regular edition (1,000yen) will include CD only
  24. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from sai in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
  25. Like
    Tetora got a reaction from Furik in No One Has Seen Kim Jong-Un In 3 Weeks   
    Another theory about his absence:
    He actually just got into League of Legends.
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