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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Cookout at the company, these buggers forced me into eating a whole pack of soy dogs.

    1. Gaz


      cockout at home, this mashed potato is just awful ;/

    2. Senedjem


      Cockout at the company, security escorted me out of the building

  2. Always searching for new music, but always going back and listening to the same stuff anyway.

    1. tetsu_sama69


      I know this feeling very well.

    2. ricchubunny
  3. No FF or KH at E3... The countdown until TGS in Chiba begins...

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I thought FF14 was going to be there

    2. Tetora


      Oh yeah I meant Versus. FF14 is cool.

  4. John Cena is Champ again. Life is good...

    1. Gaz


      my 13 y.o. brother has a t-shirt with him :D (i had no idea who's that guy before googled it just now)

    2. Tetora


      Your little brother has good taste.

  5. 3 in the morning and I locked myself out of my house, lmao. Ah well, I have headphones and 82% battery life so it could be worse!

    1. Tetora


      Aaaand it took me like 2 minutes of actual trying to break in without setting off the alarm system. Thank you Alarm Force.

    2. togz


      I was gonna ask what happens when the battery runs out... but you got in I assume. with out setting the alarm off? you're br00t4l man \m/

  6. Just called someone out on Tumblr. Used Caps Lock to let them know IT'S ON.

    1. nekkichi
    2. Tetora


      No link, it's just a joke for Hiza.

  7. Listening to songs you once loved but eventually fell out of your rotation. Memories trigger in your heart, your soul is pulled towards the past you feel fond of. But it's time to make memories that your current playlist will attach to, that you will revisit five years from now and feel the same way for.

  8. Williams passed tonight. And on WWE there was a birthday party for Hulk Hogan. They showed a video package with highlights from his life. It was beautiful and even the Hulkster was choking back tears watching it... Robin and Hulk had lives with bad points... But they had so many highlights that will live on well past the bad. Let`s try and do the same, BROTHER!

    1. digi


      yeah, BROTHER. :^)

    2. hitsuji-hime


      Damn, and I missed that....oh well, it would've made me cry anyway ;w;

  9. If you weigh 99lbs. and you eat a pound of nachos you are now 1% nacho. Think about it.

    1. kai_desu


      if you eat a pound of nachos you've got bigger things to think about than that. You won't be 1% nacho for very long once your bowels evacuate.

    2. paradoxal


      i weigh 99 pounds but a nacho ain't one

  10. You can check-out anytime you want... But you can never leave.

    1. Tetora


      They stabbed him with their Steely knives, but they couldn`t kill the beast...

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      someone seems to have been to california...

  11. FUAARK, accidentally had my most recent order on regular mail, and it may be too late to change it to FedEx... How many months until I see my cd`s, if ever?

    1. hiroki


      Regular mail as in? If it's airmail or SAL it wouldn't take that long. But if it's surface mail then be prepared to wait months..

    2. Tetora


      Surface mail brah. Game over man, game over.

  12. WHOA WHOA WHOA, Stop the presses! Epic new look, all white, new hair, and they top it all off with some Sombrero-Kei!? http://i.imgur.com/NpCe4ot.jpg

    1. paradoxal


      sombrero kei, wow that's some epic shit

    2. Mihenno
  13. Society is a strong wind that can alter your course and cause you to lose sight of your true path, your true self. Don't let the wind change you, grow and stand tall.

  14. Today is long and boring, but there are many awesome things to look forward to. New ALSDEAD, new VAMPS, new DOG etc...

    1. Mihenno
    2. PsychoΔelica


      I saw Vamps on NHK the other day and I wasn't impressed idk.

  15. I want to try the Teddyloid album, not sure if I want to buy it digitally, or get the cd.

    1. stylelover


      its really nice. enjoyed it.

    2. Tetora


      Thanks for the info. I am enamored with 'Forever Love' the PV as well as the song are so sick.

  16. Wooooooooooowwwww... Last.fm wasn't scrobbling anything for the past four days. Feels like pages missing in the story of my life now.

    1. ricchubunny
    2. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      buying 堕??????続??愛??感触 on cdjapan will bring back treasured memories, so precious, so loved

  17. Just got Terra Battle (by Mistwalker) on my phone, anybody playing it?

    1. Tetora


      I'll take that as a no.

    2. kyoselflove


      Nope. I have a blackberry. What are games?

  18. Trying 「Man With A Mission??starting with Purefly album.

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Try their (eponym) album : MAN WITH A MISSION, my favorite release.

    2. Tetora


      Alright, I like this one so I will try that next, thanks.

  19. The Interview online now, could the movie industry be changed forever?

    1. Tetora


      With a brand new distribution and marketing system never before seen for a major film.

  20. Been listening to lots of Utada Hikaru. Still can't get over the fact that she is off the market.

  21. Well that game was terrible...

  22. Just saw 「Jupiter Ascending??, wow, I feel bad for Channing Tatum for being in that movie. Never paying for a Wachowski movie again. (Just thought you should know).

    1. nekkichi


      is it out yet? I remember cringing @ the trailer like a year or two ago, but I had hopes for Lana's talent (if any of it is still left at all)

    2. Tetora


      Don't know them much besides their movies so no idea about the individual input from each and which would be better but I don't think they have talent or know how to make a story. Every movie they made without a stolen script has been less and less enjoyable to me. Literally the only second I enjoyed of the movie is when Dark Souls 2 was on screen, but they even messed that up. People probably know I am not often negative, so this movie was real displeasing to me.

  23. Stocks at 15 year high, Sony recovering, JPost buying Toll and going public, Samurai Blue being revitalized, and DOG dominating. Things are looking good, now all we need is a little more baby-making, and Square-Enix to make a comeback. #日本

    1. Biopanda


      Whatever they do, it better not lower the USD/YEN exchange rate because I'm loving the hell out of it ;x

    2. nekkichi


      didn't sony like make millions of billions of yen from insurance which covered the shitty electronic division revenue and everything else?

  24. Time to kick back, relax, watch some WWE, then enjoy SuG's BLACK.

  25. Just heard that more preorders were made than cd's released for BORN's latest. Another release more popular than expected and / or PSC Indie failed hard planning the release.

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