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Status Updates posted by Tetora

  1. Very surprised by the new band DiVOID! I recommend checking them out.

    1. paradoxal


      i really like them too!

  2. ViViD's new bandscore is coming out, they have a very good guitarist, only issue I have is I only learn some of their songs as they have some stuff in C-tuning and you need special strings just to go that low. My fav. to play is Winding Road and Explode (in higher pitch).

    1. Tetora


      (explosion not explode)

  3. VK senses are going off; so excited for new SUG and also think new BugLug album will be great.

  4. Wanted to shock my system and mix it up, so I bought two Jazztronik albums and the latest Daishi Dance.

    1. CAT5


      Ahhh, both great picks!

    2. Tetora


      Thanks, really into the sound and feel. It provides a different mood than I am used to.

    3. CAT5


      I feel ya. It's very uplifting music in general

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  5. Watching their PV's and was just reminded K was wearing an Alice Nine shirt in 「Weight of my pride??. K was the man!

    1. doombox


      Are you sure it was an Alice Nine shirt? I thought it was K's brand 9 Microphones. Either way, K was the man. ♡

    2. entreri


      It was Nine Microphones shirt.

    3. Tetora


      Lol always thought it said 'Alice Nine Symphony'.

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  6. Well that game was terrible...

  7. Well, the new ALSDEAD sounds EPIC: http://youtu.be/TAI9q3DDo6I

    1. Tetora


      They cut off right when a possibly epic solo could be starting.... Grrrr....

    2. kyoselflove


      They always do that. Got to make you buy it to hear that epicness.

    3. hiroki


      had this preordered since a month ago. looking forward to it ^^

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  8. What did one chicken say to the other when he couldn't beat him in a fight?

  9. What happened to Gaz on his way to work today: http://youtu.be/FHCm_ja1H6w

    1. Tetora


      What was that? Pardon me the acoustics in that dumpster you're laying in are terrible.

    2. Gaz
    3. Shir0
    4. Show next comments  39 more
  10. What the heck kind of cat does Mio have? It looks so much like a Lynx (my spirit animal hehe).

  11. What's better, Twitch or Ustream? (Might stream tonight).

    1. Tetora


      I'm playing at 12:00 EST if you want to watch.

    2. ricchubunny


      Are you going to talk? Wanna hear your voice lol

    3. Tetora


      Oi, yes, talking. Would have video of me too but I need to buy the PS Camera.

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  12. Whatever happened to the last boss in a game actually being difficult?

    1. Gaz


      but the last boss is always the easiest one

    2. kyoselflove


      It's always the optional bosses that are the hardest.

    3. Yuki460


      The real bosses in a game where always be your parents who can't understand your video games xD

  13. When is too early for a PV to go on Youtube? I already listened to the new DIV and UNiTE a million times and they are not even close to out yet...

    1. ricchubunny


      Same with Rev! Cant wait for Ice too, wonder when it gonna be uploaded...Maybe just after the Shibuya Koukaido concert...

  14. Who else beside me and Kyo is sneaking around in MGSV all night? I need some more bases to loot.

    1. kyoselflove
    2. Tetora


      Looks like I'll just have to take everything in your base instead then... Say goodbye to all those items and team members you collected... They will be mine shortly. Also, I'm going to need your horse so I can dual-wield my stallions.

    3. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      when it gets cracked which could apparently take a while...

  15. Who here listens to Crossfaith? Any recommendations for favorite or most catchy songs? They seem to go in-between the electronic feel and a more straightforward sound.

    1. Tetora


      Okay I'll check all the PV's from those albums and see which one I would like to buy first. If you have any PV's in particular that I should see let me know. Also Kyo don't worry, I will force you to listen to them.

    2. doombox


      Zion is a mini album so that might also help sway your decision. I think they did a video for 3 of the songs. Monolith is probably the most visually interesting.

    3. Jigsaw9


      Check out the whole of the ZION EP, their strongest and catchiest release imo.

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  16. Who said Summer was over? #TanktopWeather #SunsOutGunsOut Now Playing: DIV Point of View

  17. WHOA WHOA WHOA, Stop the presses! Epic new look, all white, new hair, and they top it all off with some Sombrero-Kei!? http://i.imgur.com/NpCe4ot.jpg

    1. paradoxal


      sombrero kei, wow that's some epic shit

    2. Mihenno
  18. Whoa, I am behind the times... FinalFantasy Dissidia for Arcade as well as Star Ocean 5, as well as a new FFXIV update, AS WELL AS Rampage Land Rankers with Nomura designing. Things are heating up!

    1. Tetora


      It's going to be BALLING!

    2. Tetora


      Also almost forgot to mention, my boy Ramza is in the new Dissidia!

    3. Spectralion


      I'm crying because I can't play it all :"

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  19. Whoa, just noticed that the rankings for Top 5 Users Online has changed... Trombe still has a big lead, but there are 4 hungry users below him...

  20. Why do so many Visual Kei bands kick @ss? Just wondering....

    1. nekkichi


      I'm super happy that I'm finally back into liking new visual kei releases tbh, the entire 2009-2013 stretch was so dry tbh. '14 and '15 so far been slaying a lot. especially in comparison to cute local hostile north american acts with weak pussy and music game as well lol.

    2. CAT5


      That new Chanty album is legit!

    3. Elazmus


      the new chanty album is SO LEGIT

  21. Will be at WWE RAW tonight live! Seated right in front of main camera.

    1. hitsuji-hime


      Wha??? I gotta try to see ya xD

    2. Tetora


      I was in the Green Cena shirt behind the guy with the big `2`sign, lol. It was sick.

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      I will dowload the tv show, and maybe watching this tonight ^^ trys to see you =)

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  22. Williams passed tonight. And on WWE there was a birthday party for Hulk Hogan. They showed a video package with highlights from his life. It was beautiful and even the Hulkster was choking back tears watching it... Robin and Hulk had lives with bad points... But they had so many highlights that will live on well past the bad. Let`s try and do the same, BROTHER!

    1. digi


      yeah, BROTHER. :^)

    2. hitsuji-hime


      Damn, and I missed that....oh well, it would've made me cry anyway ;w;

  23. Wiping away the tears caused by the hiatus of ALSDEAD, and booting up METAL GEAR V. Shedding one more tear for Seth Rollins.

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Don't cry Tetora, listen to active bands like Blu-BiLLioN ^w^

    2. Tetora


      Lol I'm alright brah don't worry. Gonna be tired tomorrow though, up playing games all night.

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      Nyan nyappy that you're alright ^w^ Playing games all night is fun to do. I should finish my current game at Legend of Dragoon, but i'm currently addicted to listen music ^o^

  24. Wonder when a new LAMA release is coming. They are still playing shows but no new tunes in a while.

    1. yakihiko
    2. beni


      Hopefully something new some day soon. Would be nice to see.

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