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Everything posted by blackdoll

  1. blackdoll

    cheki (if you had to die to save someone else) cutting your throat or slit your wrist?
  2. blackdoll

    it's nice rock riffs love this shit (fuck the original) great direction for Lycaon to go in.
  3. nahh [thumb=500] [/thumb]
  4. blackdoll

    musicals deathcore or metalcore?
  5. blackdoll

    No. Do you think phil http://youtu.be/nVUNhY649q4?t=11s did a better job than alex http://youtu.be/URi-FQzPMRo?t=51s ?
  6. blackdoll

    6 not my thing.
  7. blackdoll

  8. blackdoll

    i wonder if i can rekindle a relationship with them with these. grieva is kicking their ass!
  9. blackdoll

    I was just thinking, so all you people that think vk unclean sucks, do you want them to sound like this? don't you think it would be way too overpowering? if vk made stuff with a punch, then i could see why people would complain. edit/addon: as for outside vk, it still sucks except for the death bands like infernal revulsion and Death I Am. i guess japan is mostly "kawaii" !
  10. blackdoll

    Yeah i can taste the coffer in it, also i make my own which is coffee based. I wouldn't cheat because they would know that i am going to be with someone else before hand. Have you ever been almost ran over because you were to busy headbanging with headphones in your ears?
  11. blackdoll

  12. blackdoll

    No, i need a frappuccino every once in a while. Have you ever felt like dying seriously?
  13. blackdoll

    hope it will be better than MDM and mao will back off of kyo's shitty vocals (though voice of pain re-take was kinda his brand of jeans)!
  14. blackdoll

    3 lmao we need a cheatcode
  15. blackdoll

  16. blackdoll

    mehh the episode was boring. good time for it ending! know i can focus on penny dreadful. Plus true is coming back only to die and take a part of my heart with it. then some mind foreplay with teen wolf. and for a change PLL is looking kinda interesting. back to game of thrones i want to see whats going to happen with the power gap, and with people that went away.
  17. blackdoll

  18. blackdoll

    8 ?
  19. blackdoll

    4 mod/staff are only the ones in blue or red? to win i suggest a all-nighter
  20. blackdoll

    new album coming
  21. blackdoll

    this is so hilarious because grieva keep using the same material over and over, while reload switched it up (not complaining because i have trust issues). but ai and old school doesn't turn me on at all!
  22. blackdoll

    comment for tour http://www.musicjapanplus.jp/news/1/27661/comment-for-europe-tour-from-born-and-lycaon-just-arrived/ Yuuki-sama be humble lmao
  23. blackdoll

    NO! i guess this is what i get for being happy none of mine died. idk what to think though i want ai to come back but this band was even.
  24. No i mean, they stared off as reload, not old school at all. then there is songs like Kodoku Ningyou Shoukougun, then riffage like at 1:57 in 甘イ右脳、赭イ左脳。
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