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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. who the fuck is simon? and eww sansa x shittyfinger is hella creepy no thanks

    well he isnt called simon on this show. and because it's so wrong it would interesting. I was also shipping Theon and his master (hint hint) but that's never going to happen even though that would be interesting.

  2. new single this year is awesome. all the discography is a surprise when I listened to them for the first time.

    Where did you hear the new single?



    New song/video starts at 5:54 if you want to skip. puts VK metal to shame!


    puts djent/metalcore to shame too because to vocal arnt boring


    preview for a new release maybe


  3. ughh why did they kill him? they better not kill the other guy because the dumbass didnt make sure the fucker couldn't move. The fight sucked though, and that wasn't brutal or sick. the best kill was the massacre when they thought they were welcomed and they got the pregnant girl. I'm glad for simon though, im down for him killing his father.  best part of the ep was sansa (her and little finger would be interesting).

  4. Funky (in the good way), so its nice.



    can't really hear much of the riff through all the mud, but it seems to be lycaon's take on gazestep, which is pretty ok i guess :)

    sorry i didn't know it was hard to hear, can you hear this?



     My kind of riffage!

  5. Yesss thats what wil gets for being filthy fake ass friend. I was so happy that he killed him twice by killing abby. got all those bitches. Though i was too distracted by Hannibal wining that i didn't fully enjoy the last part. The part i didn't get was why was he at that ladies house to kill her if she was on his team the whole time?



    Its a shame that it is like the only ep with blood/killing

  6. are you saying i should stop now because this is spam.  you shouldn't ignore people when you don't agree. but is this case i agree is spam .what. aren't you having fun if you are bored.seeing us in a ridiculous conversation.

    anyway. i like kiyoharu the way he is.

    (i thought he looked like screw too a little.xD .you said that about Duff didn't you. byou is pretty but not in my favorite bands though.especially lately.)


    also i am not cutting the  "you are" i am going to say whatever i want. i do know you by your answers everytime . yuki  fangirling/fanboying


    no you only know somethings i like/love and dislike because what you said i was was wrong in that last one (since idk if you said it before).

  7. i am trying like 5 minutes i can't see the images. i do not know if is my pc fault maybe.

    yuki is  blatantly influenced by kiyoharu .

    satoshi is a blatant slash copy.

    and if you ever happen to ask yuki or satoshi i bet they would  defend kiyoharu or slash and say how much they admire them and how important they are to them and music. and admit they copy them. or had influence say it however you want to.

    old school wasn't a copy. was the style of a whole era.

    everytime i see you are drooling over yuki. and you are so delusional and blind . feels like talking to a vegetable. i give up on you.

    feels like trying to convince someone that the sun isn't blue.

    . keep drooling over yuki.


    edit: seriously though i can't see the images. is it my internet's fault?


    i never denied the inspiration, but i think of it a "taking from and making it great" as i said before on the sm topic same for satoshi, lets see kiyoharu rock pink hair, heels, and reveling clothes and and sing a Lycaon song, or slash dress up like satoshi they would both fail. lol just look my avi. I thick you want screws vocalist.


    and you dont know me so cut it with the "you are" think what you like though :)


    would they do fan service like this either?


    lmao Old school on vine


    ps. i dont drool, my jaw has dropped sometimes though.

  8. what is this argument way above makes no sence at all lol.

    you know when you google glam you also see guns and roses. that have some influence/similarities with glam/ miscategorized.

    who is copying slash?

    but ofcourse @blackdoll has a crush only on yuki .and being ignorant in everything else is going on xDD.

    but i like how guns and roses looked young so much. they do remind me vkei for some reason even if they weren't glam.

    i think maybe there are glam bands that were pretty guys. not everyone looked ugly .i remember one random jrocker who was obsessed with glam rock and keep posting a guy that was very pretty but i can't fricking remember who that was to post the band.

    Satoshi-lycaon-34563428-200-300.jpg       Satoshi-lycaon-36854229-200-300.jpg   Satoshi-lycaon-32683770-210-315.jpg  Satoshi-lycaon-29084133-250-376.jpg   Lycaon-image-lycaon-36085991-200-300.jpg

    As if i didn't now of that tribute but really it is nothing because they dont even look alike, like wow some glasses and hat (i guess anyone with them both is coping him too, to you). But he looks like a pretty Japaneses man with his lipstick, red hair (which is different looking), contacts (sunglasses don't cover his eyes), lip-ring. and makeup.  that tribute is like 2% of his overall look. copying my ass more like a side show "thanks for inspiring me."


    Looks like a vk pose though




    ps. i don't think of Yuuki-sama that way. 

  9. "take away the black, silver, and green marks woohoo visual kei. and they are ebracing them looking sexless japanses guys."


    this way anything can turn into visual kei (or anything else) after 2 or 3 steps


    regardless, the KISS look is rumored to have been inspired by an early 70's band named "Secos & Molhados" which by its turn once stated that they were inspired by japanese Kabuki Theatre

    ok thats one band unless they were leaders and everybody followed kiss. Kabuki Theatre reminds me of the drummer of golden bomber.








    that last one


    I've never seen any western bands that look like that you should show me some. I am not too familiar with the glam scene back then but KISS do not look kote kei lol they're not embracing their Japanese characteristics? please. Japan took glam and made it as their own. completely transformed it into visual kei music. The only bands that were truly influenced by glam metal and things we're x japan, loudness and those other 80s bands. After that i don't see the comparison to glam as much. I mean you can see it a little bit but its not too similar in my opinion.


    And even if those 80s bands like x japan were "imitating" the west they still had their own distinctive sound and style.




    I still don't see the similarities... they both have puffy hair and dark makeup that's it. Still different looks.


    newer visual kei bands aren't any more less "shitty" than those older bands they just have cleaner produced music. You give newer bands the same amount of equipment aliene probably had to work with and you'd get a much different result. 


    take away the black, silver, and green marks woohoo visual kei. and they are now embracing them looking sexless japanses guys.

  11. Well, it is a singer from a VK band and guess what, Vkei was influenced by GLAM.

    Good VK = hot? So it's really not about the music, ok.

    Also blackdoll, we have all already understood that you find old school to be shitty and pointless. You are writing the same argument again and again in any fucking thread that vaguely mentions oldschool bands (or is about old bands being covered by new ones, etc). It's okay now, you can calm down and fangirl/fanboy about Lycaon. No old skewl fanatic will stop you.



    Well i assumed that people knew i was talking about looks because that what i was what i was reply too (vk having 2 fronts). the comment being "This is what visual kei is supposed to be." And exactly "WAS" meaning they finally realized how dumb they looked trying to imitate the west and instead embrace their Japanese characteristics highlighting what they already got. Music wise did you not see my earlier comment about old school that sounds like RES is good(later baiser, maybe SHAZNA) or did you miss that on your rage. oh yeah and Aliene Maφriage 21st Century had some nice tunes. but yeah mostly "shitty." but not pointless because newer vk can take stuff from back then and make it better or good. I will keep fangirl/fanboy about Lycaon lmao as if a old skewl fanatic would stop me.


    but don't get me wrong newer vk has its crap too, just like everything else (listed in that one thread).  And I'm always on the look out for crap in the bands i like/love now because nothing is promised. 


    and i could ask you so its not really about the band, its about copying old school and preserving what little you have with old times?

  12. That pic looks like glam more than vk. lmao thank goodness they do look like that anymore (wanna be kiss). At lest now when they wear different clothing they look good which is the shock because you didn't know guys could look like the or rock make up. good vk now looks hot.


    and wasn't it always a job in vk to bring in girls

  13. VK died when people stopped dressing like nazis. No nazis, no VK.



    so vk is not dead.


    Oh yeah so later baiser sounds like rentrer en soi, so any old school like rentrer en soi is good.

  14. Neither did I but it's not uncommon for visual kei bands to tour Europe. When ALSDEAD had 2 or 3 singles out they toured Europe. In comparison, Lycaon took their sweet time.

    Slow and steady wins the race, lol look at alsdead now.


    Someone call the European modeling agencies and alert them that a hotass model is coming (Yuuki).


    oh and videos and pictures of Lycaon there would be greatly appreciated!

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