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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. This could change.

    1. Lycaon (it took a while but they made it)
    2. xepher
    3. dali
    4. aikaryu
    5. ayabie (2004-2006 + cubic'「l r」ock)
    6. LM.C
    7. dio
    8. reload
    9. raddock
    10. old giru

    Bands i wanted to put

    Memento mori


    Bands who could make it

    wing works
    the raid.
    Birth of sixx-6-

    Far East Dizain


  2. their new look has been shown in their member blogs


    check hiyuu's, he got them all.


    well this is like the first non-erotic look. they are really taking the shadow thing seriously. yuuki just looks pretty. satoshi looks kinda creepy with the smile. and wait for it ichiro cut his hair in a bob and is rocking it (so proud of him).

  3. Lol, thanks guys I think it is just a well taken photo by the photographer...

    You guys need to post some more pics, let's see what you got going on.

    That pose and facial expression was all you right? take pride in your work dude. top dollar shit right there. but yeah the the photographer was good!

  4. I'm sorry, but are you on drugs? 'cause nothing you said makes even half a sense otherwise.

    if the bands where meant to be they would be regardless of the "fathers." modern visual kei looks more like k-pop and anime with movie influence (themes) than old school so it could derived from that if old school never existed. and i threw some names in for for what they might have called it.


    get it now or you still need help?

  5.  They were pretty much the creators, the fathers of VK. If it wasn't for them, VK wouldn't even be a thing nowadays.

     well statoshi is inspired by slash, Yuuki-sama's mother said he always loved to sing (don't know about the rest). also the point of make up and stuff is to attract girls. so all that really had to happen was for some Japanese rock/metal players to see the more extreme k-pop groups and take from them and mix it up a bit then boom host kei, sexy kei, or kawaii kei (which is like modern visual kei). for karma he could take that and mix it with a horror movie he saw.


    idk about grieva though :(


    Edit: dahhh i totally forgot anime, so much hotness there. cosplay kei?


    @gaz i made the right choice with you

  6. 1. Everything those old schoolers say is true. VK is in a period of stagnance run by money and looking cute to grab the tweens who want drag queens to drool over.


    2. VK music was COMPLETELY different back then than what it is now. The music had diverse sounds rather than the same old shit being rehashed over and over. Visual Kei has become a conglomerate of pumping out over produced over done tacky bitches.


    3. How are they being hypocritical? Their bands could never be easily compared to the sound of another. Now almost all VK bands are just overdone copypasta. And it's the TRUTH. You just don't want to accept it because you aren't mature enough yet to see it. But don't worry, you'll get there soon. We've all been in your position of haughty egoistic opinions. 


    4. Calling them pricks and saying they should be spat on shows you are wildly immature and need to sit back and take a deep breath and actually THINK before you type. Especially when you are insulting the forefathers of your supposed loved genre of music. With out any of those "pricks" there wouldn't be VK. 


    5. Anything Pierrot, Dir en Grey, Luna Sea, Kenzi did were all VASTLY different than the generic manufactured VK that is running rampant in the market today. Maybe I'll make an infographic that will show you the lines of descent between these bands and the new acts that are stinking up the place with their shoddy guitar riffs, clang-bang drumming, and cartoon styled vox.


    666. Get some salve for that bruised ego of yours if you get upset over the opinions of others. You can't change them. And if ANYONE has a say on what VK has become it's definitely the people who laid down the ground work for what is here today.


    1) lil girls were faning over those ugly alieans back then, even paid just to sit in the same room as them.


    2) diverse sound my ass click on a bunch of old school songs on yt and it gets repetitive and you can notice the similarities also refer too 'http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/22710-inspiration-where-does-vk-find-it/ (i believe they were mentioned)


    3) exactly almost, did they say that? nooo! with deg and angelo look at them now, dir en grey wanna be core changing the tuning, and angelo just sounds like some rock band. also refer to above and http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/25825-bands-that-remind-you-of-visual-kei/ too


    4) i said that calmly, i simply don't like hypocrites and with them it leaves a bad taste hence the spit. forfathers are dead. think of it how the evil student kills his master. like you said they don't sound alike so really who gives a fuck.


    5) keep telling yourself that


    Im good why would i get brusies over something i said was pathetic. i could understand if they were the first to do rock/metal and were totally original but they were not.


    VK sound and looks may have changed but its still the same. there are the good ones, some that stand out and the ones that don't. They should have kept that in mind.


    another funnything is adams wants too jump on this band wagon and act like they are so original. 

  7. old school hypocritical pricks

    In 2008, Kirito vocalist of Pierrot and Angelo said "Now it’s more like people are dressing up a certain way because they want to be visual kei or look visual kei. They are doing it to look like others instead of doing it to look different. This is obviously very different from when we started out more than ten years ago."

    Sugizo of Luna Sea expressed concern in 2010 that "They cannot make good sounds and music is more like a hobby for them. I cannot feel their soul in the music"

     Dir en grey bassist Toshiya said in 2010 "To be honest, when we first started and we were wearing a lot of makeup on stage and stuff, there were a lot of bands doing that at the time in Japan, and people thought it was cool. But not anymore, ha ha." and added "The music was so unique, too — bands like X Japan. At that time, there weren’t any two bands that sounded alike; these days everyone sounds exactly the same."

    Kenzi of Kamaitachi, The Dead Pop Stars and Anti Feminism commented in 2009 that "Back in the day, there were bands, but people would try to do things differently. Nowadays, there’s one band, and everyone copies off of them."



    I thought it was really pathetic that they felt had to open their mouth and dis new school like that(i can see fans doing that). I bet their all mad with jealous/envy that they didn't have modern stuff. and its funny how they act like that they are so original. i wouldn't be surprised if they ever got spat on. 


    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_kei if they never said that i guess my bad.


    Btw, judging by this preview and their latest CD, Lin sounds pretty much like Megaromania 2.0 now. It would've been better if KISAKI just joined Megaromania instead of reforming Lin with the main members of Megaromania, because Megaromania > Lin.

    rotfl yes


    Oh wow, I actually like this a lot. It pains me to say because I love Riku SO much, but Sui sounds so much better with this band. They took the best parts of former Lin and Megaromania and they made this and I love it. Can't wait for the full versions!!


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