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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. Oooooooooooooh. I see what I did. I just mashed your entire statement together. OTL Sorry!

    Right so now that I fully understand what you meant. Yes, I never hear downtempo/Sludge stuff coming out of Japan much, but I have a feeling it's around, it's just not on youtube. 

    As for stuff like Overlooker... There is Cyanide Christ or Dyingrace (though production is not near as good and I don't think either band is still together atm), but it's slim pickings for things that downtuned deathcore and still kinda sludg-y that I'm able to come up with. It seems like a lot of your bands here are Russian. Must be a good scene there for this kind of stuff? 

    Personally, I came up around a lot of death metal but it's not really high on my list of favorite genres, I much prefer hardcore, post hardcore, metalcore stuff.

    can give some Sludge bands i wanna see if its the same as downtempo. ummm those bands are working for me, nice though. and yeahh im kind of a slut when it comes to russian and this kind of music because usally i like what i find. My fav j-metal band right now is Infernal Revulsion, they seem to be the only brutal band left. but if Lycaon goes back which it looks like they might they will be my number one.

  2. Ahhh, I guess the "groovy" bit confused me because where I'm from, we call stuff like Black Tongue and Shivers "Sludge Metal" not "Deathcore". I wouldn't really call Restrains deathcore, either... more Progressive Hardcore than anything (I don't hear any death influence at all, tbh??? Or maybe it's just that particular song.) I'm from Tampa so I may be kind of picky, growing up with Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel as staples here might have shaped my idea of what death metal is.


    But in any case, yeah I think you're right. I definitely haven't heard many bands that make sludge down tempo their primary sound coming out of Japan. Though I'm hearing it in quite a few breakdowns so there's gotta be something good on the way soon. lol.

    i not good at genres but i dont think downtempo has to do with deathmetal. i think its just that heavy slow feeling to the song which i got from Restrains. yeah the bands or some of the bands where deathcore but 'groovy' brutal deathcore was separate thats why i put a comma and. by that i really just meant a type new deathcore Overlooker Victim Of Depravity  its groovy for me.


    lucky you i grew up on shitty music, found vkei and j-rock, loved it but after hearing heavyer stuff i craved brutal and japan wasn't cutting it. Today i love brutal: deathcore, Beatdown, and deathmetal. i find some wearker bands good here and there. I think i have a thing for slams though murufufu

  3. Wouldn't uptempo just be death metal? I thought the downtempo/breakdowns is the difference between death metal and deathcore? But if I were to guess I assume you mean like Break Your Fist? Or Arise in Stability, Each of the Days, bilo'u, NOTIIBELIKESOMEONE?

    pardon my words but ahhhh nooo! to weak not heavy enough and not slow enough either. heres some  BLACK TONGUE  Restrains Shivers


    Arise in Stability, is my band though

  4. I'm not a fan of that song on Stella with the long ass title. It's too mellow and bland for my taste, basically just a very uninteresting song. The other one is Fiction, but the main reason I don't like that song that much is I keep hearing Aki singing "Taina" in the chorus which is a Finnish female name :D It just sounds so random haha, otherwise I'd probably like it too.

    :huh:  i was wrong i thought it would be the pop-ish ones.



    Ah ok I think I understand what you're getting at.


    I guess one reason is that A LOT of RES songs are just written in a way to be "dramatized" by the vocalist (Shinwa, Protoplasm, and a lot more). I'm not saying that's something easy to do because it definitely isn't - I can imagine people making a fool of themselves trying to sing like Satsuki. But at this point Arlequin is still relatively new so given their limited output which, like what you said, doesn't require Aki to vary his vocal technique extraordinarily I'm prepared to let it slide (at least for now...). It'll be nice if they can improve on this performative aspect. And to answer you, I'm ok with Yuuki and to a smaller extent Karma. Sadly Jin is unlistenable for me XD I also agree with what you say about Xepher - Ran is capable of so many vocal textures and gradations it's insane...


    I'll stop here before I go off-topic (*_*)

    yeah i agree with everything you said. anyway cool chat!

  5.  He has a good range. I'm not quite sure what you mean by not "singing from the heart" - because to me he sure sounds sincere enough XD

    I'm glad you brought range up. yeah he does i guess. but he kinda always sounds the same which is fine, but later on this might turn me off.


    "singing from the heart" i mean emotional (i have a thing for emotional vocalist). a good example would be angel satsuki (satsuki in rentrer en soi) since i dont think yuuki (Lycaon), karma (avelcain), or jin (nega) are your cup of tea. but i think if they make a ballad like Xepher did with Mahoroba i will be able to tell for sure.


    I love most of their stuff (two songs excluded) and I hope they won't disband ever ;_;

    what 2 songs? i could find a bad one

  6. I'm not sure which single I like the most.. I'd say every single

    I'm looking forward to their new release Haakana. The PV SPOT looks really promising to me



    They're the like 1 random brvtal beep-boop-core band


    it would be cool if they make 1 or two brutal songs at some point all harsh. but idk if the vocalist could pull it off.

  7. 1980048_743040995718374_5323780521555251


    Whats up guys, here we have a new band. After the last two single and the new single preview I'm thinking i really like them. For current vk, i'm thinking that they might be my number 3. I love the way they do metalcore, for me they do it best in vk (outside of vk I'm not sure). I like how the vocalist harsh vocals are not pathetic and are adding to the music. Clean sing wise it is good, but i not sure if he is really in it (singing from the heart), please tell what think about this. umm instrumental wise they have great break down, and other parts they are good. Also like the rap/cute bits. still waiting for them to make me cum.


    Looks: I like the first one, individuals for for eclipse and the last 2 were great (the vocalist character especially) . eclipse pv was horrible though.

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