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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. Well, I got 2 likes with my comment vs 1 by blackdoll and zero by Sakura Seven, so it looks like there are indeed people that agree with me :D

    Yeah, that's the point. That's what most VK "fans" do actually, and that's exactly why I think most VK bands are ruined.


    And I bet I know the band way better than you, blackdoll. I've been a fan of theirs since their very 1st release, and they happen to be one of my favorite bands, at least with the original line-up, which is why I know they can do better than this. And of course I'd have a good time at their lives too, even if it wasn't during the heavy songs, because I still like this band even though they let me down often. Just don't compare me to those ridiculous bangya who go crazy in lives because they want to fuck the band members. I'm no weeabo, I'm not into jap dick, and I couldn't care less for anything japanese except for music, which is why I don't care if they look good or not, if their PVs are fun or not, etc, if their songs suck, so yeah, this is my opinion and I know many people here agree with me. Just see how many prefer songs like akujo no hohoemi instead of this boring Baka ne, so fuck off and stop bitch whining everytime someone criticizes your "yuuki-sama".

    "baka ne" yeah some = nobody, give your self a big clap for those likes, sounds like you really needed em.


    not all girls at the lives just want to fuck them.


    Sure you do, like your just one of the eve&mio "i want hard stuff" whores. those two just couldn't handle doing something else and the outfit change. Mio is hanging with Born, and AvelCain & miku are no where near as good as Lycaon. do better? have they never stopped. So Lycaon is the Lycaon now and back then, so you wouldn't be let down, you would be looking forward to what will they do next. whats the point of being into vk if you don't enjoy the visuals too if they are good. anyway you are dismissing some of their best work so really what ever came out of your typing is just invalid.


    p.s. i only comment when it is needed, notice i didn't reply to shaolan.

  2. This sounds a lot like PENICILLIN.


    I think the problem with Lycaon is that they don't realize nobody cares about their non- heavy  songs. I'm always let down whenever I get to hear something new by this band and it's not heavy, because that's what they do best and that's what they should keep doing. 

    bullshit! say that to me and all the people dancing/having fun at their lives! talk when you know the band.


    *hard "baka otoko"

  3. ha found it. kaya and yuuki both have a fragile talking voice but can sing in this deep handsome manly voice that will make you drop your panties. also the song talking voice sounds alike. its always best to be connected to Lycaon. i wanna be at their 2man :sad:

  4.  Unfortunately I think the song that best showcases his voice is Misty from Xodiack. It's not BFN... but... IT'S REALLY GREAT OK.

    THIS! but that part in the middle of monsters in the world where he repeats in a deep singing voice was good. and the slow habata lalu part too.


    I kinda mad the new single had no harsh his high screams gooooo! (so nasty, so hot) and growls are decent  (like em) which is rare really in visual kei (the best in vk too). they really should go deathcore. ummmm over all i like the band more than others. BFN > xodiack


    lol ice is the person that's doing muscle-kei


    fav songs シニカル ワー悪~This is monster world~  Gokusaimu  kraken, and fear dance

  5. so like this band, hmmm I loved them since they came out alot, then after 2012 i skipped their shit cause i just got bad vibes ewww! came back into them with shuuei, now i just like them. they just fuck around to much. oh yeah raven has me wanting more falseto songs.


    I'm half interested in tsu, like he's good/hot but then sometimes he's not. uhh and why does he have to be a ruki fanboy.


    current favs raven, killing me 2014 ver, and gaichuu.

  6. not surprised by the turn out of my current favs, because i still prefer reload over grieva because the vocals where more natural, and where more my style. while kaya on the on the other hand ever since salome i always wanted to be on his team.  at parts i was reminded of a feeling Lycaon has and also RES vibes too so that's a plus. the band seems to hit a whole bunch of types of song with ease beating grieva. Lastly #4 is really just fun. Femme seems like it will hold me over till shadow is out.


    as for #5 BFN probably because savage doesn't put out that much.




    I feel bad for the new megaromania...

  7. I would have hopefully still found brutal metal


    visual kei has influence how i dress a little(started wearing sun glasses because of his grace), and take pics. whats hot and not. i feel better listening to Lycaon.


    i would have more time on my hands maybe.


    yeah kinda


    i feel more cool about myself. modern visual modeling/acting culture? my interest in looks would be different.

  8. fuck it, gossip is the best pv, i thought it was plug into the socket, but Yuuki in gossip is pure hotness, and the outfit and look is way better. sucker punched by the hair and lipstick. also looks more like a prince there with that hat vs the hat he threw on the ground.


    hotness beats badassness


    pink or blonde though?

  9. Really? ...... huh... I always blamed KISAKI. Hated him for it. I know now it's probably just a coincidence that he closed down UNDER CODE and almost all the bands on that label broke up immediately, but at the time, I seriously thought that he was all "If I won't use you to make me money, then NO ONE WILL MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!1 YOU WILL ALL カイサンする!! カイサンしよ!!"

    no its my thoughts, and realies made it.

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