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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. I don't see how any of the vocalists in those bands sound typical. Similar (Kamijo and Juka) sure but not typical. I don't even listen to Jupiter anymore, I can't stand ZIN no matter how hard I try to focus on the instrumentals instead.

    When you go into vk you can totally expect those vocals for power metal or whatever. and that girl's vocal you can find others like her.


    Sorry have to go with Lycaon.  Love their sound, may be generic to others but to me it's different and refreshing plus I pretty much know all their songs and I'm in love with them.  <3



    im kind of obsess with them... ..its just..something about them makes me i dunno




    I'm pretty sure I haven't heard even one song by CQ but of course I'm going with Lycaon. Because they're awshum and CQ never had a chance to win this poll because of our army of Lycaon fangurls.

    I wasn't aware of a Lycaon fangirl army on here. where they at? And its way to early to say Lycaon wins.

  2. With black hair you have to keep bleaching your roots, especially if you have layers the roots show really soon.. unless you go for that VK black roots look.. which I guess doesn't apply to Yuuki's perfect-pink do loll.


    Thanks for the info bro


    EDIT: after seeing yuuki new look close up as his twitter pro pic. yuuki is hot. its still a close one with ichiro

  3. Don't think so. That isn't part of their new look, all their hair is different.

    A few weeks ago a picture of Yuuki with blonde hair appeared on tumblr with a similar comment. Thankfully, it turns out this is how Yuuki dyed his hair to re-dye it into the pink we see in the new look.

    ohhh, but couldn't he just have dyed the pink pink again? maybe he was feeling nostalgic. ang with the 2 month single they switched up the looks that's why i ask. anyway i'm hoping he post some hot pics on twitter or in a mag and the scans get shared



  4. I love all em but Dead[en]D, 侵喰-shinsyoku-, amai unou akai sanou, 刑法第39条第1項「心神喪失者ノ行為ハ之ヲ罰セス」, doku, 悦楽的自虐妄想癖な僕の事情, Diary, 罪-tsumi-, another pain, kuro no jubaku, 罰-batsu-, keppekishou no boku, alkaloid, taihaiteki kyousou, kodokuningyou shoukougun, Kairi Seidou Itsusei Shougai, Kikei, Saigo no bansan, and  Genkai Haretsu  (hide Cover) (way better than the orig and other covers) are my go to's.


    problems with them: kyouki cant bring me to tears with his voice, i cant remember the lyrics like i do with lycaon or did with avelcain. I cant remember the other one 

  5. If yall could fill this out?


    Favorite singing piece:


    Favorite scream piece:


    Favorite guitar piece:


    Favorite bass piece:


    Favorite twist:


    Favorite pv:


    Favorite look:


    Top 10  songs off the top of your head:



    Favorite singing piece: Love song (live disc)


    Favorite scream piece: Enslavement beauty


    Favorite guitar piece: 薔薇~Rose~


    Favorite bass piece: PINK MILK WITH DRUGS IN MY MILK


    Favorite twist: making pop songs, I didn't know they would pull it off so good


    Favorite pv: Plug into the socket (Yuuki to awesome!)


    Favorite look: gossip


    Top 10  songs off the top of your head: Red rum, Alejandro, The end of [Delusion], Rose, 「Jesus」, number eight, kakusei, dogra magra, eros, chain of collar


  6.  hisui sans the bondage


    link to this? or what should i google?


    6 in Roman Numeral on Satoshi, 6 in Kanji on Ichiro, 6 by Fingers on Yuuki, 6 in Words on Hiyuu and 6 in Numbers on Zero.

    Unsure of the true reasoning behind this, but a comment went along with the original photo saying 'Lycaon counting down to 「stylish wave CIRCUIT’14 夏の陣」. It’s 6 days left until the opening of the live event.'


  7. so ive seen the pic with them all togther, and they all seem to have numbers on them. can someone tell me who has which number and the meaning?


    link:  http://vk.com/lycaon?z=photo-6102319_332314926%2Falbum-6102319_00%2Frev


    thank goodness hiyuu looks good in this one. satoshi awesome. still cant get over ichiro looking so badass with that hair cut. so much for yuuki-sama being in the spotlight (look wise).


    if anything you all got your mad hatter reference back

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