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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. ahh, yes, gossip, where yuuki spent the entire pv trying not to topple over in his heels and clinging onto the railing.


    It was more like he was playing the role of a fragile female, notice his stepping though out the video, not to mention he plays live in the. so yeah he own those shoes. I also i think is was to show girls how hot he is "in their territory." personally i think he should marry jorgina alexandra and have two kids one boy, one girl (cool if they were twins). Her looks are on par with his looks and they would look great together.


    -sorry for getting of topic.

  2. I thought nothing of it. Isn't there some unspoken trend in visual kei for vocalists to lip sync their lines terribly and overact with their eyes, facial expressions, and gaze? I can find countless visual kei PV's where other vocalists do the same thing and I could never figure out why.

    lol as if Lycaon is one for following tradition. but yuuki can do better than this though and the preview was so not as bad. In gossip his gazes definitely went is right and his expressions in plug into socket went vocals. It could be that yuuki wasn't feeling it and instead was focusing on baka ne (going by how  he acts in the pv).  akujo no hohoemi was just a miss.


    oh yeah chain of collar was good in that department, just felt yuuki could have looked (like in the pics) better and eve just looked horrible

  3.  Now they just need to get rid of those cheap wigs and we are ok.


    I like zero's  wig, it adds to his persona. What sucks here is that they fucking recorded the pv before the final mixing of the song was done causing yuuki-sama's lip singing to look weird and yuuki is usally good at lip singing ughh. I thought chain of collar was the worst pv but this trumps it doesn't matter that they looked good. Where's baka ne pv at?

  4. -oz- 


    the gazette

    dir en grey















    here name in blood


    next band might be rentrer en soi if baiser turns out to be better. (satsuki sounds like that guy and i dont like twin vocalist enless there in the same band)

  5. i feel ya, man ;_; that awful feeling when someone is so fugly you cant even use his photo as an avatar D;


    he doesnt look bad in 甘イ右脳、赭イ左脳。 and in some pictures. he just need to be more careful with his make up and hair, know what looks good. Still even if he did that i dont know if he can be really hot. right know my avatars are #1 Yuuki then karma. I'm scouting kuina (royz), ichiro (Lycaon), and ran (xepher). and By avatar i mean someone i could see myself as.

  6. awww i like the raid.'s vocals.


    Yuuki-ama (Lycaon) First it is his brutal squeal scream i just cant figure that out, than its how raw and unique his scream. 2nd song: how he singing but its like he is talking than switches to that lovely voice and then the like girl squeal. 3rd: song the "oww" too hot! i was like ok oki. **88** got me off guard with how sick he was in it.



    yuki (lustknot.) inhales pig sounds and shrieks on deck


    my new bitch Kyouki (grieva) took the old school screaming to the next level with the first video "genocide". 2nd i dont get how he does 0:40 part it's cool.



    dont know his name but was surprised that he could do proper deathcore inhales


  7. So with both singles out, i can say my position on Lycaon stays firm, and i don't feel frustrated or the need for a distraction(wonder how this will effect other bands). Baka ne was such a good pop song, totally down for more songs like that. Also loving the new ways they are using the electronics and Yuuki's new playing style. I kinda feel though Yuuki is running away from screaming, like Dogra Magra, Akujo no hohoemi, and especially Dorei to kubiwa could have had some screams. i guess it could be because the surgery? The screams are not needed but you know there are nice. to some up I loved everything they did this year and they are the best releases.


    looks: I'm starting to notice that hiyuu is not that hot (or is slacking), ichiro to me is second best behind Yuuki-sama, followed by zero (i like the darkness&cute contrast).


    connection: Akujo no Hohoemi i picked up a few guitar parts remind me of redrum and 1st degree. then with the rebing ambrozia.


    also notice yuuki is using his high voice with the la lalala la la, and whooooo parts. but that started i think with chains of collar with the kiss me part and in the part near the end of who's psycho disco. Yuuki's the best.


    -Lycaon beyond music -- supernatural!

  8. Score: :3.0: | PINK MILK WITH DRUGS MY DRINK.

      All I can think to myself is that I like whatever drugs this band started taking.


    Funny because Lycaon themselves are a drug, that's why they use it as a theme too. its like you get a sample and you go fucking nuts until you have it, which was the case for this release and the others.

  9. by representing visual appearance of fat clusters around mammary glands of adult biological women, I suppose?

    so are they  2 balls, or a strap on pack?

  10. There is one thing that i only see visual kei fans complaining about, that all the bands sound the same, if people start to think that visual kei is a music genre and like it the way it is, all this kind of comments would stop.

    I never saw a grindcore fan(for example) in a discussion saying that all the bands sound the same, they actually just like it!

    deathcore too. for me if its good brutal idc, and its not like its the exactly the same. With vk you just have to find what you like and not give a fuck. 



    oh yeah guys grieva is on the modern team.

  11. They look like they make quite a live show, so hopefully they'll tour overseas sometime too (or just release more live material, heh).


    hey little playback too and the other members can scream and growl too


    nevermind its standard

  12. 10151826_621240971303860_818510391648373


    At first i hated them for giving up on reload, and just used them for their reload-ish songs like dead end. Then i herd the shuuen samples and they seem pretty modern to me which made me go back to their other stuff i skipped and noticed there is modern vk in there. but idk what is old school? anyway I'm liking them because they are fun with the instrumental and have a great vocalist(love him). I like them for them not because they are doing old school. I like the way the fuse both schools, and even though they recycle riffs its not annoying. Also think they are better than those old people they copying, making that fact nothing. they are my non official #2


    looks i don't pay attention to with them, but kyouki should work on his lip singing. oh yeah he can look funny dancing/acting too. he should also pay attention to his hair more because it can make him look not so good.


    oh yeah i think they would do a better job than diru at current/later diru too (abyss)


    edit: Changed the pic because they are modern and look badass ;)

  13. I discovered Xepher this spring and am so excited about them! As you said, they are generic, but I think they do it soooo well. Their sound is good as well as their looks, my favorite song so far is loveless, although I think ran looks weird in some shots, trying to act a bit too much perhaps? :DDD anyway I'm looking forward to their new single and perhaps an album one day!

    yeah ran was bad at lip singing in that one, but he got so much better. My favorite is the pv and song is sir demon, its so energetic. though i think i'll love lost eyes better. oh yeah ran is one of the best singers!

  14. agree x100!

    You said it pretty much, avelcain has old vk style, lycaon *USED TO* have a metal sound, lycaon lost it though, and instead have songs filled with moans and electronic edits, and singing that I guess is supposed to sound sexy

    I think yuuki's old voice was good, now he's just trying too hard to sound sexy with all these electronic and jazz edits, drums sounding non-existent.

    Karma's voice is way better imo, unless yuuki can sing like how he did before. Maybe I like avelcain way better is because

    I don't like lycaon's (or am not mesmerized) by lycaon's sex appeal. I don't like sex appeal usually (but I do like Mejibray, even though they have sex appeal, but that's a whole different story)


    you lost me in the last part. cause their is still some old Lycaon in them, which i good because i dont like band or new bands that forget their roots. and they've showed that with Pink milk, mary, jesus, rose, uragi no b*something*, ect. yeah put from the interview i read it seems he did change his voice to be eroctic which fits the music but i just hear love. and the moans  are not everything he still sings most.



    I love yuuki voice still because its still has the same effect on me, just out off this world. i admit sometimes i wonder if its the same vocalist, lol. but and i can he the drums good. and even with all the sounds going on yuuki's still  the spotlight.


    karma is great but Yuuki (talking after style change but really both) has done a lot more his singing because the band has done alot going from one type of song o anther even on a single release. Plus yuuki's emotional depth is massive compared to karma's. and yuuki and the song always fit, karma messed up a few times. yuuki knows when to do this that and that. its like yuuki can do anything while karma no. Yuuki's singing from the soul sparking warmth, love, fun, and sometimes yes it's sexy(really bringing life into his singing). oh yeah karma screams are basic and not unique like yuuki's. I know I'm the only one that probably hears  how truly valuable Yuuki and Lycaon are.

  15. Unpopular opinion coming up.

    I actually really liked them at the beginning, been playing the 蛇と姑獲鳥 single on repeat. I liked their style, looks, the whole concept and thought that Karma's voice was really interesting.

    And then they did the thing, or I don't know, he did the thing where he started to sound like Yuuki from Lycaon. His singing style changed completely and I don't get why. I don't think it fits their style and I can't listen to it anymore. Nothing against Yuuki or Karma, but this kind of voice makes my ears bleed is really not my cup of tea, I can't even listen to it for a minute.

    Showing it to a few friends, they agreed. One of them even asked if that's new stuff from Lycaon.

    Well they're signed to the same label and Lycaon seem to sell well so maybe they were forced to do that. I personally think it doesn't suit them, their whole image. AvelCain should stay AvelCain, not become Lycaon with clothes on.



    Glad to see people still like them, because they have a lot of potential, but they lost me there.  


    I liked them too from the beginning with arrow of the light which he sounded like yuuki. Its not as deep as he was 蛇と姑獲鳥. still i think karma was always singing in the way yuuki' s does cause it still had that feel to it. also they are friends in life too, but idk iff that has anything to do with it. and i like his soft side too i think it wouldn't fit with that single but the others yeah it works.


    Well avelcain's sound now reflects lycaon's old style, which I loved, but with a more creative twist. I really don't like the new lycaon lol, so is that what you meant?

    Because the new lycaon doesn't sound anything like avelcain's style right now, new lycaon has sex appeal, sexy theme, while avelcain has ominous, dark themes 

    By the way so many people have listened to the new avelcain album...um can anyone share it in 320kbps or more preferably lossless format

    only? Own rip please, not someone else's?

    I feel like i'm the only one who hasn't listened to it :(


    I thought that too at first but if you really listen there is a clear difference. Lycaon was more uniqe while avelcain is more basic. plus avelcain has this old school thing going on. Lycaon had that solid sound in their metal(i dont know how to describe it) avelcain not so much. also since some avelcain's songs are not that hard you could compare them with Lycaon now since they have their harder moments.


    and karma is no where as good as yuuki harsh or clean. smh this has become a compare thred



    Well, they are inspired by mostly the late 90s, early 00s bands. Their first releases were pretty much Gauze era Dir en grey worship. But they do indeed sound a whole lot more modern than other groups you'd label nowadays as "Kote kei". Their output is a weird mix of songs, that have Kuroyume qualities, that are Dir en grey imitations or are more 2003-ca. 2008 VK material. (I hope it stays that way. I don't need Grieva to become another boring wannabe br00tal Metalcore band)


    1) they dont want to be brutal just cool (like the gazette said in their mtv8 interveiw). Its all about appealing to the fans, and most people cant handle brutal. If they did want to be brutal there would be no clean singing, step up their harsh vocal game x100. look at coderebirth like 90% metalcore on the instrumental but the harsh had nothing going on. nocturnal blood just is just a joke with "are you ready to party," "jump around" and how they act in pv's and with most of their songs. brutal just isnt a part of vk


    2) when has grieva even showed signs of becoming a metalcore influence vk band even counting reload?

  17. ID was AMAZING, I didn't like Psycho that much!

    If anyone wants to hear a preview of their album it's here, and I really like this song:

    the same user posted the whole album I think. All credits to that user.

    Warning to users: I will strangle whoever makes a youtube rip of these ~160kbps quality videos and pass it as a CD rip.


     OMG OMG OMG OMG thank you so much im so glad i check this topic out. ahhhhhhhhh


    its great but no where on Lycaon's (new or old) level. i think ill leave rank #2 open.

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