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Posts posted by blackdoll

  1. xepher.jpg

    Left to right: dr  截-setsu-, Ba: 陽菜-hina-,  Vo: 爛-ran-,  Gt: 朔羽-sakuha-, Gt: 艶-yoshi-

    At fist i brushed them off cause they were not hard enough with my skim, then i saw ran's last look and i want to hear the single that went with it and i liked it and then i herd ran's voice forreal and now i kinda love them. He like Kyouki (grieva), mao (sid) + a little bit Yuuki-sama all together.  Their flaw is that they kinda are generic but they do it really well. anyway their new song/pv has me hyped out like i would for My #1 

    Also like that not only is the music is good, but all the members are good looking and can dress, which rarely happens. Could they become my #2 hmmm?

  2. 7.8 Kyouki isn't sounding all too different here from his recent songs in Grieva, but I feel his growls and screams have become better now, therefore not a full 8 or 9. (and I like his singing better in Grieva too)


    ^ ummmm you forgot to leave a video, but his screams are cute now in grieva not harsh, so reload got that. Growls yeah dead end was better, singing is not better for me, i miss less manlier voice from relaod, now its less emotion. anyway ill go again since you missed the video part of the game.

  3. 1)Yuuki (Lycaon)

    There is no one that makes me feel alive and warm like he does, and I like that he always sounding different being able to adapt to any sound in the instrumental.

    2) Angle satsuki (Rentrer en soi only)

    he would be #1 but he lost his wings sadly.

    3) karma (avelcain)

    Like Yuuki he sings from the heart i can feel it

    4) Ren (dali)

    Very loving soft, i have my sparks with him

    5) aoi (ayabie 2004-,2005+cubic L rock, 168)

    Very sweet also sparks life.

    6) Maya (LM.C)

    so sweet and loving

    7) kyouki ( reload, grieva)

    best in reload but still so love

    8 ) haku (raddock, XI~サイ~)

    also love


    also really love jin (nega), mashiro (paradeis, vow), Ryuka (depain, savage) sui (megaromania) Mao(sid), ai (memento mori), yuki (Lustknot.) emiru (aicle),高橋 尽 (hero), piko, ran (xepher), and tsuzuku(mejibray olny) when he goes in. I like alternative vocalist that are not full of shit, that sing from with in, not just because they have a good voice and are emotional available without getting annoying or trying too hard.

  4. On 2/18/2014 at 8:30 PM, paradoxal said:

    You just don't get it, right?


    You do realize, that visual kei is a genre where most of the stuff is pretty much borrowed from others? All the musicians are normal people and it's perfectly normal to be influenced by their idols, which is exactly what Yuuki does and there's nothing wrong with it.


    You really can't be so naive that you think everything Lycaon does is "T3H M0ST OR1G1N4L TH1NG 3V3R." I'm sorry to break it to you, it isn't. You act like every member of Lycaon is shitting gold and diamonds. Lycaon is a fairly generic visual kei band, and they haven't done anything that original so far. But does that prevent you from enjoying their music? Of course not. Even though I'm perfectly aware that Lycaon isn't the most original band of the decade, it's still my favorite band.


    By referring yourself as a "Lycaon LOYAL TRUE fan" you must be implying that I'm a bad fan for not being a delusional fan girl gasping at the awesomeness of everything they ever have or ever will create. If that's the case I'm really happy that I'm not a "LOYAL TRUE fan."


    Didn't i say "taking from and making better" or did you not see that. I'm well aware that other bands have used the riffs they used. Probably every riff in rock and metal has been done before, the best example being yummy Brutal death/core. The trick is to use them make the song your own and Lycaon owns that (example: rose single or anyone of their covers).  But i guess to you everyone who has the same shirt wears it the same. But yuuki's EXACT voice is original no one else has it harsh or clean. Because they dont have his tone or pitch, or able to do the "whinny" single without the annoyance to the point where it is just yuuki who do this, as well as his other vocals.   they may use the same style but they wont sound the same(cant say that about most others like royz bands, kyo and his followers). also lycaons tuning can be unique too.


    and its not that, you seem like a person that prefers the old style but keeps it in, and yet you are on "the street team." Like if Yuuki-sama was to become king with the others  you would totally betray them. you claim that they are your favorite band. is it because you can talk the most shit about them? "oh this sucked, they totally ripped that off, this is so much better," blah blah thats just fake and or gets you off.


    FYI anyone touched by Lycaon is blessed. They go in through the ears and touch the soul making you feel good in this shitty world


    Replace the end with boku ga Lycaon-fan da


  5. On 2/17/2014 at 6:19 PM, paradoxal said:

    So are you saying that Yuuki isn't a fan of Kiyoharu? Seriously?


    I'm not a fan of SADS or Kuroyume or Kiyoharu himself, but I've heard a few songs and it's 100% sure that Kiyoharu has influenced Yuuki in every possible way a lot. Yuuki has had very similar looks and even sings in a way that resembles Kiyoharu a lot. I appreciate Yuuki a lot and I enjoy his way of singing, but you can not argue whether he is or has been influenced by Kiyoharu. It's the truth.


    their is a big difference in taking from and making better and worshiping. in otherwords  he may use Kiyoharu's style but he took it to its max potential. there is a crystal clear difference in between them. if there wasn't i wouldn't bother with Yuuki-sama or Lycaon because individuality is everything. if you cant understand let me put it like this, K = busted up prototype and lycaon = flawless model with mega upgradeds and clear differnces

    -Lycaon's LOYAL TRUE fan

  6. I think vksters these days should seriously discard those Western metalcore/deathcore-worshipping growls/screams and favor deathrock-ish screams/wails ( a la Dir en grey's Myaku, some of Kyoka's screaming in Aliene and Kuroyume's self-titled song for instance) instead.


    Because of that, most guys out there (for instance, almost every neo-vk band you posted above) end up disappointing people with horrifying results (might mention 12012's Wataru too, but DEG worship is a whole new ballgame...)


    I dont remeber any metal/deathcore vocals in modern vk, could you list a few with songs. and kyo sucks at growling its just sounds like deep air, sqealing isnt needed, screams like in Grief are ok (his best vocals period to me). 12012 guy sucks now, sudder was good.

  7. misfits.jpg


    God i loved this show, right now its my favorite of all time. Love how it wasn't your average superhero show and had lots of deaths by their hands, and weird superpowers. loved all the bad words, yummy mindgasms. the cast was great even when some ppl left. Im so sad to see it go, i didn't not like any episode.


    love how fucked up and weird it was.

    Like alex has to rape some ppl to save the day, and when curtis was getting off as a girl.

    heres the first ep



  8. Lycaon - Royal Sex Story

    concept 1st disc make the songs softer like new lycaon, 2nd disc make metal like old.


    1. red rum

    2. mental#help (r-15 cover)

    3. hi ame

    4. The end of [Delusion]

    5. Alejandro

    6. Chains of collar

    7. Enslavement Beauty

    8. Royal Order

    9. Lily

    10. Cordyceps sinensis

    11. The Death Game (in limited edition)

     dist 2

    01. FRAGILE


    03. Jesus

    04. I love sex. I love drugs. I love rock'n' roll

    05. Number Eight.

    06. MASK

    07. Uragiri no Biyaku

    08. kakusei

    09. Mayaku

    10. tsuki wa mujihi na yoru no joou

    11. i'm a sick man (in limited edition)

  9. just watch the new episode, and it was ok, feel like there's gonna be a lot of different things going on starting now. but didn't the guy lie about flamflam fruit being the strongest logia though, i mean ace did die, and the lighting would be the strongest. and where is white beards crew? i think they should join luffy since his crew and fleet is small, and his relation to ace.

  10. Spin off of Zess's topic, post a song and the person under you rates it 1-10 with a explanation if they would like. songs must include clean vocals since most people are not into harsh. if you don't do harsh please put "pass" instead of a number. You can post the same vocalist twice or more if you feel there is a difference in how he or she is singing.

     for example "clean: 7 harsh: 8.5 overall: 9 (.............................................)"


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