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    paradoxal reacted to NICKT in D'ESPAIRSRAY will perform at "-Angelo Presents-「THE INTERSECTION OF DOGMA」"   
    Yes, yes and more yes.
    I'd give my left testicle for them all to get together and come back, just hope that Hizumi's condition has gotten a lot better, don't want the guy to fuck himself over by coming back before healing fully.
  2. Like
    paradoxal reacted to saishuu in Vocalists and Singers....?   
    This is a confusing topic for me. I've always been under the impression that anyone can be a singer (professionally or not) and that a vocalist is a singer that's involved in a group. Like vocalist is a "position" a singer has within a band/group or whatever, just like guitarist, bassist and drummer for example. I may be extremely off in this too, though.
  3. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Trombe in Lycaon new maxi single & album release   
    limited edition (2,700yen) of their new maxi single "Shadow" will include CD (2 songs)+DVD, and regular edition (1,620yen) will include CD (3 songs) only
  4. Like
    paradoxal reacted to orangetarts in Show Yourself (again)   
    makeup tests lol
  5. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Trombe in D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been hospitalized   
    D.I.D. Vo.茜(akane) has been discharged from hospital and has been taking rest at home
  6. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Karaoke Contest ….2???   
    I sing worse than a dying horse, though I've kinda always wanted to join just for shits and giggles :'D
  7. Like
    paradoxal reacted to doombox in Show Yourself (again)   
    Filtered to hell and back, but I don't like many pictures of myself enough to share. So this is the most recent thing I got.

  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Friendzone   
    I always thought the friend zone sounded like a cool place for kids to hang out and eat pizza, play arcade games and horse around in a ball pit.
  9. Like
    paradoxal reacted to sai in Friendzone   
    The "friendzone" is a term mostly used on the internet by everyone's favourite "nice guys" because they're convinced girls either:
    1. Are machines where if you put nice behaviour and paying for their food in, sex will come out and then cry like babies when they find out it doesn't work like that. These are the most extreme cases and don't seem to appear often.
    2. Are always at fault when they get rejected because how could anyone reject an amazing guy like him? Probably the girl's fault.
    3. Can read minds when a guy has a crush on their best female friend without the guy taking any initiative like asking the girl out or any of the sort. In any case, not giving her any hint or indication he's interested, then blames the girl for not taking up his versions of "hints".
    These are the three cases in which the word is often used, but I believe it's something that doesn't exist. It's just an excuse for guys to push the blame of being rejected on someone else than themselves. I consider it not so much a problem of sexism (as tumblr likes to state), but more of some people just having huge inflated egos. They'll hopefully grow up some day and realize they can't blame everyone for their faults.
  10. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Justacyborg in Ay Yo   
    Welcome to MH! Nice to see dorasuteika inviting all of her friends here too. Please join us in the chat sometimes!
  11. Like
    paradoxal reacted to nick in I will miss her so much...   
    Fixed that for you.
  12. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from nullmoon in I will miss her so much...   
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    paradoxal reacted to ricchubunny in I will miss her so much...   
    It should be a compliment that she was asked out on a date, right?
  14. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in I will miss her so much...   
    Did you tell her you were a nice guy? That might help.
  15. Like
    paradoxal reacted to hitsuji-hime in I will miss her so much...   
    What the hell does this have to do with her being Chinese? She just doesn't wanna date you dude, get over it.
  16. Like
    paradoxal reacted to jon_jonz in アルルカン(arlequin) new maxi single "墓穴(hakaana)" release   
    Stella has one of the best chorus a VK bad produced this year.
    This song is ok, but doens't seem as great as Stella.
  17. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from sugibo in アルルカン(arlequin) new maxi single "墓穴(hakaana)" release   
    Ooh that PV spot is so good, I'm really glad that I already pre-ordered all the types
  18. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Elazmus in アルルカン(arlequin) new maxi single "墓穴(hakaana)" release   
    Pretty safe to say I want. I still liked Stella a lot but this seems to have more going on
  19. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Elazmus in アルルカン(arlequin) new maxi single "墓穴(hakaana)" release   
    Agreed 100%, zou is awesome.
  20. Like
    paradoxal reacted to blackdoll in アルルカン(arlequin) new maxi single "墓穴(hakaana)" release   
    i think this might be their heaviest song/single yet which is good. he needs to bring out the lows and highs though like in zou.
  21. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from hiroki in アルルカン(arlequin) new maxi single "墓穴(hakaana)" release   
    Ooh that PV spot is so good, I'm really glad that I already pre-ordered all the types
  22. Like
  23. Like
    paradoxal reacted to togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    Everyone, pls.
    This thread is getting out of control.
    All of you stop it right now you... You... Hooligans!
  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Elazmus in Show Yourself (again)   
    re pierced the second post on my left side, still got a fat lip kind of, but I'm glad to have stopped putting it off! Is posting images on here giving anyone else problems.. ?

  25. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Rize in Show Yourself (again)   
    Been a while~
    here's my most recent pic, a wink for you guys

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