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    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Presenting RarezHut: The first(?) international used VK store!   
    From right now until the end of Sunday-ish, we'll be having a super special just-for-you-MH-coolguys sale!
    Just enter the code
    at checkout and instantly get 15% off your whole order! Holy poots!
  2. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Biopanda in Godrarez megasale!   
    Hiya internet buddies! For a limited time, I'm cracking open the vaults and offering up some super rare items for sale. These will be added to RarezHut ~eventually~, but I'm really slow so who knows when that'll be. I recently got my grubby li'l pandapaws on a ton of super rare promotional materials. Most of these are CDs and DVDs that were either given to shops(in this case, they're all from Brand-X) to broadcast on their speakers or play on the in-store TVs, or advance promotional copies given by the bands/labels to people within the industry before the release. All of this pretty much means that these items are more or less one-of-a-kind treasures, as these sorts of things were never supposed to be given away or sold at all.
    If any of this titillates you, then head on over to the following spreadsheet
    There be dargons here
    I've compiled together a list of all of the promo items along with a few other really rare goodies. I've no idea what to price these at, so just make an offer(I kinda really need the cash, so I'm rather flexible on prices). If you're interested in any of these or would like additional info/pictures/sexy words, then just shoot me a PM or reply here. I'll be taking this post down after Sunday, so get in while you can!
  3. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from MaikoMizu in Hello   
    Yessssss, you won't regret it!
    Also +1 for Canzel, DELACROIX and Royz!
  4. Like
    paradoxal reacted to togz in Single People Thread   
    ah nah i didn't take it that way that you meant that. It was just in reference to what you quoted. But this applies to more than just relationships. Granted it's tough to try and be the support for someone who is less confident... but they have their mind made up that they aren't good enough already, so sometimes people say things like "Maybe if you smiled more, maybe if you cared more, maybe if you loved yourself more..." I don't think it's a matter of people who dislike themselves don't deserve to be loved because they are.... but from personal experience... I think when you're so focused on yourself not being perfect you become more obsessed with the fact that you can't love yourself and you forget to LET or SEE other people love you. It's a toxic black tar that fills your veins and really blinds you from anything outside your own mind. 
    It's hard though, to get out of that mode where you can't stand to look at yourself, you don't care if you sleep until the sun goes back down, you either hate food or love it way too much (and the outcome isn't very effective to your mood either), you feel exhausted just from talking to people so you make excuses to avoid seeing them, you get headaches literally from thinking too much and picking apart each flaw you have physically and mentally which creates a trail of thoughts reflecting on past life decisions and how you won't be able to change things. It's hard to get out of that mode where over active thinking is why you can't sleep at night and when you do sleep it's because you've been up for more than 48 hours. It's hard to find a reason to start caring about things that don't seem to matter anymore because they don't matter because they failed to get you to where you wanted to be and you're too tired to step outside and try something new today because life is a little more understandable and comfortable inside the walls you build up to block out the world.
    There's that pretty cliche saying, "You can't love anyone until you love yourself."
    This is true. It doesn't mean you have to be enthusiastic to the point that your ego is over 9000, no. It just means that you need to care about yourself enough to trust, compromise, understand, need, want, give, take... and most of all you need to be able to be selfish sometimes. How CAN you feel these things if you're too busy shutting the world out? 
    Of course everyone deserves to be loved, but not everyone lets themselves be loved.
    EDIT: This post got way deeper than I originally planned, and I apologize. I've personally found someone very patient with me (even during my breakdowns) and even though he doesn't know it.... has helped me accept myself in many ways. No we're not together so yes I'm still allowed to post in the singles thread D<
  5. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Japan falls into recession   
  6. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from usuxorz in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yes. With all that deco stuff, oshare kei style. Cat I think oshare would really suit you.
  7. Like
    paradoxal reacted to kasupaa in Royz - CORE   
    I really love CORE, and didn't think I would! I remember listening to Royz's first single ever like ages ago, thinkin it was okay, quite good, then forgot the band totally. Paradoxal started to feed me LILIA this year, and I have to say, I wasn't that impressed... Nor when I heard EGOIST was I that overwhelmed, but a few days ago I got CORE and decided that I would give it a try, and it was so worth it.
    The album is just very solid as a whole, with songs that make it stand out from a body of very generic VK -yaay/pop/rock/sparkle -bands, but first and foremost it is just so well made, so coherent as an album and the songs function so well as individual tracks and compositions that it makes me think that Royz is one of the leading bands in this category of VK music.
    REVELATION, 疾風迅雷 and answer are my favourites, with answer lying on top, I just loove that track it's insane.
    Definetly got me interested in Royz again!
  8. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Zeus in #12: ニア・イコール by アルルカン   
    Artist: アルルカン Album: ニア・イコール Score: It's called near equal because all the songs are just as good as one another.
    In life, the first impression is everything. This applies even to music, doubly so for visual kei bands. The first visual kei band in a long time able to combine metalcore with dubstep in a way that didn't make me want to smash my head against a wall, アルルカン's single 墓穴 left a good impression on me. With all their ducks in a row, the announcement of their first full album piqued my interest. I was curious to see what direction this nascent band's first full-length would go in, how many risks they would be willing to take, and how far they bend their approach to music before something gives.
    However, the second impression is just as important. アルルカン play it safe with near equal, opting to neither amaze nor disappoint. Previously released singles 墓穴 and Eclipse hover a cut above the rest, but there's not a gulf of difference between the old tracks and the new tracks. If anything, they all sound interchangeable. This is both a good and a bad thing.

    This is a good thing because it shows that the first few releases weren't a fluke. Their overall sound remains the same, borrowing elements from their peers while also excelling at what they play. 暁-aki- has nice growls with a penchant for catchy hooks and the guitarists have an ear for good riffs. Many of the songs give off the same vibe and toy with the same ideas in a different way. I understand that they are a new band still finding their way, but their bag of tricks is small. They've already recycled such ideas like the dubstep sample over a breakdown, or the overused aggressive verse/uplifting chorus dynamic. As always, the melodic parts kick ass, but it wouldn't hurt to let in a few more influences take over during those moments. The melodic bits are 90% of why this band sounds as good as it does.

    We can break up the songs on near equal into three categories. The first is the energetic metalcore numbers that form the backbone of their sound, such as opener 暁 and single 墓穴. There are some more electro rock oriented tunes such as Alive and あの窓に教わった事. Then there is アルルカン's softer side with ending track clepsydra and カレイドスコープ, where one can catch some power chords and piano on display. One look at the track list and it's clear that similar sounding tracks are close to one another. Thus, this album flows in phases instead of hopping between all the different approaches. Whether this is intentional or not I do not know, but it wouldn't be wrong of me to say they had three ideas going into this album and they made those three ideas work as best as they could.

    This also leaves me with little else to say about any song in particular, as all points of praise or criticisms noted apply to most of the songs equally.

    Does アルルカン miss the mark? While I would have been pleased if they had exceeded my expectations a second time, they delivered at the level I expected them to. It's an enjoyable, but forgettable album. That's not to say that near equal is bad. It's all rising action and no climax, and the abundance of familiar tracks don't help any. There are also moments in individual tracks where the transition between two phases of the music aren't as clean as they could be. There's an undeniable feeling of dissatisfaction at the end of the album, as if the blistering pace and raw energy teased at with prior singles doesn't translate well into a full album. Next time around - and there better be a second album - these rough edges should be polished up.

    This is a contender for one of the top visual kei albums of the year - although that's not saying much - and アルルカン has set the bar for visual kei at a comfortable height. If this band continues activities at their current rate and find some way to make their sound more memorable, I can see them gigging at Budokan in a few years.

    Three cheers to no tragedies and more music from visual kei's new poster boys.
  9. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from CAT5 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Yes. With all that deco stuff, oshare kei style. Cat I think oshare would really suit you.
  10. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Ito in Show Yourself (again)   
    I think someone needs to do a drawing of Cat all done up in super feminine VK attire. I would pay money for that.
  11. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Bear in Show Yourself (again)   
    I still think Cat is a girl, even after seeing several pictures of him. A bit too manly for my taste, but still a cutie.
  12. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Tokage in Show Yourself (again)   
    CAT is my favorite MH-girl...
  13. Like
    paradoxal reacted to CAT5 in Show Yourself (again)   
  14. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from eiheartx in The Last.fm image voting thread!   
    Please, vote for this picture!
  15. Like
    paradoxal reacted to eiheartx in Show Yourself (again)   
    I always thought you were a girl, what a surprise ! XDD
  16. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Ito in Time for a short hiatus   
    Thanks for understanding that we all needed a break from you, Panda.
  17. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Shaolan974 in new band "DADAROMA" has formed   
    Oboreru Sakana > Belka to Strelka > MONEY.
  18. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from kyoselflove in Fixer   
    Unfortunately, Dawn > End of stasis. Everything that's so amazing about Dawn is imo missing from End of stasis. The second song is my favorite, but there's just too much going on in the chorus. You have that beautiful melody, but then the instrumentals are blurred away by too much synths. I was so excited about this release, so I feel really sad to see it isn't as good as their first one :/

    Let's just hope their third single will be something similar to Dawn!
  19. Like
    paradoxal reacted to doombox in Fitear's GIF emporium!!!1!1!!   
    Is there gonna be a gif title fight? I think the forum needs a gif title fight. 

  20. Like
    paradoxal reacted to jon_jonz in Moi dix Mois Gt.K has passed away   
    WTF ? He looks like HIZAKI. Is Mana trying to plagiarize HIZAKI who once plagiarized Mana ? What is this ? Inception Kei ?
  21. Like
    paradoxal reacted to sai in Fitear's GIF emporium!!!1!1!!   
    I will return with my own, I shall have no disrespect.
  22. Like
    paradoxal reacted to fitear1590 in Fitear's GIF emporium!!!1!1!!   
    When you need just a few extra sassy reaction GIFs to add to your collection, I've got you covered.



    When you don't want someone else's opinion:

    Do want:

    Judgmental looks / side eye:

    Fangirling / internet thirst:

    Ready to ragequit the forum:

  23. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from evilcoconut in random thoughts thread   
    There's a special place in hell for people who upvote old artist pictures in last.fm.
  24. Like
    paradoxal reacted to Bear in random thoughts thread   
    I'm working at a school and today, on "my watch" of course, one of the kids thought it would be wise to pee in a drawer. I don't know this kid too well, though, so I told someone who know him and it got dealt with.
    I had to look over two rooms where some kida were playing with lego, and as I was about to check on the kids in the small room one of the kids came out and started talking to me:
    Him: Bear, he just peed in the drawer
    Me: no, he didn't
    Him: yes, he did
    Me: are you sure?
    Him: yes, it's in this drawer
    Me: what? You sure? This one *points*
    Him: yes
    Me: heh, ok. let me see. *opens the drawer* reaction:

  25. Like
    paradoxal got a reaction from Gregg_Prince in Kiwamu new label new band "@LOID" new maxi single "Bre@k out!" release   
    this is @ very interesting thre@d
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